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Patch 7.2.5 - Official PTR Patch Notes

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Blizzard has published the official patch notes for Patch 7.2.5.


7.2.5 will be big in terms of class tuning. The most notable new features are Black Temple Timewalking during Burning Crusade Timewaking and the following events

Full Patch Notes can be found below.

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Patch 7.2.5 Public Test Realm Patch Notes

New Features

Timewalking: The Black Temple

The time has come to join a raid of 10-30 adventurers and venture back in time to The Black Temple in Outland. You’ll be scaled to player level 70 and item level 141 on your way into this memorable highlight of the Burning Crusade expansion.

  • When Burning Crusade Timewalking is active, premade groups of 10-30 players may queue for Black Temple Timewalking by speaking to Vormu in Shattrath City.

All New Story Scenario

This is a work in progress. We’ll have more details soon. The Bronze Dragonflight already went to the future and knows all about it, so we should ask them.

New Events

  • Moonkin Festival
  • The Trial of Style
  • Auction House Dance Party



  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
    • Outlaw
      • Developers’ notes: Our overall goals here include smoothing out Energy regeneration and reducing the frequency of both resource drought and Energy capping.
      • Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush Energy regeneration increase reduced to 50% (was 100%). Duration increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).
      • Combat PotencyCombat Potency proc rate increased to 30% (was 20%), and Energy per proc reduced to 10 (was 15).
      • Fortune StrikesFortune Strikes redesigned. Now increases Combat PotencyCombat Potency’s proc rate by 2% per point (was +1 Energy per Combat Potency proc per point).
      • Restless Blades has returned. Finishing moves reduce the remaining cooldown on Adrenaline RushAdrenaline Rush, Between the EyesBetween the Eyes, SprintSprint, Grappling HookGrappling Hook, Cannonball BarrageCannonball Barrage, Killing SpreeKilling Spree, Marked for DeathMarked for Death, Death from AboveDeath from Above, VanishVanish by 0.5 seconds per combo point spent.
      • Roll the BonesRoll the Bones
        • Developers’ notes: The distribution of the number of buffs you get from Roll the BonesRoll the Bones has changed. On average, you will get fewer buffs. Our goal is to significantly reduce the desire to frequently recast Roll the BonesRoll the Bones when you get 1 buff.
        • BroadsideBroadsides now also increases the damage of your combo-point generating abilities by 20%.
        • Buried TreasureBuried Treasure increases Energy regeneration by 30% (was 25%).
        • Shark Infested WatersShark Infested Waters now increases Critical strike chance by 20% (was 25%).
        • True BearingTrue Bearing causes Finishing moves to reduce the cooldown of many abilities by 1.0 seconds (was 2.0 seconds) per combo point.
      • Slice and DiceSlice and Dice’s Attack speed increase reduced to 80%.
      • Slice and Dice increases Energy regeneration by 20% (was 15%).
    • Subtlety
      • Developers’ notes: Our overall goals are to remove uncontrolled player teleport from the baseline DPS rotation, to reduce the frequency of teleporting in PvP, to allow players to choose between more frequent or more impactful SShadow DanceShadow Dances, which equates to more frequent CC/utility or damage in PvP, to keep the PvE rotation engaging, and to make Symbols of DeathSymbols of Death more engaging.
      • All damage dealt increased by 20%.
      • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike now hits at melee range (was a 15 yard range).
      • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike when used out of combat, now deals 30% increased damage and teleports you up to 25 yards behind your target.
      • ShadowstepShadowstep now has 2 charges for Subtlety.
      • BackstabBackstab base damage increased by 35%.
      • BackstabBackstab damage bonus from being behind the target reduced to 20% (was 30%).
      • The Quiet KnifeThe Quiet Knife (Artifact trait) now increases damage dealt by BackstabBackstab by 5% (was 3%) per point.
      • Shadow DanceShadow Dance now has 2 charges (was 3).
      • Shadow DanceShadow Dance is no longer on the global cooldown.
      • Shadow DanceShadow Dance’s base duration increased to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds).
      • SubterfugeSubterfuge’s duration increase to Shadow DanceShadow Dance reduced to 1 second (was 2 seconds).
