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Miracle Rogue Deck List

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Hi just like the questing miracle rogue where it had another form of win condition, could this deck possibly fit in Leeroy and Cold Blood?

Edited by Supermonkey
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9 hours ago, Supermonkey said:

Hi just like the questing miracle rogue where it had another form of win condition, could this deck possibly fit in Leeroy and Cold Blood?

If you really want to include Leeroy Jenkins and second Cold Blood, you could remove cards that don't work for you well. In my case it would be one Mimic Pod and one Vilespine Slayer, but since this deck is fairly new, it is not yet refined, so you can remove almost any card that you do not have or like. 

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Guest Fruitzy


I really like the inclusion of shadowstep, cutting the si7 isn't the biggest of deals and it synergize well with the deck. One question i have is if patches really is worth having in the deck? I was thinking of cutting him for something like xaril and was wondering hat your thoughts are on that :).

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2 hours ago, Guest Fruitzy said:


I really like the inclusion of shadowstep, cutting the si7 isn't the biggest of deals and it synergize well with the deck. One question i have is if patches really is worth having in the deck? I was thinking of cutting him for something like xaril and was wondering hat your thoughts are on that :).

I think Xaril would be fine in the deck. Patches serves three purposes that are often overstated by streamers and players, but that are actually very relevant in this deck. Firstly it thins out your deck when pulled out by the Swashburglar. As you draw a lot of cards in this deck, that means that on the draw where you would have drawn Patches, you draw something more meaningful instead of whatever you replace Patches with. Secondly, Patches is a good early defense against Pirate Warrior. Getting two 1 health minions on turn one can be a lifesaver there. Thirdly, Patches is actually really good as a combo activator with various cards in the deck.

I definitely wouldn't argue against experimenting with Xaril though, the two spells you will get will have a lot of value. I just figured I'd let you know what you are giving up to try it. I'll likely give it a go myself on the next pass through as I like Xaril in general.

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Rare Patron

I've looked at and counted the deck above and it seems to be 1 card short. I keep coming up with 29 instead of 30. Not sure as which card it is missing and atm I replaced it with a Undercity Huckster.

So what is missing and what should I replace him with.



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2 hours ago, Umbradomo said:

I've looked at and counted the deck above and it seems to be 1 card short. I keep coming up with 29 instead of 30. Not sure as which card it is missing and atm I replaced it with a Undercity Huckster.

So what is missing and what should I replace him with.



There are 8 1-ofs in the deck, so it has to be an even number.

Patches, Bloodmage, Sherazin, Mimic Pod, Sap, Edwin, Shadowstep, Cold Blood.

Check those ones first :)

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Guest Newcommer

I don't know about you guys but this deck gets run down. Miracle is not what it used to be. 

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2 hours ago, Guest Newcommer said:

I don't know about you guys but this deck gets run down. Miracle is not what it used to be. 

The playstyle of miracle rogues changed yet again. It will probably take you some time to get used to it, but I believe that your winrate will increase. But yes, miracle is indeed not as strong as it used to be.

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6 hours ago, Guest Aaron said:

Why got the SI:7 Agent exchanged for Shadowstep?

Do you mean from pre-Un'goro? SI:7 Agent isn't really needed in the deck. Shadowstep has insane synergy with Vilespine Slayer, and with some other cards, and works amazingly as a combo activator and enables you to play Arcane Giants earlier.

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you can't use it to rank up. you can draw better and early with Novice Engineer and shadow step.

actually Hallucination it's not a good option alone , this card greatly sinergyze into a face deck , combo with Obsidian Shard --> and Luckydo Buccaneer , Deadly Poison , and Swashburglar you can have a 9/9 without waiting a "good" turn. 

doing this you open a possibility to play also --> Assassin's Blade x1 this is a nice output dmg for cheap decks. 4/3 are 20 dmg.  

you can play this : Lotus Assassin , very versatile and probably you can close the game with a double Cold Blood and way better trades if played 1x in the same deck of a  Leeroy Jenkins

auctioneer is dead with the 6 mana cost nerf. i will play it X1.

Arcane Giant is a good card , try to use Shiv instead of Mimic Pod. you need to draw your own cards.... yes this is good if u double a giant , but... it's very rare....IF you get a doubled auctioneer/fan of knives? you've just lost. i prefer also x1 of Shadow Strike....instead of the mimic.. mimic just make lose one turn , you play it because you need to draw. and you don't need to double a card , you need to draw 2 different cards.

if u play arcane giants , why Vilespine Slayer x2? i will get a x1 , and put in a x1 of Assassinate , a spell.. :)

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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3 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

you can't use it to rank up. you can draw better and early with Novice Engineer and shadow step.

actually Hallucination it's not a good option alone , this card greatly sinergyze into a face deck , combo with Obsidian Shard --> and Luckydo Buccaneer , Deadly Poison , and Swashburglar you can have a 9/9 without waiting a "good" turn. 

doing this you open a possibility to play also --> Assassin's Blade x1 this is a nice output dmg for cheap decks. 4/3 are 20 dmg.  

you can play this : Lotus Assassin , very versatile and probably you can close the game with a double Cold Blood and way better trades if played 1x in the same deck of a  Leeroy Jenkins

auctioneer is dead with the 6 mana cost nerf. i will play it X1.

