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By DarthMurdock
I dont know what im doing wrong, ive have the right talents, and doing my rotation in order, and yet i am doing horrible dps.
I am currently using the rotation stated on icy-veins.
ive been out dpssed by other warlocks from my guild, pugs and in lfr (i know, but still) and i dont know what i am doing wrong.
this is the profile of a guildie, who does a ton more dps than me. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/stormrage/hulabaloo
If someone has some advice, it's greatly appreciated..
I hope i have provided the details required, otherwise please inform me what i need to add.
By DarthMurdock
I dont know what im doing wrong, ive have the right talents, and doing my rotation in order, and yet i am doing horrible dps.
I am currently using the rotation stated on icy-veins.
ive been out dpssed by other paladins pugs and in lfr (i know, but still) and i dont know what i am doing wrong.
If someone has some advice, it's greatly appreciated..
I hope i have provided the details required, otherwise please inform me what i need to add.
By Kumunyo
So here I am, consulting Icy Veins forums. I am a Frost Death Knight, with an iLevel of 885 that is REALLY struggling with my dps. I'm running a BoS build because it was recommended to my by other Frost Dks. I have done a ton of research about this issue to no avail and I really need some professional help.
Here's my armory and my charts for my last Heroic Nighthold with my guild
Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dalaran/Kumunyo/simple
Dps Charts: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/21405978/latest#
Note: I do see that my Haste is incredibly high, I'm currently working to get the 4-piece tier gear.
By Drayqu
I'm currently getting somewhere between 250k and sometimes 270k during boss encounters (according to Skada) in the Nighthold. Everyone keeps telling me that its my iLvl/gear, but I'm not sure. I have everything enchanted and gem'd. I have been trying to acquire gear with more haste, because I feel that it is my biggest issue. I'm only at 20%. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated. I am also currently going by the Icy Veins recommended rotation. Maybe not to the exact letter, but I feel like I have a lot of downtime. Which is why I am suspecting its all due to low haste. I have linked my profile and logs below. Thank you!
Character Profile: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/shadowsong/Drayqu/advanced
Warcraft logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Q37H2XDyKFGkxrZV#fight=2&view=analytical&type=damage-done&source=4
By Gidster
Hey so I have starting Mythic progression and I just feel like I should be doing more DPS at my item level but I don't know if it is my Rotation or Stat priority.
I'm looking at the logs and I feel like I should be doing more DPS in my current gear with is 874 with 22% Crit 29% Haste 46% Mastery