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[Korgath][A] <Draconic Savant> 5/10 M NH

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We are Draconic Savant, an Alliance Mythic raiding guild on Korgath-PVP that raids Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursday from 8pm to 11pm EST (7pm-10pm CST, 5pm-8pm PST). The guild, leadership, and some raiders have been around for 10 years.


EN Progression: 7/7 Mythic

TOV Progression: 2/3 Mythic

NH Progession: 10/10 Heroic, 5/10 Mythic


Voice Chat: Discord


Recruitment Openings:



None at this time






Elemental Shaman

Shadow Priest





Exceptional applications of all classes are always welcome, regardless of openings posted. The above openings are primarily a means of balancing out class representation. We don't recruit “for the bench”, but we feel like having backups to cycle through and to allow players to take a night off is always a must for a healthy raid environment.


We run a Loot Council system that’s tracked publicly (along with attendance on our re-purposed DKP site) with the goal of a fair, yet progression-oriented distribution of loot. Show up, perform well, and you will be rewarded!


Our main goal with every raid is to kill the final boss on the highest difficulty. During raid time we are focused on our goal but are also able to crack jokes and have fun. We accept strategy and feedback from all our raiders and expect them to be able to receive the same in an adult like manner.


Those interested in applying should head to http://www.draconicsavant.net and fill out the supplied application on our forums. If you have further questions or concerns about the recruitment or the guild feel free to contact me in game, on our forums or on Battle.net at Kattii#1786.


Thanks for reading! We hope to hear from you!


Edited by positiv2

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