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Patch 7.2: Full Patch Notes

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In preparation for 7.2 release in Americas tomorrow, Blizzard published full Tomb of Sargeras patch notes.

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New Features

The Broken Shore

Return to the Broken Shore and take the fight to the heart of the Legion's power on Azeroth. Begin your journey in a new Scenario, and then lead the Armies of Legionfall against the demonic invasion of Azeroth.

The dynamic ebb and flow of Broken Shore will keep you on your toes as new World Quests, bosses, treasures, and a powerful demon command ship called the Sentinax make for an exciting new experience every day.

Join a region-wide, cross-faction effort to construct buildings that open new content and provide a variety of benefits to help in the fight against the Legion.

New Dungeon: The Cathedral of Eternal Night

The upper chambers of the Tomb of Sargeras were once a place of worship to Elune. Since the Legion's invasion, fel minions have desecrated this holy place, twisting it into their own image. Now, this site will host a battle that could turn the tide of the invasion. While the Armies of Legionfall engage the fel army directly, a small group of heroes infiltrates the upper reaches of the cathedral in a desperate hope to return the Aegis of Aggramar to its resting place. Inside this new dungeon, you’ll face:

  • Agronox  - This ancient served the night elves priestesses of the Temple of Elune, tending the beautiful Hanging Gardens. But after the malevolence of the Legion infected the Cathedral, the guardian absorbed fel energy through his roots. Now the twisted Agronox spreads corruption throughout the sanctuary he once protected, believing he has finally achieved his ideal state.
  • Thrashbite the Scornful  - Smashspite's detestable brother, Thrashbite has been dispatched to wipe out the mortals entering the cathedral's grand library. The dimwitted mo'arg lacks any respect for knowledge or learning, feeling petty satisfaction as he crashes through ancient artifacts and tramples priceless tomes.
  • Domatrax - With the Aegis of Aggramar socketed back into its cradle, Domatrax leads an onslaught of demons to destroy the relic.
  • Mephistroth  - With the forces of Azeroth pushing against his front line, Mephistroth has fallen back to the Cathedral of Eternal Night, where he will employ all his cunning to ensure the heroes fail in securing the Aegis of Agrammar.

This new dungeon is available in Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic Keystone difficulties.

Class Campaigns

After securing a foothold on the Broken Shore and making progress with the Armies of Legionfall, every class continues its own campaign to unify in the war effort. Your Class Hall will be the base from which you will embark on a new quest chain, find a new potential Follower, and discover new class-specific World Quests.

Once your class campaign and the Legionfall campaign on the Broken Shore are complete, all new epic class mounts will become available to those who finish the subsequent class mount quests.

Demon Assaults

The Burning Legion is preparing to assault Azeroth with renewed determination. After you regain a foothold on the Broken Shore, don’t be surprised if Broken Isles zones later come under attack. It will be up to you to fight to drive the Legion back and defend the lands of your new allies.

Flying in the Broken Isles

Take your final steps to complete the Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part TwoBroken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two achievement to unlock flying in the Broken Isles.

Legion Reputation Progress

Reputation earned beyond Exalted will now contribute towards earning additional rewards from Broken Isles faction emissaries. These new reward caches have a rare chance to reward new faction mounts, such as the Highmountain ElderhornHighmountain Elderhorn, Wild DreamrunnerWild Dreamrunner, and Leywoven Flying CarpetLeywoven Flying Carpet.

PvP Brawls

A series of new twists on popular player-versus-player activities are on the way. Starting with “Southshore vs. Tarren Mill”, “Gravity Lapse”, and “Warsong Scramble”, PvP Brawls offer a variety of mode, rules, and scenic changes to the usual Battleground gameplay. Look for the Brawl option in the Group Finder (default hotkey: i) Player vs. Player tab, under the Casual selection.

Pet Battle Dungeon

Something nefarious is going on in the world of pet battles, and it’s worth a closer look. If you have at least one level 25 battle pet, speak to Breanni in Dalaran to get directions to this new scenario.

Updated Features

Character Empowerment

Your bond with your Artifact has grown stronger, and your Artifact Knowledge has continued to increase. Upon reaching Artifact Knowledge 25, you will receive the quest “Seeking Lost Knowledge”, which allows you to unlock further knowledge levels. Additionally, once you have 35 or more traits in your Artifact, the time has come to improve your Artifact even more. Unlock a set of new empowered traits, additional ranks for many of your original traits, and a new final trait by embarking on a new questline.