Arcane Giant is a good card , try to use Shiv instead of Mimic Pod. you need to draw your own cards.... yes this is good if u double a giant , but... it's very rare....IF you get a doubled auctioneer/fan of knives? you've just lost. i prefer also x1 of Shadow Strike....instead of the mimic.. mimic just make lose one turn , you play it because you need to draw. and you don't need to double a card , you need to draw 2 different cards.

if u play arcane giants , why Vilespine Slayer x2? i will get a x1 , and put in a x1 of Assassinate , a spell.. :)

I dont know to whom this was a response, but...

There is no way you cut an Auctioneer, as it is the only way you can draw cards. And it is the core of the deck. That card is why we call this miracle rogue. Abd even though after nerf, it saw significantly less play, with all cheap spells, it is insane.

Also Hallucinate is good to use with Auctioneer.

Assassinate is a terrible card, Vilespine Slayer also has a body. 

Dont worry about Giant, with all these spells, its going to be cheap anyways.

Also, this deck reached rank 1 legend in China, and it is getting more and more common in ladder every single day.

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9 minutes ago, FanOfValeera said:

I dont know to whom this was a response, but...

There is no way you cut an Auctioneer, as it is the only way you can draw cards. And it is the core of the deck. That card is why we call this miracle rogue. Abd even though after nerf, it saw significantly less play, with all cheap spells, it is insane.

Also Hallucinate is good to use with Auctioneer.

Assassinate is a terrible card, Vilespine Slayer also has a body. 

Dont worry about Giant, with all these spells, its going to be cheap anyways.

Also, this deck reached rank 1 legend in China, and it is getting more and more common in ladder every single day.

so i think the problem it's just it works better on higher ranks , because with this i never come out of rank 20 :S

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3 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

you can draw better and early with Novice Engineer and shadow step.

Using Shadowstep on Novice Engineer doesn't grant you an additional card, as you are using the Shadowstep to cycle itself, and you need to have two cards in your hand in order to be able to do that, which is obviously not really that good.

4 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

actually Hallucination it's not a good option alone , this card greatly sinergyze into a face deck , combo with Obsidian Shard --> and Luckydo Buccaneer , Deadly Poison , and Swashburglar you can have a 9/9 without waiting a "good" turn. 

Hallucination is indeed not great alone (but it's not garbage either), but with Gadgetzan Auctioneer and many combo cards in the deck, it has great synergy with the deck and deserves at least one copy.
Obsidian Shard gets countered with Acidic Swamp Ooze, making Luckydo Buccaneer combo reliant on your previous draw a lot more. Besides, it would require you to get rid of at least 4 cards, which is not something I would recommend, as the combo is not strong enough to deserve 4 spots in the deck, let alone more with both Deadly Poison and Obsidian Shard. A different build containing this combo might come later, but it does not fit into this deck.

4 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

you can play this : Lotus Assassin , very versatile and probably you can close the game with a double Cold Blood and way better trades if played 1x in the same deck of a  Leeroy Jenkins

Lotus Assassin does not fit into this deck. 
Leeroy Jenkins is not supposed to trade. It is a finisher, and deals 10 damage with Cold Blood, only for 6 mana, which is great value and definitely a swap to consider.

4 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

auctioneer is dead with the 6 mana cost nerf. i will play it X1.

The nerf happened like 2 years ago. Also, look at how many 1- and 0-cost spells this deck runs, let alone with Preparation and Mimic Pod being able to give you even more low-cost spells, allowing you to cycle a ton, even when you are at 6 or 7 mana.

4 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

Arcane Giant is a good card , try to use Shiv instead of Mimic Pod. you need to draw your own cards

Please, read the description of Mimic Pod.

4 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

if u play arcane giants , why Vilespine Slayer x2? i will get a x1 , and put in a x1 of Assassinate , a spell

Vilespine Slayer provides you with tempo, your main resource, while also not giving you a card disadvantage. Assassinate can do only one of these. And with so many spells in the deck, you do not care about one spell more, let alone a situational spell like Assassinate.

4 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

you can't use it to rank up

Eloise reached rank 1 legend. I'm fairly certain the deck is good enough. A bit complicated, but definitely not bad.

