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[US-Kael'thas][H]<Blacklisted> Late night group seeking Mage 2 nights a week 3/13H ToT and beyond!

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About Blacklisted & LNC


Blacklisted is a Horde guild located on the Kael’thas server. We've been around since the beginning of Burning Crusade, formed out of two vanilla guilds. We’re a high-achieving but friendly guild that has been together since TBC, with about half of us together since Vanilla.


Our 10-man: Late Night Crew has been quite successful throughout Cataclysm, racking up a couple of server fist kills. Although we do not have the drive to push for server first kills, we do want to enjoy content while it is still current. We are currently 3/13 heroic Throne of Thunder.


We’re looking for raiders with a similar mindset as us: enjoying the game and each other's company while being the best we can be (and having a few cocktails).  During raid times we are serious about our raiding and maximizing what we can accomplish in the time we spend raiding.


About You


You're a mature player with situational awareness, experience progressing new content, and a positive attitude. Ideally, you enjoy more of the game than just raiding, because you'll be joining a guild that enjoys achievements and a bit of pvp here and there, and just generally playing together.  You’re knowledgeable about your class and the specs your class can offer and are willing to put the time in outside of raid times to maximize your characters potential with the gear and buffs available.


TLDR: You know your class, enchant/gem your gear, and you know what to expect out of upcoming encounters.


What we are looking for:


A Mage of Awesomeness


Our Schedule


Tuesday & Thursday: 10pm - 1am Server (CST)


How to Apply


Applications are handled through our website, please reference LNC as the raid crew. If you have any questions you can contact Yume (dhatura#1369) or Blackcloud (darthbones#1444) in game. http://blkt.guildomatic.com/guild_application/apply

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