Your weapon isn’t the only thing increasing in power. From dungeon drops to World Quest rewards to items created with your professions, your armor upgrades at higher item levels than before. All the better to fight the Legion!

Transmogrification Sets

A new ‘Sets’ tab in the Appearances UI is where you’ll find this new way of tracking item sets from previous Raids, PvP Seasons, and more.

Class Combat Updates

The launch of Legion included many updates to class animations, sounds, and spell effects. These improvements continue in Patch 7.2 with updates to Hunters, Death Knights, and Balance Druids.


  • The Obliterum Forge should now always be available to players, and requires no questline.
  • All item level 815 crafted end-game gear will now be crafted at item level 835.
  • All existing items between item levels 815-830 will retain their existing item level. The first application of ObliterumObliterum will bring them up to 840, and the ObliterumObliterum cap has been increased to iLvl 875.
  • Some World Quests that are related to Professions now reward 1 skill point in their associated Profession.
  • Many profession World Quests in Dalaran now reward credit for the Kirin Tor emissary.
  • All recipes that are dropped by dungeon end bosses on Mythic difficulty can now drop in that dungeon’s first chest on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
  • Most crafting profession recipes will now grant skill-ups to a higher maximum skill level, making it easier for crafters to reach skill level 800.
  • Alchemy
  • Archaeology
    • You can now get Artifact Power from Archaeology.
    • New Elite digsites have been discovered in the Broken Isles.
    • All enemies summoned by Archaeology can now be killed by multiple nearby players.
  • Blacksmithing
  • Cooking
    • Nomi now provides Prepared IngredientsPrepared Ingredients as part of his work orders, which can be combined to create up to 10 servings of a random recipe known by the player.
    • Hearty FeastHearty Feasts now grant 400 stats (was 150), and Lavish Suramar FeastLavish Suramar Feasts now grant 500 stats (was 200).
  • Engineering
  • Inscription
  • Leatherworking
  • Mining
    • It should now be significantly easier to start the quest to learn 2-star and 3-star Infernal Brimstone mining.
    • The wall forges in the Dalaran blacksmith shop are now usable.
  • Tailoring

Tab Targeting

Tab targeting has been updated to feel more consistent. While in combat, you will no longer be able to accidentally tab to a target that is out of combat with you, unless you are looking to a new target and your hostile enemies are behind you. Furthermore, you’re no longer able to tab to a target that neither your character nor your camera can see.

User Interface

  • On PvE servers, players of the opposite faction now have orange names.
  • You can now assign a specialization to an equipment set in the Equipment Manager.
  • The Blood of SargerasBlood of Sargeras vendor now sells items in multiple amounts (Shift-click).
  • To help prevent accidental clicking, the resurrection option to “Decline” now has a brief countdown before it can be clicked.
  • An “Open All” button has been added to the mailbox.
  • Achievements linked from other players now show your own progress on the same tooltip.
  • Appearances
    • You can now preview an ensemble set by CTRL-clicking it.
    • The Transmogrifier NPC is now trackable on the minimap.
    • You can now search your Appearance Collection by dungeon name and boss name.
  • Player versus Player
    • In Arenas, your enemies’ crowd control Honor Talents are now tracked on their unit frames.
    • Various improvements have been made to party member visibility in Battlegrounds.
  • Quick Join
    • Auto Accept: A setting has been added to allow friends and guild members to instantly join your queues without a confirmation. This setting is located in Interface Options -> Social.
    • Group tooltips now show the available roles and if auto accept is enabled.
    • Right click a Quick Join group to whisper a member of that group.
  • Spellbook
    • Spells that haven’t been moved to an action bar are highlighted in the spellbook.
    • Mousing over a spell highlights it on your action bar, making it easier to locate.
    • Pet spells can now be dragged onto the player action bar.



