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[Turalyon][A]<Torment> (3/7M 6/10H) LF Holy/Disc Priest or Mistweaver Monk, DPS

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Torment is a raiding guild on US-Turalyon Alliance side. We're looking for more talented raiders to round out our already solid roster and make a strong push throughout Legion.

Our Raid Times:

Tuesday 8:00PM-11:00AM. Server Time (EST) Thursday 8:00PM-11:00AM. Server Time (EST) We may add an additional day during progression, depending on raider interest.

Invites go out 15 minutes before the raid starts.

Recruitment Needs:

Healer - Holy/Disc Priest, Mistweaver Monk. Bonus if solid DPS off Spec. Also in need of a couple solid DPS.

We are always recruiting talented raiders regardless of role that are willing to help push content as efficiently as possible. We emphasize talent because gear is simply not all there is to this game, and downing bosses is much easier when people understand the mechanics.

About Torment:

Torment is a newly formed guild with raiders that have been in top 200 guilds in the past or have been putting up big numbers on World of logs for a long time. Our leadership is extremely knowledgeable and well organized, and this shows in our raiding. We run our raids to maximize efficiency, and there will be very little time between pulls unless we need to change something up.

How to apply:

Please apply in our Discord server found here: https://discord.gg/XBpdsr9 You'll find all the information you need to apply in the application text channel as a pinned message.

Website: http://torment.enjin.com

Please feel free to contact an officer in game if you have any questions:

Immatrap: Bloodshield#1303 Deathsaint: BiggChris#11759

Edited by tarrtarr77

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