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By Cyx
A VIHARSAROK klán lassan tíz év tapasztalattal rendelkező társaság új, friss tagokat keres Battle for Azeroth-ra!
Ha egy összeszokott közösség tagja szeretnél lenni és unod a guild hopping fenoménját, akkor várunk szeretettel.
Amit a klánunk ajánl:
- Stabil, összeszokott közösség, veterán játékosok, veterán vezetőség.
- Szombat / Vasárnap 19:00 órától raidelünk.
- Spontán események, TMog runok, egyéb finomság.
Amit várunk tőled:
- Legyen raid tapasztalatod!
- Elkötelezettség
- Nyitottság a családi atmoszférához
- Csapatszellem
Várjuk jelentkezésed!
Fufo, Meiro, Ciksz vagy csak /who VIHARSAROK.
By Holyfuze
<The Elevénth Hour> is LF exceptional DPS who are looking to join our Heroic raid team (10/10H) with the intent to push into Mythic and looking to push Mythic+.
Raid Times:
Tues & Thurs 8-11pm ST (central)
What we are looking for:
Unholy DK (can flex as tank)*
All classes and roles are encouraged to apply.
*Looking for players that are passionate about tanking M+s and are comfortable w/ occasional raid tanking.
Contact Info:
Bácon#1899 (Btag) (dps officer)
Deathpool#1764 (btag) or Deth#3482 (discord) (healing officer)
Holy#1637 (btag) or Holyfuze#2234 (discord) (raid lead)
By thefatkid
Welcome to Team IV
A group of friendly dedicated Raiders with multiple Cutting Edge kills.
The aim of Team IV is to keep an enjoyable no drama environment while being focused on progression.
We're looking for players that are interested in both playing the game at a high level and becoming an active member of the guild.
With a strong finish to Legion achieving cutting edge Antorus Team IV split from our original mega guild but found a rough start in BFA. After difficulties throughout Uldir we merged with another team and achieved some solid progression in both Dazar'alor 9/9 and The Eternal Palace 7/8. But in 8.3 the game wasn't looking good and with roster issues a decision was made to have a break until the next expansion. Now with Shadowlands getting closer and looking promising the team has pulled together ready to face whatever the new expansion has to throw at us!
RAID TIMES: Wednesday, Thursday and Monday 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM server time.
To apply, get in contact, or for more information, please join our Discord: discord.gg/sdMhTeQ
By arika91
◙ Guild Recruitment Alert! ◙
♦ **Lagenda** ♦
♣ Realm : Frostmourne
♠ Allegiance : Alliance
♣ Raid Schedule : Wed, Sat, Sunday / 3pm / Malaysia time
♠ Current Raid Progression : Semi-Heroic Antorus , Gearing towards BFA
♣ Dungeon Runs : Every night, depends on online activity
♠ Manifesto : For BFA, the guild will do dungeon runs to help you gear up. When you're eq ready, we'll get into Antorus ;')
♥ Background : We have players ranging from 14-50 years old, friendly-*ish*, nerd-*ish*, newbies & veterans alike! Expect some lols and lulz, but mostly a whole lot of advices, tips and Khadgar tricks.
↓ Socmed ↓
[Discord] › Ask and you shall receive xD
♥ P/s : We got cute panda in guild :')
» Contact Person(s) : Olette#1309 (Btag)
a r i k a#6916 (Discord)
So, **Come Join Us!**
◙ End Notice ◙
By Smaghed
A <Fluffy Unicorn Blood> guild tgf-et tart ranged dps posztra NH HC csapatának bővítésére, de bárkit meghallgatunk. Célunk egy jó hangulatú nagyjából casual team kialakítása, akik kikapcsolódnak a játékkal, de azért hc szinten ütni akarják az aktuális raidet. Raidnapok: Hétfő/Szerda 19:30-22:30. Jelenlegi progres: 4/10 HC
Amennyiben érdekel a guild az alábbi csatornákon érhetsz el:
Discord: Smaghed#9473 (a legkönnyebben itt értek el)
IGN: Smaghed/Iglu
Amennyiben nem szeretnél rám várni az alábbi form kitöltésével is jelentkezhetsz! (https://goo.gl/QufA8l)