  • Player Taunts now increase all threat caused against the target by 400% for 3 seconds (was 200%).
  • The Tauren and Dwarf racial bonuses BrawnBrawn and Might of the MountainMight of the Mountain now correctly increase heals by 2% (was 1%).
  • Non-tank specializations once again benefit from Bonus Armor from gear.
  • The damage bonus that tanks and healers get per Artifact point spent has been increased to 0.65% for all tanks and Discipline Priests (was 0.5%), and the bonus has been increased to 1.3% for all other healers (was 1%).
  • Demon Hunter
    • Vengeance
      • Demonic WardsDemonic Wards now reduces all damage taken by 20% (was 10%), and increases Armor by 75% (was 120%).
  • Druid
    • Broken Isles Pathfinder mount speed bonuses now apply to Travel Form and Flight Form (while on the ground).
    • StarfallStarfall duration and tick rate is no longer affected by Haste.
    • Feral Druids now deal 4% more damage with RakeRake, ShredShred, SwipeSwipe, ThrashThrash, Brutal SlashBrutal Slash, MoonfireMoonfire, Ferocious BiteFerocious Bite, Ashamane's FrenzyAshamane's Frenzy, and RipRip.
    • Guardian
      • RipRip now roots targets in place (was a 50% snare).
      • MangleMangle damage increased by 15%.
      • ThrashThrash (Bear) direct damage increased by 15%.
      • SwipeSwipe (Bear) damage reduced by 25%.
        • Developers’ Notes: This should result in overall Guardian damage remaining roughly the same, perhaps slightly higher. But it will frontload their damage more, which should help with burst threat.
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Dire FrenzyDire Frenzy will now additionally cause your pet to charge up to 25 yards toward the target.
  • Mage
  • Monk
    • Chi WaveChi Wave replaces MistwalkMistwalk talent:
      • A wave of Chi energy flows through friends and foes, dealing Nature damage or healing. Bounces up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards.
    • Mistweavers now learn Fortifying BrewFortifying Brew at level 55 (was Fortifying Elixir at honor level 22).
    • Mistweavers now learn Essence FontEssence Font (Rank 2) at level 58.
    • Windwalker Monks now deal 8% more damage with Tiger PalmTiger Palm, Blackout KickBlackout Kick, and Rising Sun KickRising Sun Kick.
  • Paladin
  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • Mental FortitudeMental Fortitude (Artifact Trait) shield cannot exceed damage absorbed of 4% of player total health (was 8%), and now correctly calculates healing from Vampiric TouchVampiric Touch
  • Rogue
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Refreshing Reap SoulsReap Souls will no longer overwrite the current buff’s duration with a new one. The new duration will now be added to the existing duration, up to a maximum duration of 60 seconds.
      • Reap SoulsReap Souls (Artifact ability) now has a 5 second cooldown.
        • Developers’ note: Previously, casting Reap SoulsReap Souls at 5 stacks (which would grant 25 seconds of the buff) with 20 seconds currently left on the buff would just overwrite your old 20 second buff with a 25 second buff. Now, in this case it will increase the buff duration to 45 seconds.
      • Souls are now reset to 0 at the start of an encounter. The buff is also canceled at the start of an encounter. Ulthalesh, the Deadwind HarvesterUlthalesh now has a greatly increased chance to generate the first three Tormented Souls at the beginning of a raid encounter.
        • Developers’ note: Souls are a resource, and we have a rules about resetting your resources/stacks of a buff before an encounter, so that every attempt is standardized. Having souls the first time you fight a raid boss feels good, but it makes every other attempt after that feel worse by comparison.
  • Warrior
    • ChargeCharge (and InterceptIntercept) now deals damage on arrival, and its snare begins after you hit your target.

Class Halls

  • Artifact Researchers now have explanatory dialogue options when you have completed all Work Orders they offer.


