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Switching from Dungeon to Raiding

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Hey all,

I initially entered Legion with the plan of running mythic dungeons. My spec reflects this 


Typical Log where me and the druid duel for top honours.


So I recently joined a raid team and I generally run a rhythm of riptide HW/HS x2 with healing stream and healing rain interspersed throughout. I like this spec, its pretty chill and, like previously stated, rhythmic. Some fights I target tanks, some I purposely don't focus them.

I am trying to explore a more chain heal focused spec. And its quite a deviation for how I am used to play. As my dungeon spec I knew what I was likely going to cast 2 or 3 casts ahead of time. But I am so uncomfortable with chainheal that I feel like I am a waste. So I have a bunch of questions. 

To wit.

1) My current dungeon spec (along with tht trinket) makes me extremely mana efficient. I cn finish a fight with whatever level of mana you want from 0 to 90%. This is something I really want to keep (perhaps not to such an extreme) but fear losing on a chain heal spec. So what do you guys do to regulate your mana usage. I seem to be using a lot more mana whenever i try to group heal. 

2) How do you find the use of cloudburst totem in a few fights? I understand its power, i don't understand how to harness it. For instance, krosus. Do i plop it down before the slam to time the burst for just after? What am I doing before hand when healing isnt as needed... I feel like it I am wasting my heals prior to the slam, just so that the burst totem hits big. Why am I healing big at a tgime when it isnt AS needed just to get a big burst heal later. If you could give your philosophy on that conundrum I am dealing with, that'd be great.

3) How often do you guys change specs throughout a raid? One talent change i anticipate changing a lot is  between ancestral guidance and deluge.  In my dungeon spec, I don't change a thing, ever. Call it lazy, and you'd be right. The result, is I am pretty good at my current spec, but I wanna be good at the other talent usage too. So how varied are your specs from boss to boss?

4) I've never used Ancestral Guidance. The 3 nearby allies part is kind of off-putting in its lack of clarity. Is it 3 nearest? or 3 most injured within a radius? How does that work, and how do you make it work for you. Do you position yourselves near a damage location? Like, close but not too close to the carrion plague for Tichondrius? 


Thanks for all your help in advance. 

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Just a couple small things. I don't want to horn in on your healing style, because most people will perform better if they are comfortable playing rather than trying to force themselves into trying to do it a different way. The way that you are healing is working for your composition and you shouldn't feel pressured to fix what's already working. If you want to change it up, then just be prepared for it to take a while to get the instinct and muscle memory back. It won't be immediate.

Ancestral Vigor is, to me, the most important talent to Restoration for progression. If you're not on progression or generally feeling super pressured by the tank damage, though, it's not as important.

Chain Heal is powerful, but expensive, and if you lean on it too much you will run out of mana in no time. If you're going to use it regularly, you should be talented into High Tide instead of Ascendance and be watching the areas where the splash damage is happening.

Ancestral Guidance is a "smart heal" and you don't need to sweat it too much. The range is generous as well. Use it whenever you need more coverage on a group that isn't stacking.

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