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    • By Lawrenz
      Hey guys,
      my wife recently made my kul'tiran Monk into a custom playmobil figurine ?
      Check out the video she made, and if you like, leave a comment. She would be very happy
      What do you guys think?
      Any ideas what character would look good, made from playmobil?
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      I was wondering if there was a standard deck that was reasonably cheap, and can get to a decent rank with (rank 10ish or lower). I am getting destroyed by people with full quest decks, hoping to craft one soon myself, need a decent deck for now.
    • By TheBeninator
      Hey everyone! Now that all of the cards have been released for a reasonable amount of time, I would love to hear everyone's opinions and predictions on the expansion. Personally, this has to be my favorite expansion. It adds two new fun and diverse mechanics to the game (which I love experimenting with). The expansion adds support to many old decks that weren't strong enough (Ex. Secret mage, taunt warrior, ect.) and entirely new decks like elemental shaman. As for my predictions, I think jade decks will still be pretty good, but not nearly as good as before (because of the loss of Brann Bronzebeard and Azure Drake). The meta is going to be filled with diverse decks and not just RENO vs AGGRO vs JADE the entire season. 
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    • By Valkyr
      With Sylvanas and Ragnaros leaving standard, blizzard told us that we will not get full dust from disenchanting those cards since they want people to play wild. However, Anyone who has a Rag or Sylvanas in their inventory will get the full craft dust value upon login, for a maximum of the number of cards you can have in a deck (i.e 1 copy per legendary, 2 for rare). If you have a golden version of these cards as well as the regular version, you will get the dust for 1 golden.
      I got this idea from Kripp: If you don't have a golden sylvanas or Ragnaros, you should go ahead and craft one of each even if you have the regular versions. you will get dust for the golden legendary, giving you back the dust you spend now AND you get to keep the golden card. Now you can disenchant the golden card for 1600 dust and use it to craft any legendary you like.
      If you have the golden versions of these already, DONOT craft the regular version since blizz will only give dust for the number of copies you can keep in a deck (i.e one golden). Personally I have a golden rag, and a regular sylvanas. So if i invest the 3200 dust now, Ill get 4800 dust back. What do you guys think?
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