  • The item levels of gear found in Legion Dungeons has been increased.
  • Enemies’ damage and health have been increased for all Heroic and Mythic dungeons, including Mythic Keystone Dungeons.
  • All Random Heroic dungeons now require 825 item level to queue.
  • Lower Karazhan and Upper Karazhan have been added to the Random Legion Heroic list in Dungeon Finder.
  • The Arcway and Court of Stars have been added to the Random Legion Heroic list in Dungeon Finder.
  • Mythic Keystone Dungeons
    • Mythic Keystone dungeons now award gear up to item level 890 at keystone level 10, and now award gear up to item level 900 in the weekly Challenger’s Chest (at keystone level 10).
    • Artifact Power rewards from both Mythic Keystone dungeons and the weekly Challenger's Chest now continue through keystone level 30.
    • Added 60 seconds to the Black Rook Hold timer.
    • Added a Night Watch Mariner to the top deck in the Maw of Souls while Teeming is active.
    • Killing Cove Seagulls should now add Enemy Forces credit.
    • New Affix: Bursting (level 4)
      • When slain, non-boss enemies explode, causing all players to suffer 10% of their maximum health in damage over 4 seconds. This effect stacks.
    • New Affix: Explosive (level 7)
      • Creatures have a chance to summon an Explosive Orb at a nearby location that will explode, inflicting damage of 50% of the player’s maximum health.
    • New Affix: Quaking (level 7)
      • Periodically, players will Quake, inflicting damage of 20% of the player’s maximum health and interrupting spell casts of themselves and nearby allies.
    • New Affix: Grievous (level 7)
      • While below 90% health, players are afflicted with Grievous Wound.
    • The Overflowing affix has been removed.
    • The Bolstering affix range has been reduced to 30 yards (was 45 yards).
      • Developers’ notes: The intent of this change is to allow players more opportunities for crowd control.
    • Necrotic RotNecrotic Rot will now expire after leaving combat. Duration reduced to 9 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Developers’ notes: This should eliminate the situation where players were waiting for Necrotic to fall off after killing enemies, and it should give tanks more opportunities for resets while in combat.
    • Skittish threat reduction has been lowered to 75% (was 80%).
    • Fortified damage bonus lowered to 30% (was 40%).
    • Tyrannical damage bonus lowered to 15% (was 20%).
    • Sanguine radius increased to 8 yards.
    • Mythic Keystones can now direct you to Lower Karazhan, Upper Karazhan, and the Cathedral of Eternal Night.
    • Artifact Power rewards for Mythic Keystone dungeons have been adjusted:
      • Longer dungeons, such as Halls of Valor, now award a proportionately higher amount of Artifact Power.
      • Shorter dungeons, such as Maw of Souls, now award a proportionately lower amount of Artifact Power.
      • Artifact Power bonuses have been added to your weekly chest rewards. These increase based on the highest level Mythic Keystone you completed.


  • Broken Isles World Quest rewards now scale to item level 860 (was item level 845).
  • Set tokens for all raids from Serpentshrine to Siege of Orgrimmar have been updated to provide loot for your spec on right-click, in the same manner as newer raid set tokens. The vendor functionality of these items has not been changed.
  • A number of unavailable items belonging to PvP sets from the Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King expansions have been made available again from vendors.
  • Class Order Hall Sets can now be upgraded to item level 870 via rare items obtainable from Broken Shore World Quests.