      • Deepening ShadowsDeepening Shadows now causes your finishing moves to reduce the remaining cooldown on Shadow DanceShadow Dance by 1.5 seconds (was 3 seconds) per combo point spent.
      • Enveloping ShadowsEnveloping Shadows redesigned. Deepening ShadowsDeepening Shadows reduces the remaining cooldown of Shadow DanceShadow Dance by an additional 1.5 second per combo point spent. Shadow DanceShadow Dance gains 1 additional charge.
      • Deep ShadowsDeep Shadows now causes all damage you deal to be increased by 35%.
      • Master of ShadowsMaster of Shadows moved to level 90 row.
      • PremeditationPremeditation moved to level 100 row.
      • Marked for DeathMarked for Death’s cooldown reduced to 40 seconds (was 60 seconds) for Subtlety
        • Developers’ notes: This is to balance it against PremeditationPremeditation, which is now on the same row. It’s a buff in a raid setting, where the talent was very weak.
      • Symbols of DeathSymbols of Death redesigned. Costs 25 Energy and has a 30 second cooldown.  Invoke ancient symbols of power, empowering the next cast of several of your abilities:
      • Focus Shurikens is a new passive talent available at level 70:
        • Each enemy you hit with Shuriken StormShuriken Storm increases the damage of your next EviscerateEviscerate by 25%, stacking up to 5 times.
          • Developers’ notes: This aims to remove maintaining NightbladeNightblade on every target from your AOE rotation on 4+ targets. Instead, Subtlety will deal increased damage during AOE by focusing it into one target.
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
    • All Specs
      • Soul ConduitSoul Conduit now causes every Soul Shard you spend to have a 12% (was 20%) chance to be refunded. (exception: Demonology remains at 20%)
    • Destruction
      • Developers’ Notes: Soul Shards are now divided into 10 Soul Shard Fragments for Destruction Warlocks, in order to provide more reliable, granular Soul Shard generation, prevent random overcapping of resources, rein in Soul Shard generation slightly, and reduce the number of Chaos BoltChaos Bolts being cast.
      • Fire and BrimstoneFire and Brimstone now causes Incinerate to generate 1 Soul Shard Fragment per target.
      • ConflagrateConflagrate now generates 6 Soul Shard Fragments (was 1 full Soul Shard/10 Soul Shard Fragments).
      • ConflagrateConflagrate now generates double resources from hitting a second HavocHavoc target.
      • IncinerateIncinerate now generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment.
      • IncinerateIncinerate now generates 2 Soul Shard Fragments on a critical strike.
      • IncinerateIncinerate's mana cost reduced by 16%.
      • ImmolateImmolate’s periodic damage has a 50% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard Fragment (was: periodic damage has a 15% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard).
      • ImmolateImmolate’s periodic damage critical strikes have a 100% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard Fragment (was: periodic damage critical strikes have a 30% chance to generate 1 Soul Shard).
      • ShadowburnShadowburn now generates 6 Soul Shard Fragments and an additional 6 if the target dies within 5 seconds.
      • SoulsnatcherSoulsnatcher (Artifact trait) now causes Chaos BoltChaos Bolt to have a 3% (was 5%) chance per rank to refund 1 Soul Shard.
      • Dimensional RiftDimensional Rift (Artifact trait) now generates 3 Soul Shard Fragments
      • Chaos BoltChaos Bolt cast from the Chaos BoltChaos Bolt rift now deals 60% increased damage.
      • Chaos BoltChaos Bolt’s damage increased by 40%, and projectile speed increased by 25%.
      • Rain of FireRain of Fire’s damage increased by 25%.
      • Reverse EntropyReverse Entropy redesigned slightly: Chaos BoltChaos Bolt and Rain of FireRain of Fire restore 35% of your maximum mana and deal 5% increased damage.
      • HavocHavoc’s duration increased to 10 seconds (was 8 seconds), and cooldown increased to 45 seconds (was 20 seconds).
      • Wreak HavocWreak Havoc no longer removes the cooldown of Havoc.
      • Channel DemonfireChannel Demonfire damage increased by 56%, and cooldown increased to 25 seconds (was 15 seconds).
      • CataclysmCataclysm cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 45 seconds), cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds (was 3 seconds), and damage reduced by 25%.
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • All abilities damage increased by 10%.
      • The effect of Mastery has reduced by 20%.
    • Protection


