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[Dalaran][H]<Crucible> (3/10 M) guild LF DPS for Mythic Prog!

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Hello everyone,

<Crucible> [H] on Dalaran is searching for some more DPS to round out our core raid group for mythic progression. 

We are a progression raiding guild with some of the best geared and most experienced players on the server. First and foremost, we aim to have fun while playing (while downing challenging content, of course ;).

What We’re Looking For:
- Balance Druid
- Hunter (BM/MM)
- Ele Shaman
- Fury Warrior
- Warlock (Aff/Destro)
Please have up-to-date logs to show officers.

Raids are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 8:30 – 12:00 EST

Crucible’s Progression
- Mythic Emerald Nightmare: 7/7
- Heroic Nighthold: 10/10
- Mythic Nighthold: 3/10

What we ask of you:
- Communication: Please keep in contact with officers if you have any concerns or have reason to be late or cannot make raid. We also hope that you have a mic to properly communicate during raids.

- Reliability: We expect our players to be punctual, please log in a bit before raid to make sure you are prepared and have all of your necessary consumables.

- Patience & Perseverance: We expect our raiders to be patient, take constructive criticism well, and stay motivated during difficult progression nights.

Our guild is fairly tight-knit, people are almost always in discord to hang out, answer questions, and run lots of mythic plus!

Hope to hear from you soon. Please contact any of the officers below:

Mîder (Guild Master) – MythosFreak#1374
Shockîra (Officer) – Rycyxox#1417
Szii (Officer)- Corpuscle#1213
Iocayne (Officer) - Ethos#11453
Kotose (Officer) - Kotose#11939
Edited by positiv2

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Hey @Iocayne,

I updated your title to follow the rules. If you want the title to read something different, let me know and I will change it to reflect both your wish and the rules.

Best regards,

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