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2 minutes ago, OroNerVoSo said:

i will try it back , thank you for your explanation

but i still have fear of mimic pod ,  if it doubles an auctioneer you have lost...

It can be an issue against more aggressive decks, but against control, triple Gadgetzan Auctioneer will help you a lot. You can afford to play them all, and you certainly need to finish faster, which means you need more cards, and Gadgetzan Auctioneer is the ultimate drawing power in this deck. Besides, copying Arcane Giant is just as likely as copying Gadgetzan Auctioneer.

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5 minutes ago, positiv2 said:

It can be an issue against more aggressive decks, but against control, triple Gadgetzan Auctioneer will help you a lot. You can afford to play them all, and you certainly need to finish faster, which means you need more cards, and Gadgetzan Auctioneer is the ultimate drawing power in this deck. Besides, copying Arcane Giant is just as likely as copying Gadgetzan Auctioneer.

thank you again for another explanation... i remember i was used to play also those 2 variations Questing Adventurer and Mana Addict both in x1... are them still viable in a deck like this ?

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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2 minutes ago, OroNerVoSo said:

thank you again for another explanation... i remember i was used to play also those 2 variations Questing Adventurer and Mana Addict both in x1... are them still viable in a deck like this ?

Mana Addict is not good enough in any miracle builds I have seen recently.
While Questing Adventurer does not fit into this build, as it chooses to run Arcane Giants as its main threat, it can be played in different builds. Sadly, none are available at the moment on our site, but L0rinda is going to add one soon-ish, so make sure to check back every now and then.

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Guest Axame

How important is Sherazin? Is it worth to craft him or can I replace him with an other value card?

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1 hour ago, Guest Axame said:

How important is Sherazin? Is it worth to craft him or can I replace him with an other value card?

When I tried the deck out I replaced Sherazin, Corpse Flower with Xaril, Poisoned Mind because I don't own it. I don't know if that is a weaker or stronger swap to be honest but I like Xaril, Poisoned Mind in a Miracle Rogue due to the resources it provides. However I can say from what I've seen, Sherazin, Corpse Flower is pretty strong in this archetype due the resources the deck has to keep it coming back. Not sure if that helps at all. 

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8 hours ago, Guest Axame said:

How important is Sherazin? Is it worth to craft him or can I replace him with an other value card?

Sherazin, Corpse Flower is a core card in this deck. It can be replaced, but the deck will suffer greatly. If you want to play this anyway, you can replace it with Xaril, Poisoned Mind, like KingMe said, or with SI:7 Agent or second Cold Blood.

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42 minutes ago, zzzZekoR said:

ill try this deck but without the second vilespine ;/
ill add assasinate and see=)))

I would probably go with second copy of SapAssassinate is not a good card and Sap should be enough tempo gain for you, also works better with The guy with the best deals.

Also, you don't need to look for cards that does exactly the same thing, depending on what you're up against, SI:7 Agent (against aggro), Xaril, Poisoned Mind (this guy is awesome against control) and Shaku, the Collector (especially if you want unusable cards sitting in your hand for the rest of the game) are other options.

Against some decks (such as midrange hunter), Vanish is a thing, it is the only card rıgue has close to board clear.

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TASTY deck.

But we can also play a different version. I would say :

Journey Below x2 instead of Swashburglar --> in standard we can get an easy Sherazin , or Golem one and it's a spell for Arcane Giant , and we need that 2nd or 3rd Sherazin because Paladins and Priest runs control stuff even in the fast aggro decks.

so if we play Journey Below , we can synergize with Jade Shuriken x2 instead of Cold Blood and Patches the Pirate , we can reach more golems while we just cast spells for Arcane Giant and getting stacks for Sherazin, Corpse Flower (we also have hallucination , meh immortal flower..!) and we also have a 1 mana combo for other stuff like Jade Shuriken and Eviscerate.

But Remeber , Jade Shuriken is a good spot for a Cold Blood in the next turn , we remove and we evoke at the same time. good spot for a

we don't have much deathrattles in this standard , SO acquired the knowledge that Journey Below doesn't pick other classes cards ,  Sherazin/golem % pick is VERY HIGH , higher than you think.

we will also need Faceless Manipulator and Shadowstep because Paladins can easily fuck up our giants (i've experienced that)

This meta don't let the rogue wait the 6th turn for auctioneer , no more. i would say we can swap it with a Thistle Tea , we can get 2 more spells , eviscerate , Shuriken or Giant. playing it with preparation it's really heavy and FASTER than the older Miracle concept.

we have to play double Mimic Pod , double Shiv --> very powerfull if we have Giant in the deck.

I'm actually playing a similar version , and I draw all the deck without auctioneer.

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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