  • Added Group Finder activities for Mythic Trial of Valor and Nighthold.
  • Mythic Trial of Valor and Nighthold can now be entered by cross-server groups.

Legendary Items

  • Demon Hunter
  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • Feretory of SoulsFeretory of Souls
        • Casting a damaging Fire spell has a 6% (was 10%) chance to generate a Soul Shard.
      • Odr, Shawl of the YmirjarOdr, Shawl of the Ymirjar
        • Enemies marked by your Havoc take 15% (was 8%) increased damage from your single target spells.


  • Arsenal: Armaments of the Silver HandArsenal: Armaments of the Silver Hand now includes the Silver variant of the 1H mace. This will be added retroactively to characters who have purchased the armament.
  • Pandaria Challenge Dungeon sets have been added to Appearances.
  • The Appearance Collection now includes Holiday cosmetic items, which can be transmogged during the holiday.

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1 hour ago, FichtenMoped said:

Damn shame there is no LFR Timewalking (yet) but we'll see if they add it

That could really complicate things because gear rewards in Timewalking get scaled up (Currently to 855+). This means that trinkets that were BiS back in the day might be a lot better when scaled up compared to even 945 Tomb of Sargeras trinkets. The most prominent that comes to my mind are the trinkets that massively (Over 60%) reduced powerful cooldowns in Siege of Orgrimmar.

This would mean they'd have to nerf the trinkets into oblivion, and then no one does LFR Timewalking anymore because the rewards are bad.


The reason why Black Temple would work is because the devs don't need to worry about OP trinkets. First of all they already need an overhaul because of how we evolved our stats. Armor Penetration, MP5S, Spell Damage, Hit Rating, and the list goes on. All of these trinkets need to be replaced anyway.


Now, doing a proper LFR Timewalking like how we do with dungeons, 1 xpac at a time, would take such considerable effort, one might wonder if it's not better to just redesign the entire raid and just use the raids as a map, and slap an "end-game raid tier" sticker on it. But then it'd just be a downgrade to a proper new raid and one loses sight of what the point was in the first place.


In WoD we had Molten Core "revisit" and a lot of people with rose tinted glasses were absolutely ecstatic about it. During their first visit they realized it was not great and the rewards were bad compared to the time investment. I'm not saying all old raids would be like this, but the moral of the story is that things may seem a lot more exciting than it ends up being, and in the end, we all go back to current raid tiers instead.

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16 minutes ago, Yridaa said:

This would mean they'd have to nerf the trinkets into oblivion, and then no one does LFR Timewalking anymore because the rewards are bad.

No one does Timewalking dungeons for gear. Don't see how raids will be any different.

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8 hours ago, Maruken said:

No one does Timewalking dungeons for gear. Don't see how raids will be any different.

And then one would wonder why Blizzard would invest such a considerable amount of time to make LFR Timewalking a thing.

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Overall pleased with the DK changes. Blood getting a much needed damage buff. Unholy will be interesting to play with. Certainly the necrosis rotation will be messed with but death coil doing damage will be a refreshing change. Certainly seems like unholy is going to remain stack mastery for leet deeps. 

BT time walking. yesssssssssssss

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15 hours ago, Stan said:


I honestly can't see how this nerf is fair. If they did want scaling, then 4% is a very sad number. In order to get back the 2000 strength buff you are losing, you'd need to be at 50k Strength to break even from this. Even just 5%  would be better so as to make sure that this doesn't make early leveling paladins too strong.

