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[Proudmoore][A]<Godlike> not currently raiding

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Godlike a new guild is recruiting Raiders for our core raiding team on Proudmoore, we are looking for all specs and Ilvls as we are a new guild just formed. We will also be  doing Quests and Dungeons as a group. As a GM I have 3 years experience and have been raiding since MOP. 11/12 Mythic in Mop before WoD xpac and 11/13 Mythic before Legion all as a pug. All skill levels are accepted but at some point everyone needs to be able to do mechanics and hit numbers so that the team will progress through content.  We have discord and will log every fight to help everyone know what they need to work on. I am excited to be in the GM seat again and would love to speak with everyone even if you are just a casual player. Thank You for reading and I hope to meet you in Game!!! 

Edited by positiv2

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Hey @Drexden,

I updated your title to follow the rules. If you want the title to read something different (or if the information I added is incorrect), let me know and I will change it to reflect both your wish (or the correct information) and the rules.

Best regards,

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