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Enh Trinket Decision

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Hey Guys,

I have a question about what trinket I should use right now. The trinketlist (from the ENH Thread here on Icy-veins) just gives a recomendation if the trinkets are 895. 


I am currently using the 865 Bloodthirsty Instinct (which is a good choice but on a low iLvL) and the 875 Nightblooming Frond (which is kinda okay I guess).


I have 2 more options and I am not sure what to use since of the different procc/use effects:

1. I have an 865 Spontaneous Appendages (which were nerfed a lot by nearly 50% and dropped down and is also on a low iLvL)

2. I got the Faulty Countermeasure on iLvL 900 (which are on a high iLvL but I think the use effect is kinda bad)


But here comes my problem. The Faulty Countermeasures are on such a high iLvL which would give me a ton of crit with this shitty use effect.

Anybody here who can help and provide me with some statistics. I know if all trinkets would be on the same iLvL i should use Bloodthirsty and the Appendages. But with difference in iLvL I am not sure anymore.


Thanks in advance and best regards,


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