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[Chamber of Aspects][H] <Noxa> (7/7M 3/3HC 1/10M) Weds,Thurs,Mon 22:00-01:00

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Noxa currently 7/7 M 3/3 HC 1/10M.

We currently raid 3 days a week Mythic, and farm HC on Sunday (optional)

We raid Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday the raid times are 22:00-01:00 server time.

The goal


We are a ‘semi-hardcore’ mythic guild in the sense that we only raid 12 hours a week (mandatory), but we do expect our raiders to be pushing hard for 54 traits, run at least 1 mythic+ 15 per week and have 100% attendance (barring extreme circumstances).

We are aiming to get Cutting Edge on each raid and farming it sufficiently before the next raid release. We are looking to continue to push our server ranking as high as we can.

The guild is an extremely social guild outside of raiding, and we used voice coms to chat/form parties most of the time. We also aim to maintain this element of the guild.

Who we need


MORE DPS, we need both melee AND ranged, certain classes are preferred but the player is most important to us. We are also on the lookout for the other roles as you can never have too many good players.

We are also interested in taking on people on a social level that either want to get back into raiding, or like to run mythic + content.

Who are we


Due to the time we raid, most of our members are over 20 with a few above 30. We have Mums/Dads/Husbands/Wives and various working/uni hours so we have someone online most of the day and night, and we all understand IRL > WoW so things will come up that are unavoidable.

The mentality of the guild members is this guild is like any other hobby, such as a sports team, so because of that you’re expected to keep fit (AP/Gear) and turn up as you would to that, at the end of the day if you don’t you’re letting at least 19 other people down which isn’t tolerated. (great analogy I know)

What we expect of you


·        We use discord so expect you to at least sign on and listen, preferably talk, but you must have a working mic.

·        100% attendance, if you can’t make it try to let someone know as soon as possible via in game or discord. (preferably Raidleader, GM, or Officers).

·        Push for 54 traits.

·        Complete a minimum of 1 mythic+ 15 per week.

·        Use the addon RClootcouncil (doesn’t require any setup and is available from curse)

·        Be fully flasked/enchanted/fooded/gemmed for every raid.

·        Can take constructive criticism, we don’t like people to be rude, but we do expect you to be able to take advice and adapt based on it.

What you can expect from us


·        Cauldrons for raids. (3 free flasks)

·        1 stack of potions + 1 stack of food per raid (expect mat contribution)

·        Various other items in guild bank at 1/3 AH price.

·        Codex/tomes (for talent changing) between aoe/single target bosses or as required.

We use Loot Council to distribute loot.

Thanks for reading and if there is anything I have missed or any additional information that you require then please add me or other council members on battlenet: [GM] Zime#21104, [Council] Wigglles#2584, Munazaga#2776 or reply here. (if you can’t get hold of anyone then add mellowz#2407)

Edited by positiv2

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Hey @Xaltymage,

I updated your title to follow the rules. If you want the title to read something different, let me know and I will change it to reflect both your wish and the rules.

Best regards,

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