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(Seasonal Softcore) <AF> "Arreat's Fortitude" is recruiting for Season 10
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By Saphiq
I decided to start making this build because i enjoyed the effect of Etched Sigil and Ranslor's Folly together. Legacy of Dreams is not required for this to work, you can also use Litany of the Undaunted and The Wailing Host, but LoD makes it a bit more flexible and doesn't require chancing perfect ring rolls. The greatest thing about this is that you don't need to worry about enemies being sprawled about or worry about pressing multiple spells. The damage does not really stack until you get more ancient legendaries equipped but once those start happening you will get to at least GR 80 with no trouble.
In terms of paragon stats, you should be maxing out movement speed and then just stacking into intelligence. You can put some stats into vitality if you are dying too often.
Try to stay away from diving into enemies too much and keep your distance. i found that the tornadoes do not spawn well with enemies up close.
Main hand: Deathwish
Off hand: Etched Sigil
Hands: Penders Purchase
Shoulders: Mantle of Channeling
Chest: Aquila Cuirass
Head: Andariel's Visage
Neck: Haunt of Vaxo
Wrists: Ancient Parthan Defenders
Belt: Cord of the Sherma
Legs: Skelon's Deceit (or Death's Bargain)
Feet: Irontoe Mudsputters
Ring 1: Convention of Elements
Ring 2: Stone of Jordan
Energy TwisterWicked Wind
Ice ArmorCrystallize
Magic WeaponDeflection
Unwavering Will
Temporal Flux
Power Hungry
Legendary Gems:
Esoteric Alteration
Legacy of Dreams
Bane of the Trapped
Kanai's Cube:
Valthek's Rebuke
The Twisted Sword
Oculus Ring
Ranslor's Folly
Feel free to comment with any changes you think would improve this or how it worked out for you.