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What do you hope to see in incoming expansions?

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Un'goro is there for few weeks and we are quite far away from other expansions but it can't hurt to speculate. What do you hope to get in the next two expansion of the Year Of The Mammoth?

My personal list of wishes :

Plant and\or undead tribal tag. - I love tribal tags. I think that plant one is fairly likely because I find the way how plants packed in rogue very suspicious. Plant adapt option (why not beasts or elemental?) and living mana giving trees are other hints. I even suspect that plant synergy theme may be some sort of card generation.

More discard themed cards for warlock - But not zoo compatible. I want controlish cards. We will get more discard cards but I am afraid that they will just strengthen zoo. I am relatively sure  that during the last third of year of the mammoth discardlocks may be very good like Dragon priests or reno decks were during the last quarter of the Kraken. After all Malchezaar's ImpDarkshire Librarian and Silverware Golem will be leaving standard next year and Blizzard may give a discard mechanic analogue of Drakonid Operative. I don't want it to be some great zoo variant. Neutral discard cards would be nice, too. 

Dual-tribe cards - I still want my murloc-pirate or beast-dragon or mech-elemental. I doubt it will ever happen but one can dream, right?

Mech-synergy cards - Mech tag has zero meaning in the standard. I know that we have only 8 mechs with some clearly unplayable options but it still annoys me. Wild meta should benefit, too. Apart from occasional mech mage I don't encounter mech centered decks at all. 

Crappy\very situational mage spells - I want to enjoy arena again and Mage's "generate random spells" cards are the ones that annoy me the most. 

More secrets - I love secrets and was very disappointed to see no paladin or hunter secrets in Un'Goro. 

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More Ragers, less RNG. Simple as that. I can take more aggro decks, but I cannot stand any more of those ever-present RNG flops. It's simply too much to take sometimes. Also, some neutral beast synergy would be nice, simply because the neutral beast synergy we have are The Curator, Menagerie Magician and Zoobot (unless I missed any). I expect the next expansion to be more based on magic and spells and whatnot, so I don't expect neutral beast synergy to come the next synergy. Sadly, Un'goro was perfect for it, but it did not really happen.

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Definitely more Tribal Synergies. Either adding in new tags or adding more preexisting ones (Dragons, Murlocs, Demons, Beasts, Elementals, Mech) to the neutral rosters.....or both.  Also, I completely agree with @positiv2 on less RNG. I'd like to see Blizzard make more Straightforward cards like Arcane Blast and less RNG cards like Arcane Missiles. While I do like the RNG effect to some extent, I hate when it becomes a deciding factor more often than not.  

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I always love to see cards that effect the heropower. I know, there were already a whole bunch of them in the Grand Tournament, but with cards like Dinomancy or Raza the Chained I think there is still some room to fiddle around with this unique mechanic of Hearthstone. Something like changing the heropower completly, to symbolise different kinds of hero specializations.

For example Mages could become Freeze-mages and shoot a 0-damage-, but freezing shot with their heropower. Or Arcane-Mages would be able to shoot 2 damage with their heropower, but on a random enemy...something like that.

Edited by Taan

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2 minutes ago, Taan said:

I always love to see cards that effect the heropower. I know, there were already a whole bunch of them in the Grand Tournament, but with cards like Dinomancy or Raza the Chained I think there is still some room to fiddle around with this unique mechanic of Hearthstone. Something like changing the heropower completly, to symbolise different kinds of hero specializations.

For example Mages could become Freeze-mages and shoot a 0-damage-, but freezing shot with their heropower. Or Arcane-Mages would be able to shoot 2 damage with their heropower, but on a random enemy...something like that.

That doesn't sound bad at all. 

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There is going to be a story mode I think. I hope the bosses will be fun to play against at least. They should be challenging, and the rewards should be good. I mean the ratio of adventure legendaries to expansion legendaries are actually low, but some of these cards were or still are staples, like Reno JacksonBrann BronzebeardEmperor ThaurissanLoatheb and even Barnes.

Also, I wonder if could plants could make a tribel synergy themselves. There are several rogue cards, and the 1/1 tokens from deathrattle adapt. New cards can always be added, it could be fun.

A garden rogue (class is optional) vs deathrattle priest (again, could be another class) could even be named 'Plants vs Zombies' :)

I can't believe I wrote this just to make a bad joke. I'll show myself out.

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42 minutes ago, FanOfValeera said:

Also, I wonder if could plants could make a tribel synergy themselves. There are several rogue cards, and the 1/1 tokens from deathrattle adapt. New cards can always be added, it could be fun.


