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unable to enjoy your site any longer

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I browse your site from my home pc in Oregon.  every single time I log in, or move from one page to another, i get video ads displaying Escort brand radar detectors.  These video adds bog down my entire pc system to the point where i can do almost nothing with out first closing my web browser.  I do not currently use an add blocker. I was looking for a way to upgrade to a premium Icy-Veins account but I can't seem to find one. So unless you can stop the adds, or provide a premium account, then I am sorry to say, I will no longer be using your website.

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I'm really sorry to hear that! It's never nice to know that someone wants to stop visiting us here!

Can you take a screenshot of one of the ads please, if it is actually possible? If not, that's OK. What browser are you using? Also, what type of OS are you using? Basically, anything that you can tell us about the ads would honestly be great so that we can pass it on.

As for the premium account, it's something that we're actively looking into providing, we're just trying to iron out the details and get it setup.

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I had to take a screen shot using my phone, My PC is an Alienware x51r2, windows 10 home, intel core i7-4790 @ 3.6ghz, 16g ram, 64 bit operating system.  Usually i can run WoW and multiple other web browser windows with out any difficulties, but when your adds pop up, especially the escort radar detector adds, my pc bogs down and everything becomes "glitchy"


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Hello @bigjak92!

Sorry for my late reply. Did you try using the "Report Advertisement" button beneath the ads? This would send the ad agency all the data related to the incriminated ad. I'm still going to contact them directly so they take a look, but using the reporting button would make their job far easier :p Thank you!

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