Legendary Items

  • Legion Legendary items now require level 101 (was 110).
    • Multiple Classes
      • Aggramar's StrideAggramar's Stride: Now has an additional 617 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat. Now grants movement speed equal to 75% of your Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, or Versatility, whichever is highest.
      • Norgannon's ForesightNorgannon's Foresight: Now triggers after standing still for 6 seconds (was 8 seconds), granting you the ability to cast while moving for 4 seconds (was 5 seconds). Now has a new visual indicating when you gain its ability to cast while moving. Now has an additional 617 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
      • Sephuz's SecretSephuz's Secret: Now always grants 10% increased movement speed and 2% Haste. When triggered, this bonus is increased to the current values of 70% movement speed and 25% Haste. The 10% movement speed bonus now stacks with other movement speed bonuses.
      • Roots of ShaladrassilRoots of Shaladrassil: Now has an additional 658 Critical Strike (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
    • Death Knight
    • Demon Hunter
    • Druid
      • All Specs
      • Balance
      • Feral
        • Chatoyant SignetChatoyant Signet: Now also increases your Energy regeneration by 5%.
        • Fiery Red Maimers: Now also causes your next Maim to cost no Energy.
      • Guardian
        • Oakheart's Puny QuodsOakheart's Puny Quods: Barkskin instantly grants 45 Rage plus an additional 30 Rage (was 15 Rage) over 3 seconds.
      • Restoration
        • The Dark Titan's AdviceThe Dark Titan's Advice: Now also causes Lifebloom’s periodic healing to have a 5% chance to trigger the final healing effect.
        • Tearstone of EluneTearstone of Elune: Allies healed by your Wild Growth have a 15% (was 20%) chance to also gain Rejuvenation.
        • X'oni's CaressX'oni's Caress: Now also reduces Ironbark’s cooldown by 20%.
        • Essence of InfusionEssence of Infusion: Tranquility heals targets below 60% (was 50%) health for 60% (was 50%) more.
        • Aman'Thul's WisdomAman'Thul's Wisdom: When your Rejuvenation heals a full health target, its duration is increased by 3 seconds, up to a maximum total increase of 15 seconds per cast.
    • Hunter
    • Mage
      • Arcane
        • Cord of InfinityCord of Infinity: Each time Arcane Missiles hits an enemy, the damage of your next Mark of Aluneth is increased by 1%. This effect stacks.
      • Fire
    • Monk
      • Mistweaver
        • Eye of Collidus the Warp-WatcherEye of Collidus the Warp-Watcher: Each time Soothing Mist heals, the absorb amount of your next Life Cocoon is increased by 3% (was 1%), stacking up to 50 times (was 100). Fixed a bug where the second Soothing Mist from Unison Spaulders did not grant a second stack of the buff.
        • Ovyd's Winter WrapOvyd's Winter Wrap: Each time Enveloping Mist heals, its healing bonus has a 50% chance to spread to an injured ally within 30 yards.
        • Ei'thas, Lunar Glides of EramasEi'thas, Lunar Glides of Eramas: Uplifting Trance increases your Vivify healing by an additional 10% and causes it to heal 1 additional target.
      • Windwalker
        • Drinking Horn CoverDrinking Horn Cover: The duration of Storm, Earth, and Fire is increased by 0.4 seconds (was 0.6 seconds) for every Chi you spend. The duration of Serenity is now extended by 0.3 seconds every time you cast a Chi spender.
        • The Emperor's CapacitorThe Emperor's Capacitor: Damage bonus per stack increased to 100% (was 50%).
        • Hidden Master's Forbidden TouchHidden Master's Forbidden Touch: Now also increases Touch of Death’s damage by 40%.
        • Katsuo's EclipseKatsuo's Eclipse: Reduce the cost of Fists of Fury by 1 Chi (was 2 Chi).
        • March of the LegionMarch of the Legion: Now has an additional 1068 Mastery (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat. Haste stat reduced slightly.
    • Paladin
      • Holy/Protection
        • Uther's GuardUther's Guard: Now has an additional 617 Haste (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
      • Holy
      • Protection
      • Retribution
        • Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of AweAegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe: Now has an additional 617 Haste (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
        • Justice GazeJustice Gaze: Now also causes Hammer of Justice to generate 1 Holy Power when used against targets above 75% health. Mastery reduced by 412 (@ ilvl 940) and Haste increased by 412.
    • Priest
      • Discipline
      • Holy
        • Muze's Unwavering WillMuze's Unwavering Will: Now also affects Flash Heal.
        • Rammal's Ulterior Motive: Healing bonus increased to 20% (was 15%).
      • Shadow
        • Zenk'aram, Iridi's AnademZenk'aram, Iridi's Anadem: Now also increases Voidform’s Shadow damage dealt bonus by 3%.
        • Anund's Seared ShacklesAnund's Seared Shackles: Each time Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch deal damage, your next Void Bolt gains 3% (was 4%) increased damage, stacking up to 50 times.
    • Rogue
      • All Specs
        • Mantle of the Master AssassinMantle of the Master Assassin: Fixed a bug where Subterfuge combined with Vanish granted an additional 3 seconds of benefit.
        • Will of Valeera: Now has an additional 658 Mastery (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.  Haste reduced by 412 and Critical Strike increased by 412.
    • Shaman
      • Enhancement
        • Akainu's Absolute JusticeAkainu's Absolute Justice: Lava Lash deals 50% (was 30%) increased damage while your weapons are enhanced by both Flametongue and Frostbrand.
        • Spiritual Journey: Now has an additional 617 Haste (@ ilvl 940) as a third bonus secondary stat.
    • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • Sin'dorei SpiteSin'dorei Spite: With Grimoire of Supremacy, there is now a visual debuff that displays the 3-minute cooldown.
    • Warrior
      • All Specs
      • Protection
        • The Walls FellThe Walls Fell: Now also increases Shield Slam’s Rage generation by 2.
        • Thundergod's VigorThundergod's Vigor: Each enemy you hit with Thunder Clap reduces the remaining cooldown on Demoralizing Shout by 3 seconds (was 1 second).

