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[US-Kil'Jaeden][A]RoKK Recruiting for 25

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We raid Tues-Thurs 6:30-10:00 pm


25 Man Guild


We are looking for: 

DPS (any)

Healers (particularly monk/paladin/druid)

Off Tank w/ strong dps or heals spec


Skilled Players Encouraged to Apply


We are currently killing: 0/14 SoO


Past Tiers: 


12/12 ToT, 1/13 HM 

16/16 Normal and 4/6 MSV Heroic


Our website:


Recruitment officers are Shawni and Sarine.


*Please don't hesitate to drop us a line to talk recruitment! If we're busy, ask for our battle tags so we can get back to you at a better time. You can also leave yours in this thread and one of us will add you ASAP.*


We are looking for individuals who would be able to consistently attend raids (raiders must maintain 60% attendance), who are willing to use consumables, who don't have an irresistible attraction to fire and who bring us cookies. 


RoKK has been around since Vanilla and actively raided since Burning Crusade. Many old members tend to stick around for alt raids and guild activities. You can expect stability.. which can be really hard to find in WoW! 


Unfortunately with stability and casual raiding come some drawbacks. We'll never be the top guild on the server but we're ok with that. We do things in our own time and in our own way. It's more important to us to enjoy the game. 


If you are interested, please swing by at http://rokkguild.guildlaunch.com''>http://rokkguild.guildlaunch.com'>http://rokkguild.guildlaunch.com and check out our apps forum.

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