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[Sargeras-US][A] <Battle Born> LFM for M NH

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[A] <Battle Born> Sargeras, is LFM raiders to push mythic raids. BB is a guild of tight knit players that have been together for years raiding. We are casual/hardcore players that want a relaxed raid, but want raiders to push hard and be self-motivated players that want to push content at a steady pace.

We currently are a late night raid team that is raiding Wednesday & Thursday from 11 PM - 2 AM server (CST).

Battle Born as a guild is at this moment 10/10 & 10/10H. We're looking to push mythic and in need of a few additional great & reliable players.

WoW Progress link: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/sargeras/Battle+Born


Class- Team Need (Role)

Death Knight- Medium(DPS)
Demon Hunter- Medium(DPS & Tank)
Druid- High (RDPS, Tank, or Resto)
Hunter- Low (RDPS)
Mage- High
Monk- High (Heals & Tank)
Paladin- High (Heals & Tank)
Priest- High (Heals & DPS)
Rogue- Low
Shaman- High (Resto)
Warlock- High
Warrior- Medium(DPS & Tank)

Note: We want player over class/role, so please do not hesitate to contact us with your questions or interest to join our team regardless of current needs.


Loot: We run personal loot for the time being. Loot that is passed will be rolled off to team members of Raider status or higher.


Requirements/ expectations: Raiders to bring consumables; furthermore must know fights & have full knowledge of how to bring maximum output of their role and spec. Able to make 90% of our raids. Also must have Discord & reliable internet.

For further questions or inquiries please contact; Ryborg, Briks, or Swarmzz.

Edited by Voltz

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Hey @Voltz,

I updated your title to follow the rules. If you want the title to read something different, let me know and I will change it to reflect both your wish and the rules.

Best regards,

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