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[Zul'jin][H]<Guild Breakers LLC>10/10H 3/10M

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<Guild Breakers LLC>looking for a few ranged DPS and Healers.  In need of Druid and Pally heals to finish out our mythic team.  Raid times are Tues/Wed 8pm - 11pm EST. If you are interested please message send message to Schroomin#1167 for more details.  Also you can post in discord https://discord.gg/TXZxDbe 

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      Start of Game: 
      You are mainly looking for Crystology. It can get you more card draw by giving you Novice Engineer. Or even a good turn 4 minion by drawing you Violet Spellsword.
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      Also Flash of Light and Truesilver Champion are good in some Match- Ups. 
      Maybe pair it with one Combo of Shirvallah, the Tiger and Baleful Banker. Because most Aggro decks don't have a Way to generate much Armor, nor having a lot of Healing most of the Time dealing 25 in the End is enough. Playing Shirvallah, the Tiger 1 Time during the game often can save your life!
      Hope You will have as much fun with this deck as I do!
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      8PM - 11PM CST
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      DPS - Open
      Tank - CLOSED
      If you are interested in joining our Mythic team, please apply: https://goo.gl/forms/ZQPvm6KYcqEkzTpz1
      If you have any questions please leave a comment, contact Fyresparxx#1148 or Trex#1111 or send a message or in-game mail to Trex-Whisperwind or Fyresparxx-Whisperwind.
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