Edited by CrimsonVow

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Uncommon Patron
14 hours ago, Yridaa said:

In WoD we had Molten Core "revisit" and a lot of people with rose tinted glasses were absolutely ecstatic about it. During their first visit they realized it was not great and the rewards were bad compared to the time investment. I'm not saying all old raids would be like this, but the moral of the story is that things may seem a lot more exciting than it ends up being, and in the end, we all go back to current raid tiers instead.

Yeah...I could only stomach one run of that. Not fun at all.

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2 hours ago, Blitzfury said:

lol @ the shaman changes:( where are our enha. love...

Upcoming Enhancement Shaman changes are discussed here.

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On 4/13/2017 at 3:23 PM, Stan said:


    • Windwalker
      • Damage of most abilities increased by 5.5%.
      • Fists of FuryFists of Furys range increased to 8 yards (was 5) and damage reduced by 20%.

But does that justify? :thinking: Is the other skills supposed to make up for the 20%? Not sure why they need any decrease when they are just mediocre. xd

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On 16/04/2017 at 9:41 AM, Adruin said:
On 16/04/2017 at 9:41 AM, Adruin said:

But does that justify? :thinking: Is the other skills supposed to make up for the 20%? Not sure why they need any decrease when they are just mediocre. xd

I made the math based on a log of my monk on Krosus HC wich i get 90% of my ilvl potencial
i uses the total values of each skill im the end of the fight the number i got where:
 FoF  -6,092M
RSK  +1,217M
ESF  +1,561M
SotW +0,617M
BoK  +0,509M
ToD  +0,413M
WDP  +0,355M
TP   +0,244M
CW   +0,177M
So basically we lost -6,092M and got +5,06M from all other skills together... 

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On 4/19/2017 at 8:01 AM, Yaozuh said:


Does that include the same amount of uptime on the boss? i.e. you had to run away just as often, boss died at ~the same time, CD's lined up identically etc?

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wow... just wow. big changes across almost all classes, some getting buffs that really dont need it, and lack luster nerfs where big nerfs are needed... but do you guys do crap with enhancement and ele shaman??? of course not. are you kidding me?? you will outright change abilities on some classes, and straight remove one that arent needed, but enhance/ ele get nothing? i can write pages on how screwed up our talent pages are, and how horribly unbalanced we are right now. but blizz doesnt care apparently hahah im rerolling ha im done with this joke of a class that blizz refuses to address.  

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On 4/21/2017 at 0:11 AM, Apissedoffshaman said:

hahah im rerolling ha im done with this joke of a class that blizz refuses to address.  

Come to the world of Druids and Priests - we're cool :D

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its all spaghetti for me :(  i have a resto/enhancement shaman and i feel like i trowed my life away in legion ...... maybe its time 2 start re rolling into something new..... for now i do want a class that inst that bad so i hope you guys can give me input from those ptr knowledge.



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Well, looks like Blizz is trying to ground AOTHG for Havoc DH, even with the proc buff on Demon blades, i mean yeah, DB gets a 100% proc chance, for what??? 6 to 12 fury??? and another 1 to 3 fury from the nerfed ring? kind of makes it useless... so yeah.... i think i'll bag that soon to be useless ring and hunt for a better one... nice job screwing up the class Blizz, no wonder you are loosing players...

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I really really really think I'm going to enjoy the massive update that shadow priests recieved this patch. Thanks Blizzard!


P.S Here's a little image to show my appreciation to Blizzard:




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On 6/10/2017 at 8:33 PM, MechanixNA said:

I had hoped for Feral Druid to get a damage buff or an energy buff.

I feel like Feral has been so overcomplicated for the results you get in Legion - I do wonder if just a simple buff is the right answer though. Maybe a smoothing of the rotation with some form of refresh mechanic in the spec?

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