Player versus Player

  • The honor requirements for leveling through the honor system have been reduced.
    • The amount of honor required to advance from 1 to 50 at Prestige 0 has been reduced by 50%.
  • The conversion of Honor to XP has been increased by 50%.
  • In instanced PvP (arenas, battlegrounds, and Ashran), Artifacts now grant a minimum Stamina increase to all players. This minimum is equivalent to the purchase of 36 points, one of which is the trait which grants 10% Stamina.
  • The 20% Expertise granted to players in PvP will no longer be counted against 100% Parry or Dodge abilities such as Evasion or Die by the Sword.
  • Players can now obliterate current Season Gladiator gear in the Obliterum Forge to create Echoes of Battle.
  • Players can now obliterate current Season Elite Gladiator gear in the Obliterum Forge to create Echoes of Domination.
  • Vendors have been added to Greymane’s Enclave and Windrunner’s Sanctuary that sell gear tokens for Echoes of Battle and Echoes of Domination.
  • In Arenas, a surrender option has been added to the queue icon on the minimap. Players can surrender once one of their teammates dies.
  • Demon Hunter
    • Havoc
    • Vengeance
      • Vengeance no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP.
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Enemy players can now see the radius of Starfall while active
      • MoonfireMoonfire, SunfireSunfire, and StarfallStarfall now deal 50% less periodic damage to player targets.
      • Solar WrathSolar Wrath now deals 40% more damage to player targets.
      • Shooting StarsShooting Stars grants 2 Astral Power on player targets (was 4 Astral Power)
      • Dying StarsDying Stars restores 3 Astral Power (was 8 Astral Power)
      • Intellect increased by 15%.
    • Feral
    • Restoration
  • Hunter
    • Survival
      • Diamond IceDiamond Ice no longer prevents the use of Ice Block and Divine Shield.
  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • Intellect reduced by 5%.
    • Frost
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Brewmaster no longer deals 10% reduced damage in PvP.
    • Mistweaver
      • Windwalkers’ Fortifying Elixir renamed and is now Fortifying BrewFortifying Brew.
      • Mana cost of the Ancient Mistweaver Arts version of Soothing MistSoothing Mist reduced by 25%.
      • Mana Regeneration increased by 5%.
  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • LawbringerLawbringer no longer damages targets that are under the effects of crowd-control abilities that break on damage.
  • Priest
  • Warrior
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • PvP Template Intellect increased by 5%.
    • Demonology
      • The damage of DoomDoom is reduced by 15% in PvP.
    • Destruction
      • Fel FissureFel Fissure's duration has been reduced to 6 seconds (was 15 seconds).


  • The Nighthold
    • Star Augur Etraeus
      • The duration of all Star Sign debuffs has been increased to 15 seconds.

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just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby
I just wanna fly
Put your arms around me, baby
Put your arms around me, baby
I just want to fly
I just want to fly
I just want to fly
I just want to fly
I just want to fly

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4 hours ago, Stan said:
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Dire FrenzyDire Frenzy will now additionally cause your pet to charge up to 25 yards toward the target.

Fucking. Godsend.

Edited by Ammako

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7 hours ago, Iceylance said:

Did the fire mage buffs get reverted or am i missing something?

There never was any buff in the first place. Remove 18% damage aura -> Buff individual spells by 18% -> Net total is zero

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Yes, there are a lot of useful things, but Blizzard why why you did not increased the stacks of Transmutagens.

8 hours ago, Iceylance said:

Did the fire mage buffs get reverted or am i missing something?

The 7.2 patch does not include major skill and Dmg changes. That will be judging from the achievement "Breaching the tomb" 3 - 4 months later.

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16 hours ago, simpetar said:

Where is the promised and long overdue MW mobility nerf in PvP :(


  • Chi WaveChi Wave replaces MistwalkMistwalk talent:
    • A wave of Chi energy flows through friends and foes, dealing Nature damage or healing. Bounces up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards
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1 hour ago, NeiX said:


  • Chi WaveChi Wave replaces MistwalkMistwalk talent:
    • A wave of Chi energy flows through friends and foes, dealing Nature damage or healing. Bounces up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards

Oh there it is, must have been blind, thanks :)

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23 hours ago, Stan said:

Near-As-Anyone-Can-Tell-Nothing - (.2 * Near-As-Anyone-Can-Tell-Nothing) == Near-As-Anyone-Can-Tell-Nothing.

