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Burning Heroic Ji-Kun

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Having just got our Lei Shen kill last night, my guild wants to do heroics this week as a "catch up" of sorts (easier to recruit early next patch saying you were 2/13 or 3/13 than 12/12). My curiosity really lies in our strategy for Ji-Kun. I've watched the Fat Boss guide on the fight, which I found to be ridiculously complicated. I've also read a good deal where people have said they do it similar to normal and just burn the boss after some number of nests, and other posts where people said they didn't need an actual tank on the nest guardians and that DPS were fine for it.


Three questions:


#1. Can DPS actually tank the nest? Would my Felguard be able to or myself using Glyph of Demon Hunting? What about our warrior? Would he need a shield or could he face tank it?


#2. My friend mentioned something about when her guild killed it they would just do nests long enough to get nutrient buff one then pop BL on second nutrient buff with the whole raid and just finish it out. How viable is this? Can you just blow shorter CDs with the last nutrient buff then pop everything and rape face?


#3. Likely related to #2, I've heard of people two healing, this fight. How feasible is this with non-heroic gear?


Context for questions: My entire guild ranges from 520 ilvl to 530 ilvl, with most of us being 525+ (actually I think only two people are 520 and everyone else is 525-530). We're capable of killing normal Jin'rokh in the middle of the second puddle while two healing. We're able to two heal most fights in normal (including one tanking council at the same time) up through Primordius, though Magaera is rough and we usually three heal to be safe. Lei Shen we were almost able to two-heal week before last, but went back to three last night to be safe and make things smoother.

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1. I wouldn't put a DPS tanking the Guardians ever. Our plate dpsers get cut through like hot butter by that thing. Also as a tank i'll testify that the flying is FUN! :P


2. We do one and a half full rounds of nests, meaning every lower - every upper - every lower, after which we take nutriments, hero and burn it down. We usually have the bird at around 30-40% at that time and it's pretty easy to nuke it down from there. (We managed to 9man it after one dps died early in the fight)


3. It should be manageable 2 healing, but we run with three usually. Or two and a half, one is a Disc Atoning mostly for some damage.

Edited by Ceraius

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my group has 2 healed this fight, but it gets dicey at the end.


guardian group consists of an ele shaman, healer, and whatever tank is available. they always do nest 2,4,8. it is important to note that on any nest but mostly nest 4 you need to kill the eggs, the guardian will turn to stone if the eggs both die before it dies.


main nest group consists of as many dps as it takes to kill the eggs and this is where the optional healer is. if you have a healer with them they do all of 1,3,5,6,7,9. if you 2 heal, this group skips nest 6 because of quills. in my group we have a frost dk and a [shadow priest or hunter] on this team. everyone else is on boss full time and they sneak down for feathers when they can.


after 9 there will be a down draft. near the end of down draft is a great time for devo aura. the caws from juveniles that will be going out will be very deadly at this time because they can all stack up on one person. as soon as down draft ends, pop hero and burn.

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The burn strategy is basically:


2 tanks

2 healers

6 dps


You're going to do the first 4 nests, then when everyone has a feed young buff you pop hero and burn the boss.


Nest 1, 3, and 4 all need 2 dps and 1 healer

Nest 2 needs 2dps 1 healer and 1 tank.


Work out a rotation among your dps so that all of the dps get down to a nest and get wings so they can pick up the feed young buff.


after the 4th nest everyone will fly in the air on the next feed young and pick up a buff, then you pop hero and nuke the boss.


It's an easy strategy, but it is somewhat gear dependent. I'm not sure if you'll have enough dps coming from 12/12N to jump right into burning the boss, but it's worth a few attempts.


If you can't burn it, the regular strat for the fight really isn't too difficult as long as you work out a good rotation for nests, and Tanks know which nests they need to tank.

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I agree with Storm's strat, i've done it that way myself. In my grp the dpses got around 530-535 ilvl, one tank 540 and the other 535 and 2 heals around 520 ilvl. We've only wiped once with this strat, which was also my first attempt at Ji-Kun hc.

Also, from your first HC kill, i'll get easier for each week as ur dps gets better gear.

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Best Burn strategy is doing 3 nests not 4. With good gear you can do 2 nests but I advise against it.


Why 3 nests? Becase first 3 nests give you feather so you can fly (going to 4th nests is basically a waste of 1 charge to get nothing)


You need 2 tanks, 1-2 healers and rest dps. If you take 1 healer then just make him stay on top and people going down to nests should use HS and cooldowns to stay alive (this is very easy)


1st nest (3 dps+ 1 healer or 4 dps) - group A

2nd nest (3 dps + 1 healer) - group B

3rd nest - group A (without a healer if it was 3+1 setup)


1st group should grab the primal buff when group B is on the nest (2nd nest), group B should do the same for 3rd nest. So when group A is done with 3rd nest you charges should look like:

group B 1 charge left

group A 3 charges left (make sure this is your stronger group)

Then just heroism after primal and group A has another 2 charges to get additional buffs if needed.


Some more important stuff. Lower nests when left undone will get you 4 big birds. Upper ones will get only 2. So you have to worry about healing after around 30 sec of 4th nest activation. So just save your healing cooldowns.

Edited by Khalam

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It is easily 2 healable. I solo healed the main (Ji-Kun) platform as a disc priest while our shaman healed all the nest groups.  As long as you have someone at the top calling out when caw's happen to remind people when to move and take less damage.

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Our Ji-kun HC first kill was 2-healed by me and our Paladin. I took the main platform and our Paladin did the nests with the tanks. after nest 4 we stopped sending Tanks or Healers up and nuked it. Killed it pretty easily, if you want I'll link the log.

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Best Burn strategy is doing 3 nests not 4. With good gear you can do 2 nests but I advise against it.


Why 3 nests? Becase first 3 nests give you feather so you can fly (going to 4th nests is basically a waste of 1 charge to get nothing)


You need 2 tanks, 1-2 healers and rest dps. If you take 1 healer then just make him stay on top and people going down to nests should use HS and cooldowns to stay alive (this is very easy)


1st nest (3 dps+ 1 healer or 4 dps) - group A

2nd nest (3 dps + 1 healer) - group B

3rd nest - group A (without a healer if it was 3+1 setup)


1st group should grab the primal buff when group B is on the nest (2nd nest), group B should do the same for 3rd nest. So when group A is done with 3rd nest you charges should look like:

group B 1 charge left

group A 3 charges left (make sure this is your stronger group)

Then just heroism after primal and group A has another 2 charges to get additional buffs if needed.


Some more important stuff. Lower nests when left undone will get you 4 big birds. Upper ones will get only 2. So you have to worry about healing after around 30 sec of 4th nest activation. So just save your healing cooldowns.



This is basically our strat also. All dps are 530+ with 2 fire mages. After 3 nests we get the next feed young, lust, and just burn. We 2 heal as well with a 530 resto druid and a 515 disc priest. It is very easy for us using this strat. But the one thing I can say is just make sure you have everyone who knows how to get the buff and use it properly. It makes or breaks the fight to be honest. If people are not popping big cds with the buff then you wont kill it this way becuase the dmg at the end will be to much to handle. Dps will have to use personal cd's as well depending on how many quills you guys get. Try it once and if your not getting it even close. I would suggest doing 7 nests (the way we use to do it). Where the last nest you do is the first nest again, then lust. This usually puts him around 50%-40% by the time that this comes around then you lust and burn. Try both ways and see what happens.

Edited by icyhott

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