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Talents + Rotation with Ayala's Stone Heart

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I just got the ring as my second legendary. My first one is the cape for just the solid 4% DPS increase while using bloodthirst. While using this ring, is massacre a better talent than frothing? I've simmed it with simulation craft and it drops my DPS a bit. If I don't do that, when's the right time to use the execute procs that come from the ring? Is it only when you hit 100 rage and are enraged, so frothing and enrage are both up? Or just anytime you're enraged you should hit it?


Edited by Razma

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Yesterday I've tested both builds in Nighthold HC. I also have Ayala's as legendary equipped.

I've used Massacre instead of Frothing Berserker as talent choice. The damage output was ~50k dps less than usual. I have to mention I use Draught of souls and Konvergence trinkets which probably have a negative effect on this build. (15% less dmg of DoS) I used this build only for the first 3 bosses. Triliax (550k dps)

The rest I ran again with standard FB Build which adds additional dmg to the Draught of souls trinket. So I would recommend you to use FB instead of massacre. (Could be depending on the trinkets you use). Etreus (630k dps) Elisande (580k dps)

I've also tested execute rotation stacking juggernaut. My former believe to not stack juggernaut was partly wrong. I got very good results on Aluriel and Etreus (only because we didn't switched to the add). But I also saw that for example on tichondrious it was impossible to maintain the buff and the dmg sucked. So basically I will proceed stacking the juggernaut on some bosses which allow to execute and not moving quite much. On the other hand I won't use it on the other bosses and just proceed the rotation pressing only 1 fully buffed execute.

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On 16.2.2017 at 10:44 AM, Milka said:

I've also tested execute rotation stacking juggernaut. My former believe to not stack juggernaut was partly wrong. I got very good results on Aluriel and Etreus (only because we didn't switched to the add). But I also saw that for example on tichondrious it was impossible to maintain the buff and the dmg sucked. So basically I will proceed stacking the juggernaut on some bosses which allow to execute and not moving quite much. On the other hand I won't use it on the other bosses and just proceed the rotation pressing only 1 fully buffed execute.

Thanks for sharing this! It's exactly what i've expected :-). Was discussed in another topic and that is a very good feedback on it.

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