I'd love to know what the heck "comfort" is supposed to do.

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20 minutes ago, Savistik said:

Near-As-Anyone-Can-Tell-Nothing - (.2 * Near-As-Anyone-Can-Tell-Nothing) == Near-As-Anyone-Can-Tell-Nothing.

I'd love to know what the heck "comfort" is supposed to do.

It's a troll item.

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Hey here's something. You can get legendaries off the Legionfall Recompense bags.

When you're just doing intro quests and you get Legionfall Recompense from turning in one of the early quests where you put your first 100 resources towards a building of your choice, and then you open it and get one of your BiS legendaries when you didn't even expect you could get a legendary, that's the best feeling.

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      Introduction: Before I begin I want to clarify that I am an old explorer and curious connoisseur of these players who dedicated their lives for years to a style of play within WoW, known as WoW F2P, I want to clarify the doubt of who this person is and what he came to represent and what he continues to represent today for level 20 communities, looking for information and more information I can say that this is the summarized result of this player known as Saruski, also known by other nicknames with which I will also be willing to better summarize this matter.

      👀 (What were the beginnings?) 👀

      Beginnings: Saruski started playing WoW around 2012 or 2013, but officially dedicated herself to the F2P playstyle in 2014.
      She has videos on her YouTube channel where she talks about her early experiences in WoW F2P, including her time in the Alliance and later joining the Horde. These videos provide some insight into her beginnings in the game and how she became involved with the F2P community.
      👀 (What's it called?) 👀

      Name and character: Saruski, whose real name is Andrea, is a recognized figure in the World of Warcraft (WoW) community, specifically among players who play for free (F2P).

      👀 (What is it known for?) 👀

      Pioneering the F2P community: Saruski founded and led the first international WoW F2P community on the Blizzard app. This provided a central hub for F2P players to connect, share information, and organize groups.
      Advocating for F2P players: She has been a vocal advocate for F2P players, highlighting their achievements and contributions to the WoW community.
      Creating content: Saruski has created videos and content to share her knowledge and experiences with the F2P community.

      👀 (What does Saruski mean for WoW F2P?) 👀

      Community building: Her leadership in creating the first international F2P community helped to legitimize and unify the F2P player base.
      Inspiration and representation: Saruski has shown that F2P players can achieve a high level of play and contribute meaningfully to the WoW community.
      Education and guidance: Her content has helped many F2P players learn the ropes and improve their gameplay.

      👀 (When did he retire?) 👀

      Retirement: While Saruski retired from WoW in 2020, her contributions to the F2P community remain significant. She is remembered as a pioneer, leader, and advocate for F2P players.
      Saruski, a prominent figure in the WoW F2P community, while no specific reason was publicly stated, she did create a video titled "Wow Saruski Official F2p: End Of Story | 2013-2020 (English And Spanish)" which you can find on YouTube.

      👀 (Final summary) 👀

      Summarizing: There are many players today who deserve high recognition, but it could be said that Saruski is the most well-known player and the one who marked a before and after in WOW F2P, given her career in the game and on the internet some people call her the legend of WOW F2P, but there is nothing official to call someone like that, therefore that is up to each person's discretion.
      ❕ (Additional information) ❕
      ✅ YT - Saruski: Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ Wow Character: Saruski-Stormscale
      ✅ Wow Guild: The Last Legend
      ✅ TW Saruski: @Wow_Saruski_F2p
      ✅ FB Group Saruski: The Community Of Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ FB Page Saruski: Wow Saruski Official F2p
      ✅ IG Saruski: wow.saruski.official.f2p
      🔴 Saruski's last video, his retirement: 

