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[Bleeding Hollow][H] <Professional Pirates> (2/10 M 10/10H) LF Tank and DPS

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Thursday and Sunday 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST

Tuesday optional alt night 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST

What We're Looking For:

We are currently looking for one tank and some dps with mage, lock, boomkin or demon hunter being a high priority, but we will consider others. We are trying to push into more mythic progression but our roster over the past few weeks has become more inactive due to personal reasons. We would easily have much higher progression if we had the attendance. We currently do N NH on optional Tuesdays and farm H NH on Thursdays and some mythics on Sundays.

When we fill our roster we will be switching it to H NH on Tuesdays and mythic progression on Thursdays and Sundays. We have a good roster of skilled and competent players, we just need your help to get us to the 20 player attendance mark. We constantly do m+ every week as well and there's never a shortage of people willing to help with keys.

Feel free to contact me for info or a trial spot and we would love to see if you're a fit for us! We are a laid back group that loves to joke and have a friendly environment, but we're also serious when we need to get things done.

DylieWylie#1860 I am on frequently so feel free to add me and shoot me a message if you have any questions or want to join

Edited by positiv2

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Hey @DylieWylie,

I updated your title to follow the rules. If you want the title to read something different, let me know and I will change it to reflect both your wish and the rules.

Best regards,

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