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By Cyx
A VIHARSAROK klán lassan tíz év tapasztalattal rendelkező társaság új, friss tagokat keres Battle for Azeroth-ra!
Ha egy összeszokott közösség tagja szeretnél lenni és unod a guild hopping fenoménját, akkor várunk szeretettel.
Amit a klánunk ajánl:
- Stabil, összeszokott közösség, veterán játékosok, veterán vezetőség.
- Szombat / Vasárnap 19:00 órától raidelünk.
- Spontán események, TMog runok, egyéb finomság.
Amit várunk tőled:
- Legyen raid tapasztalatod!
- Elkötelezettség
- Nyitottság a családi atmoszférához
- Csapatszellem
Várjuk jelentkezésed!
Fufo, Meiro, Ciksz vagy csak /who VIHARSAROK.
By Smaghed
A <Fluffy Unicorn Blood> guild tgf-et tart dps posztra NH HC progress elkezdésére. Célunk egy jó hangulatú nagyjából casual team kialakítása, akik kikapcsolódnak a játékkal, de azért hc szinten ütni akarják az aktuális raidet. Raidnapok: Hétfő/Szerda 19:30-22:30.
Amennyiben érdekel a guild az alábbi csatornákon érhetsz el:
Discord: Smaghed#9473 (a legkönnyebben itt értek el)
IGN: Smaghed/Iglu
Amennyiben nem szeretnél rám várni az alábbi form kitöltésével is jelentkezhetsz! (https://goo.gl/QufA8l)
By Valkyr
With Sylvanas and Ragnaros leaving standard, blizzard told us that we will not get full dust from disenchanting those cards since they want people to play wild. However, Anyone who has a Rag or Sylvanas in their inventory will get the full craft dust value upon login, for a maximum of the number of cards you can have in a deck (i.e 1 copy per legendary, 2 for rare). If you have a golden version of these cards as well as the regular version, you will get the dust for 1 golden.
I got this idea from Kripp: If you don't have a golden sylvanas or Ragnaros, you should go ahead and craft one of each even if you have the regular versions. you will get dust for the golden legendary, giving you back the dust you spend now AND you get to keep the golden card. Now you can disenchant the golden card for 1600 dust and use it to craft any legendary you like.
If you have the golden versions of these already, DONOT craft the regular version since blizz will only give dust for the number of copies you can keep in a deck (i.e one golden). Personally I have a golden rag, and a regular sylvanas. So if i invest the 3200 dust now, Ill get 4800 dust back. What do you guys think?
By Orannis
About Us:
Revenant - Ragnaros has been a long standing English-speaking guild with roots in Vanilla. Held together by a core raiding team, where some of the members have known each other since the very start of Vanilla.
Our ultimate goal is to clear mythic before the next content patch, for every raid in Legion, which means our main focus of the rest of WoD will be to get a strong roster together ready to jump into mythic when Legion hits.
Our Raid Times:
Tuesdays, 19.45-23.30 Thursdays, 19.45-23.30 Sundays, 19.45-23.30 All times are provided in GMT +1 (EU server time). Note: all raiders are expected to be online at least 15 minutes before raid start.
What We Need:
DPS, preferably: Priest, warlock, hunter All exceptional application will be considered, even if it’s a role/spec we don’t list.
Our Expectations:
Mature (18+) On time for raids Come prepared, know tactics and your class Dedication, no whining after a few wipes on a progress boss Have a working microphone to communicate with us on Teamspeak 3 We have 2 addons that we require all raiders to have:
RC Loot Council Exorsus Raid Tools Weak Auras Contact Us:
If you found this interesting and wish to find out more about Revenant or make an application, please visit our website at http://www.revenant-raiding.wowstead.comor contact Osomo, Drucilla or Orannis (shadowcast#2231) in-game.
By Ogunarek
About Us:
Revenant - Ragnaros has been a long standing English-speaking guild with roots in Vanilla.
We’re currently working as a raiding community with members from not only Ragnaros but from multiple servers. This way we’re giving others a chance to raid cross realm until Legion releases.
We do value our guild community and friendships and try to build our roster around that, so we appreciate mature and friendly players who have high skill level but social in guild chat as well.
Our Raid Times:
- Tuesdays, 19.45-23.30
- Thursdays, 19.45-23.30
- Sundays, 19.45-23.30
All times are provided in GMT +1 (EU server time).
What We Need:
- Healers
- Druid, Monk, Shaman.
- Warlock, Warrior, Ret paladin, DK, Feral Druid, Shadow Priest.
All exceptional application will be considered, even if it’s a role/spec we don’t list.
Our Expectations:
- Mature (18+)
- On time for raids
- Come prepared, know tactics and your class
- Dedication, no whining after a few wipes on a progress boss
- Have a working microphone to communicate with us on Teamspeak 3
What we provide:
- Steady raiding environment
- Spot in our core raiding team, we’re not looking for people to be benched
We have 2 addons that we require all raiders to have:
- RC Loot Council
- Exorsus Raid Tools
Contact Us:
If you found this interesting and wish to find out more about Revenant or make an application, please visit our website at http://www.revenant-raiding.wowstead.com or contact Osomo, Drucilla or Mnir (Ogunarek#2206) in-game.