    • By Starym
      We have another triple entry in the hotfix ledger, as Radiant Echoes gets more improvements in retail, while Season of Discovery and Cata Classic get additional class changes.
       August 7  (Source)
      Steady Flight should no longer be removed after entering an Arena. Quests
      We tuned up the Prototype Shredder MK-03 so that “Eye for an Eye” can be completed. Radiant Echoes Event
      Increased Flightstone and upgrade Crest drop rates in the event. Reduced the HP scaling on all event bosses so that they should be killable in a more-reasonable timeframe. Developers’ notes: This includes both ‘minibosses’ (e.g. Hogger, Thorim) and final bosses (e.g. Remembered Onyxia, Ragnaros). Season of Discovery
      Hunter Heart of the Lion once again has a 100 yard range. Warrior The Focused Rage rune will now correctly reduce the cost of Meathook by 3. Cataclysm Classic
      Fixed an issue where Faerie Fire did not deal intended amounts of threat when used on NPCs targeting another unit.
    • By Stan
      Due to a bug introduced with the War Within pre-patch, some players are receiving item level 250 gear from the weekly cache.
      We've seen numerous reports on Reddit and the official forums that the Last Hurrah weekly quest on live servers drop low-level gear for some players. Apparently, the bug was first introduced with the War Within pre-patch two weeks ago and still hasn't been fixed.
      Here's an example of a low item level drop from the Cache of Awakened Treasures by Omnifox.

    • By Starym
      Week 2 brings quite a few changes, as Hunters in particular rise up, while Shadow has a really bad time. The top 3 remains the same and very consistent, so let's jump in and see what's going on.
      Warcraft Logs Points
      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      The top 3 remains quite stable with the Evoker-Paladin-Warrior trio reigning supreme. We see the first change of the week right after that though, as Frost DK continues its upward march in dungeons as well as in raids, taking 4th from Elemental. Both DKs are on the rise, as Unholy also moves a spot up, taking advantage of Shadow's precipitous 5-spot fall to the bottom of the top 10. Arms remains stable as two Hunters burst in, Beast Mastery taking 8th and Marksmanship 9th, as Frost Mage disappears down towards the bottom. Speaking of the bottom, Devastation gets some new roommates there, as Outlaw and Destruction fall and give Enhancement and Feral a break.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
      As with the top percentiles, the top 3 remains solid, but 4th is immediately changed, thanks to Shadow's massive drop in performance this week. The Priest loses even more ground here, falling 9 spots into 13th, opening 4th up for Arms. Beast Mastery moves even higher here, grabbing 5th and moving in front of Elemental and Frost DK, as Marksmanship brings up the rear and completes the Hunter sandwich in 8th. Affliction breaks into the top 10, just ahead of Unholy which dropped to the final spot.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Raw DPS U.GG DPS Rankings
      U.gg's rankings are based on actual DPS taken from Warcraft Logs data, focusing on the top players and span the past two weeks.
      Frost DK finds itself on top in the raw DPS rankings, as Augmentation isn't calculated properly here. Fury and Arms grab the next two spots, moving ahead of Ret, and the Fyr'alath wins continue in 5th, where Unholy finished the legendary axe streak. Even Survival joins the Hunter good times in 8th, where all three specs gather, just ahead of Balance who closes out the top 10.
      Mythic+ All Keystone DPS rankings by u.gg.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Stan
      For the next two weeks, the Archaeology quest for Spirit of Eche'ro is available on live servers, so don't forget to get the rare mount before it's gone for 6 months!
      How to Get the Spirit of Eche'ro Mount
      1. Download MapCoords or some other add-os that displays coordinates in the game.
      2. Teleport to Azsuna from the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal Room or use your Dalaran Hearthstone to reach Dalaran (Legion) if you have one in your inventory.
      3. Seek out Archaeology Trainer Dariness the Learned in Dalaran at 41,26 and learn Archaeology if you already haven't.
      4. Accept The Right Path quest from the Archaeology Trainer and make your way to Thunder Totem in Highmountain.
      5. Talk to Lessah Moonwater to accept Laying to Rest. For the quest, you must collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro by rotating between four digsites in Highmountain. The exact locations with coords are outlined below.
      Digsite 1: Darkfeather Valley (50, 44) Digsite 2: Dragon's Falls (58, 72) Digsite 3: Path of Huin (44, 72) Digsite 4: Whitewater Wash (39, 65) it takes roughly around 2 hours to get the mount.
      Spirit of Eche'ro
      "The spirit of Huln Highmountain's pet moose."

      Hurry up! You only have until August 21, 2024, to get the mount!
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