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Demonology DPS Help

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I am starting to fall behind on Heroic boss dps and need some help.

Here are the relevant links:

Character: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightbringer/Heidrun/simple

Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/2971573/latest/#

I know that I need to keep DE up more and could do with more uptime on Doom, but outside that, I am not sure where I am missing rotational items.  Dogs are up whenever I can, as are imps.  I try to save the extra pets (infernal or doomguard) for when hero is going up or when there is a need for burst damage.

Any help would be appreciated.


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I will try to reply properly soon if someone hasn't already but you waste an insane amount of Soul Shards and hence are missing a lot of imp damage. Watch that better and make sure you're taking your shoulders into account. 

Also cast more spells (sometimes you have a lot of long casting gaps),  TKCs, more DE after every summon/combined summon and GoServ.

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Thanks, I will pay more attention to the gaps in the next raid.  I guess don't notice the long spaces of no casting, maybe it is due to movement and I need to be doing more demonwrath during those times?

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You could try to get different trinkets prepared depending on what kind of fight youre going to have. You won't need your Grimoire for Trilliax e.g.

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Sorry I got distracted do you still want more help? Hopefully you've been working on the points above. 

But yes assuming you've Life Tap(ped)/don't need to then Demonwrath is your filler on movement. 

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