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My god get rid of the TL;DR nonsense

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I like this site. It's informative. It's my go-to site for wow. It's extremely helpful and has made WoW life a lot easier.

Not so long ago you started using this TL;DR nonsense for your "Easy Mode" descriptions. To me, as an adult, it's simply lazy and nonsensical on an otherwise professional site with a lot of good people putting it together. In my opinion you should stop using it because it just depicts idiocy. The best description I can tell you about how I feel is this article:


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The tl;dr isn't meant for lazy people only. 
1) If the reader is reading the guide through discord/skype, they certainly do not want to read the whole guide as it's simply too long. which could result in confusion. The tl;dr section, on the other hand, is a great tool for this case.
2) If the reader's level of english or reading skills is not satisfactory to be able to understand the guide, a short and concise summarisation is certainly welcome.
3) If the reader needs to quickly refresh their knowledge before raid (or whenever the reader is under time pressure), the tl;dr section is perfect for this.
4) If the reader is a raid leader, they sometimes need to be able to quickly explain what to do before the raid. However, some people are sadly not great with words, so the tl;dr section comes in handy.

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Is your point regarding the form (i.e. the very use of ''tl;dr'' as internet slang), or regarding the fact that we have quick-and-easy content as well?

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