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Craft now before Mammoth hits, or wait for Mammoth to hit?
Valkyr, in General Discussion
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By Rethos
US - Horde - Illidan
About The Guild
Twenty First Knights was formed in 2021 with the working gamer in mind, a grounded midcore experience where great gamers with real lives can come together and still complete competitive content without the noise and toxicity of "elite" guilds. To that end we’re more than just a gaming guild – we are truly a community made of members who enjoy playing every single aspect of the games we play, from PvE to PvP to Crafting to chattering socially with each other over Discord. We’re made up of members from all over the world, with a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, genders and play styles. Because we’re community-oriented, you’ll never feel like just another cog in the wheel. We’ve only got one common goal – to enjoy our favorite online games together. We’d love for you to join us!
What We Are Looking For
We are looking for folks who are interested in the community and the people they play with as much as the game. If you have a get in and get out mentality then Remnants is probably not for you. If you want to enjoy and down content with capable players who are friendly and patient, then Remnants is most likely a great fit for you. If you’re just returning and are looking for a great guild to catch up and grow with or are simply looking for a more grown up environment then look no further, we kindly offer a trial membership which gives you a chance to get to know us better before committing and vice versus.
We strive to help our members get the most out of PvE content and also assist them in improving and advancing. We are always willing to provide advice and guidance on builds, gearing, and mechanics. We are currently planning on restarting normal raiding and subsequently heroic raiding as our progress dictates. It is a great time to join the guild if you are just returning to the game or missed out on this content before the next patch hits.
We encourage fun and friendly gaming to both the fans of PvP and those curious about it. Twenty First Knights PvP primarily focuses on the social aspect of gaming, and players of all skill are welcome to join us at any time. To those interested in honing their skills, we are always willing to lend a hand with builds, classes, and how it all comes together to make a character effective.
Our crafting department provides the consumables you need to participate in the events of our other departments. The guild bank offers flasks, potions, and feasts for our event times, as well as gems and enchants to keep your gear competitive. We also hold raffles and gathering events with prizes for those who like to help us keep our guild bank stocked!
Play Socially or Casually
Although we have members doing end-game content, we also have many members who play when they have time, or enjoy the simpler pleasures in WoW like leveling slowly or going on random adventures. We also have a very inviting approach when it comes to difficult content: many of our members are happy to bring along a “newbie” to dungeons or new content, but there’s no pressure for you to join events you aren’t interested in!
What We Offer
Very active Discord for voice chat and keeping in touch while away from the computer Freedom to play your game the way you want Scheduled events on the calendar as well as “pop-up” events put together through guild chat Friendly and non-judgmental community and environment A structured leadership team, with officers for each of our departments (PvE, PvP, Crafting, and Recruitment) What We Value In Our Guild Members:
Positive Attitude Maturity Team Player Respect How To Join
Visit us and apply at:
We look forward to hearing from you!
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# Class: Rogue
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Raven
# 2x (0) Backstab
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By k96
hello, so i am following this deck - and i was wondering which card i should buy next and i dont have much dust left. I need the following cards
Primordial Glyph x2
Pyros x1
Arcane Keysmith x2
Blazecaller x2
Frost Lich Jaina x1
I have 1945 dust left with the option to disenchant "Archmage Arugal" with a total of 2345, because i dont use it, nor do i know if its any good?
I can either go with x2 Primordial as the guide says this is needed for the deck + x2 Blazecaller for late and x1 Arcane Keysmith? but then i wont have the pyros for early or Jaina for late.
Or i can go balls out buying x1 Frost lich jaina and x1 primordial glyph ? / Or just Pyros and x1 Primordial. I dont know.
My last scenario is buying Frost lich jaina and x1 primordial by selling some rare cards, then use "Archmage Arugal" instead of Pyros for the time being and combo it up with AI for 2 extra cards, and hope its something good.
any help is grately appreciated.
By Taan
Hello everyone!
Here is something I wanted to do for some time now. I recognized that some people complain about the prize of Hearthstone or that you can only achieve higher ranks when you pay real money. I don't want to discuss this topic here (also I totally disagree ;) ). Instead I want to give some advice how to manage your resources (so Gold and Dust) more wisely and therefore get better decks and more fun out of them.
You may deem some of the advice pretty expected, but maybe the "strategies" I run can still inspire you to wasting less and getting more. But I will still skip the obvious: get as much gold as possible, finish the Brawl every week etc.
Also Icy Veins (the side you are currently on) has a pretty nice Guide-Section too and I will try not to repeat the hints from there.
Finally: the hints are mainly for the standard-format.
1.) Know when to stop and save up.
After purchasing something like 50+ packs you will own nearly all commons, most of the rares, some epics and a few legendaries. So you will draw mainly cards you already own from additional packs. Since drawing cards is much better than crafting them (e.g. you basically save 300 dust, when you draw an epic card you would have crafted otherwise) saving your gold up for the next expansion can be much more valuable than buying more packs for the current set. Just head into your collection from time to time and check all the cards from the set you would have bought packs from. If you realize that you mainly missing out legendaries and a few epics it could be time to stockpile your gold (since the chance of drawing a specific epic or legendary is pretty slim anyways). You should be able to have 3000 to 5000 gold at the start of the next expansion that way.
2.) Only disenchant "useless" cards when you need the dust for a specific reason.
Sometimes cards that are deemed useless or bad at the beginning of the meta can turn out to be quite powerful later on (e.g. Evolve before and after the release of Doppelgangster). There would be nothing more frustrating than having to craft a card you already disenchanted two sets ago.
So be very very careful when disenchanting cards that are still legal in standard and never disenchant them only to pile up dust. You can always disenchant a card you own but never take it back.
3.) Use placeholders and build "prototype"-decks first.
This is a difficult one. Many people want to try out new and innovative decks. This can be quite expensive and you don't know beforehand if the deck will be any good and (most importantly) fun. Thats why it can be a good idea to test out the main functionality of the deck by replacing less important cards with similar (weaker) ones and find out that way if the deck is fun to play with.
For example: you can play many aggressive decks in the past without (the old) Patches the Pirate by replacing him and the "pirate-package" with other low cost cards. It may be way weaker but the main structure of the deck often stays the same. Other examples would be Cubelock without N'Zoth, the Corruptor or Spell-Hunter without Rhok'delar.
4.) Wait for the meta to settle.
It is pretty obvious. Don't get carried away by the hype of a new set and craft everything that people call powerful. Cards can quickly fall out of relevance. Not only because they are worse than people thought, but often because the meta turns out to be unfitting for the respective deck. Taunt-Warrior is an example for this. Both Fire Plume's Heart and the Hunter-Quest were hyped, but fell out of relevance rather quickly.
5.) try to craft cards with a wider use first.
Some cards can only be played in one specific deck and it is pretty obvious from the first spoilers onward that they are. Twin Emperor Vek'lor or basically all the Quests are perfect examples. When you don't know what to play and/or you want to play a bigger variety of decks it can be a good idea to spend your dust on cards that are playable in a bigger range of decks and classes. Obviously neutral cards fit this idea more often.
Examples are: N'Zoth, the Corruptor for all sorts of Deathrattle-Decks, Kazakus for every type of Highlander-Deck, Alexstrasza or Leeroy Jenkins for combo- or OTK-decks and so on.
I play Hearthstone regular since "goblin vs gnomes" and was able to play multiple competitive decks with multiple classes without buying a single pack for real money. But I always had to be very stingy how I spend my resources and I believe that other people have to be too, to get high on the ladder while still having fun and trying out new decks.
Do you have any additional advices how to get more out of your hard earned gold?