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Multiple Target Rotation with the 2.3. Heavy AoE and Dungeons BUILD
Glaiver, in Demon Hunter
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By Tomseno
Raid/Class Spots Are Open To Any Applicant If The Player Is The Right Fit
A guild formed with an ambition for progression and a love for M+ we decided to make the move from Silvermoon Alliance and form a guild to take our focus to the next level, Cutting Edge in 10.1 being the next step.
We believe in building a guild by recruit players of a similar goal and mentality whether it be for raiding or for push score in Mythic plus. We value loyalty, honesty and a positive attitude towards setbacks. Communication skills are an absolute must.
Raid Schedule
Wednesday 20:30-23:00 Sunday 20:30-23:00
Current Progression
9/9HC 5/9M
What are we looking for recruitment wise?
We're currently open to recruiting DPS classes listed above, as we aim to solidify a stable 25-player roster. We're looking to provide competition to existing members and choose the best 25 players to proceed with for next tier.
Contact Information:
Discord; tomsen and lora1506
Think you'd be a good fit?
If you believe that you are a player that is looking to achieve the same goals as us then why not contact us and see if we can achieve our goals together!
By Velovictus
Heyas all!
Here's a short music video paying homage to all the Vengeance Demon Hunters out there, Much Love!
By Ehiztari
Enter Eclipse Apply or maintain your Moonfire, Sunfire, and Stellar Flare (if talented) Keep Celestial Alignment / Incarnation: Chosen of Elune (if talented) on cooldown Cast Convoke the Spirits when you have less than 50 Astral Power. Try to pair with your other cooldowns but do not lose a use. Spend your Astral Power on Starsurge or Starfall on multi-target. Do not lose uses of Warrior of Elune, Force of Nature, or Fury of Elune (if talented). Cast the Eclipse-appropriate filler. Item 3 says to cast Celestial Alignment as a higher priority than (presumably that means before you cast) Convoke the Spirits.
The subsection on Convoke the Spirits Optimization says "Generally, you will play around your Convoke and not your Celestial Alignment, as you almost never want to cast Celestial Alignment without Convoke up as well."
I'm not quite understanding how I'm supposed to prioritize Celestial Alignment in my rotation but not generally cast Celestial Alignment without Convoke up.
Unless Convoke is a special sort of channel, if you actually managed to cast Celestial Alignment during Convoke, wouldn't it interrupt the channeling of Convoke?
If I am supposed to cast Convoke and then cast Celestial Alignment as it's channeling, shouldn't the rotation guide have those reversed?
I'm sorry to be a noodge about accuracy here, but either I'm badly misunderstanding what looks like fairly simple instructions or the two elements of the instructions are inconsistent with one another.
By Heroicsolo
Hi, everyone!
We've successfully completed M+10 key in time with 5 vengeance dhs group. It was funny challenge for us, because of not BiS gear (less than 210 average group ilvl) and not BiS legendaries, but we've done it!
I have experience of organizing similar events since MoP (10 and 25 blood dks raids, 20 dhs raid in Legion prepatch, later it was 5 dhs vs mythic+ keys).
If you have a 190+ ilvl demon hunter for Alliance and if you are interested to participate in similar events in future, contact me here or come to our group in Blizzard client:
In the nearest future we're planning to gather dhs only raid in Castle Nathria, perhaps immediately a heroic mode.
By Okumay
Hey guys!
I recently switched over to Vengeance to tank for my guild and I'm trying to figure out a few things regarding my azerite. I was lucky my havoc gear had pretty good vengeance traits as well (3 revel being what I was shooting for). I recently bought a 480 shoulder piece that has Infernal Armor and Hour of reaping, but not Revel. It's a 15 ilvl increase and I'm not sure if the ilvl increase is worth losing that trait. Would love some feedback if possible. Thanks!