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By Xanah
Guild: Dawn of the Dead | Faction: Horde | Server: Zul'jin (PvE) | Timezone: EST Current Progression: 8/9M BoD | 2/2H CoS | 8/8M Uldir CE We've been raiding max size raids continuously since WoW has been released and are the only guild to have done so here on Zul'jin. We have strong leadership, no drama, and plans to keep raiding for years to come. Unlike many guilds, we're not recruiting for the short term, and we don't over-recruit. Website:
Raid Times: Our schedule is 8-11 EST Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Needs: We are a small guild, and we expect high attendance. As such, we recruit people to raid, and desire people who can step in and contribute immediately. We don’t recruit people to sit around, so all spots are for raiders who can expect to be in most every raid. We are currently looking to add skilled and reliable:
Ranged DPS: High: Shadow Priest, Mage Medium: Warlock 1 Healer:
High: Resto Shaman, Mistweaver Monk
*ALL exceptional applicants will be considered regardless of the class. What we ask of you: Effort: Not all applicants come from highly progressed guilds, and that’s okay, but it does mean that you need to be prepared. We recruit the player, not the gear, but we do ask that you have some current experience. You need to have the best gear available to you with top end enchants and gems where available. You also need to be able to display an understanding of your class mechanics, role in a raid, and ability to learn new fights. Attitude: It’s a game. We play for fun. How you fit in with the guild is taken very seriously. We’re a bunch of mostly 18-30 guys and girls who have fun playing together. While we have a good time, we also know when it’s time to buckle down and work hard. Skill: The best way to determine skill is to see you in a raid. Because we don’t wish to have anyone transfer that we’re not serious about, be able to express your knowledge of your class and why you’re an exceptional player who would be an asset and is worth a shot. Gear will come with time. Skill will not. Impress us with your knowledge of your class and gameplay mechanics. Feel free to share any logs, theorycrafting, or other work you've done. Commitment: We make a commitment to you, and ask you to do the same to us. A raid takes a team of more than 20 individuals working together. We rely on you to show up to raids, research your class and new fights, respect your fellow players, and notify us when you are unavailable. You rely on us for gear, experience, and coordination. It's a large investment of our time to train and gear new players, and we ask the same investment on your part so that we can each benefit. We have a variety of informational resources available to prospective applicants on our web site: please refer to our "Applications" forum for detailed information. Also feel free to visit us on WoWProgresss for more information and kill videos! Should you wish to speak to someone in-game, please don't hesitate to reach out to an officer directly, whisper Alloren (Alloren#1606), Xanah (Xana#1662) or Jeare (Jeare#1759). We look forward to hearing from you soon!
By Yokyat
Hello all,
After plenty of weeks doing Mythic + and a bit of the nighthold, my return to wow and the mage class has been fantastic. I'm absolutely in love with frost mage and I'm hoping the upcoming nerfs for ToS won't completely destroy it. With my experience, I believe I understand the frost mage's ins-and-outs. With all this said, I was wondering about the tier set bonus for the nighthold gear and why people bother to get the 4 set bonus.
Before I go any further, I think the 10% increased chance for brain freeze is really strong. Its the 5% chance for fingers of frost that irks me. I don't think that is a strong bonus considering the fact that you are forced to wear the tier gear which promotes a lot of mastery, specifically the hood, robes, and cloak. I personally think that it would be smarter to get the 2 set bonus, and then get gear that promotes crit (before shatter), haste, and versatility.
I could easily be wrong and, considering I've seen a lot of high-end frost mages wear the mythic tier set, I probably am wrong. But I am very curious as to why as my thoughts seems more logical. Is the 5% bonus really that good?
Thank you for reading.
By clover
Imperium, on Bleeding Hollow, is a Horde guild whose members have been raiding together in some way, shape or form since Vanilla. We have now gone casual and are looking to field a full 30 heroic raid for Tomb of Sargeras.
Qualified candidates should have the following: a solid history of raiding (even in the past), know how to play their class to the best of their ability, know how to do mechanics, enjoy the game and have a good time.
Currently recruiting the following:
Healers DPS with tank os Ranged DPS
All exceptional recruits are encouraged to apply regardless of class/spec.
Current Legion Progression
7/7M EN 3/3H TOV 3/10M NH
Other activities on off nights including m+, pvp, achievements, and alt runs.
Raids: Tue/Wed 9pm-midnight EST
Faction: Horde
Realm: Bleeding Hollow-US
Battle tag: clover#11874
Discord: sephorae #7200
By Gwynie
Deeprun Tram Security of Silvermoon EU seek players who have a positive, friendly attitude and willingness to better themselves in order to progress through difficult content.
Our raid days are Wednesday, Sunday and Monday from 19-22 server time.
We are currently recruiting one healer and a few dps of the following classes:
Resto Druid
Shadow Priest
Feral Druid
Balance Druid
Death Knight
Demon Hunter
Retribution Paladin
Windwalker Monk
Elemental Shaman
All applications will be reviewed and considered, so you are welcome to apply, even if your class/spec isn’t listed.
If you are interested in raiding with us, visit our website for more info or whisper Icegrlslave or Gwynie in game for a chat.
Potential recruits should have the following qualities:
- Proficiency with their class, knowledge about the game and the desire and attitude to reach a level of performance required in raid encounters by researching, practicing, and gearing.
- Availability to attend 90% of our raids.
- Positive attitude, willingness to learn/teach/improve, and distaste for drama/whining/complaining.
- Acceptance of the guild rules and looting policy.
By Stein
Quick info:
Guild name: Disorganized Faction: Alliance Realm EU: Ravencrest Progression: EM 7/7M, Tov 2/3M, NH 8/10M Raid times: Wed & Sun, 20:00-23:00 (server time) Openings: Healers, range & melee DPS Website:
Disorganized is a mythic raiding guild on Ravencrest, alliance. The guild was founded by five real life friends going into Legion, with the clear goal of overcoming mythic content while relevant on a 2 raid/week basis. We have played since vanilla, most of us clearing all of the content while it was current and achieving titles such as 'Immortal', 'Hand of A'dal', 'Hellscream's Downfall' etc.
Given the nature of the guilds leadership being real life friends, it is safe to say that we have a very stable guild management. Beyond the officers we have added several players from our past raiding to the roster. So a great deal of the core have known each other and raided together for many years.
We have established a strong core in the guild by now, but are still building our roster:
Warrior Rogue Retribution Paladin Windwalker Monk Range
Balance Druid Shadow Priest Elemental Shaman Hunter Healer:
Considering all classes!
Our progression so far is:
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 M
Trial of Valor: 2/3M
Nighthold : 8/10 M
Raid time:
We raid Wednesday and Sunday at 20:00 - 23:00 server time, with possible extension of 20ish minutes if close to an important kill.
Make sure to visit our guild website, which also holds our application form at:
For more information feel free to contact one of our Co-GMs - Elessi (Hawkins#2424), Kanyeah (Riggs#2962).