There are more plants available. Ancients: (War\Lore\Blossoms\Forbidden),  Ironbark Protector , Humongous Razorleaf,  Fen CreeperBog CreeperCurious GlimmerrootThe Voraxx + Soul of the ForestLiving Mana and Force of Nature.  I probably missed some

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2 hours ago, FanOfValeera said:

Also, I wonder if could plants could make a tribel synergy themselves. There are several rogue cards, and the 1/1 tokens from deathrattle adapt. New cards can always be added, it could be fun.

Plant synergy sounds like a decent enough idea and could very well work.....at least I think so.

2 hours ago, FanOfValeera said:

A garden rogue (class is optional) vs deathrattle priest (again, could be another class) could even be named 'Plants vs Zombies' :)

I can't believe I wrote this just to make a bad joke. I'll show myself out.

I laughed harder at this than I probably should have. xD lol

2 hours ago, Strongpoint said:

There are more plants available. Ancients: (War\Lore\Blossoms\Forbidden),  Ironbark Protector , Humongous Razorleaf,  Fen CreeperBog CreeperCurious GlimmerrootThe Voraxx + Soul of the ForestLiving Mana and Force of Nature.  I probably missed some

Good eye, I didn't even notice that some of these were plants until you said something. You have me looking over all the cards now.  lol

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Thinking outloud here. what if there were classes such as dk, goblin,wargen,panda and so on.

or just a way to earn quests perhaps. cant wait for the next adventure and the cards that come with it aswell.


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2 hours ago, Arjans said:

Thinking outloud here. what if there were classes such as dk, goblin,wargen,panda and so on.

or just a way to earn quests perhaps. cant wait for the next adventure and the cards that come with it aswell.


i've been petitioning for DK class since the start to no avail T_T.

One thing I would like to see is something more on the lines of field spells /alterations. Each match is always on a fun board and I find myself derping around with tall the clickables then paying attention. But some interaction with the field for both side buffs / debuffs, or implications to cost, or maybe certain tribe/ card type buffs ie murlocs, pirates, what have you. I feel it would add another layer of depth and we see it in many other TCGS. 

Even to that end think of it in terms of WoW. You are able to leave gunk on the board itself in summoning spots. So, a burn zone where whatever creature there instnatly takes 1 damage and 1 per turn. Maybe a freeze spot, every 2 turns the card can't attack. poison same as fire but no insta damage just more dot damage. So some sort of board interaction being brought into the game. 

Actually I loved this idea so much I tweeted it to the devs, the'll probably ignore it but such is life

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There's really three things I'm missing currently


  • The return of mill decks
    • I am always looking or more interesting ways to defeat and opponent, milling is in and of itself an alternate win method and I really enjoyed the days when mill rogue/druid were a thing. My wish is that the mill strategy would become more viable across numerous control classes meaning I'd hope for neutral synergy cards I guess.
  • The addition of at least one class
    • I know this has been a popular topic for a long time but I think it really is time to implement Death Knight, Monk and/or Demon Hunters into hearthstone. I know it would mean a lot of tweaking and tuning to get it somewhat balanced, but the longer they wait the harder that seems to become (That's my take on it at least). I have been a death knight main in WoW or over 6 years and I'd love to see the addition of it in hearthstone
  • Active abilities
    • I have played my fair share of magic the gathering and I think active abilities on creatures would be a fun addition in hearthstone. And active ability is an ability you can activate for a certain mana cost while the minion owning it is already in play. Let's say we play a 2/3 for 3 mana with an activated ability that lets you draw a card for 2 mana. these abilities could be something that is spammable in one turn meaning in this example I could draw 5 cards spending all 10 mana (assuming the minion was already on board)
Edited by Shine
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@Shine Last one is a great idea!

What I would like to see is a spell or maybe a minion which prevents your opponent from using 1 or 2 slots on board. For example, think of a warlock spell, which locks down the 2 slots on your opponents board, for next 2 turns. In exchange, same spell could break some of my mana crystals, like, say 1 crystal for each slot. 

Same goes for shaman and overload, cant think of anything for other classes.

This could be an answer for the decks which just fill the board, buff them and hit for 40 in one turn. Board clears are helpless because refilling the board is easy, for some classes 

Also, this is from hearthpwn but I liked the idea, introducing spell taunts. Like spells must hit a specific minion before it can target anything else. 


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One more thing I want to see is Prince Malchezaar-like cards. Cards that do something at the start of the game: Change heropower. Summon a minion. Add weak card(s) to the opponents deck. 

Edited by Strongpoint
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All of these are great Ideas that I would like to eventually see in the future. Personally I think Blizzard should add more cards like Lord Jaraxxus and Majordomo Executus on top of everything I mentioned before. Keeps the ideas coming everyone, I get excited when I see new posts on this thread. :D 

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Speaking of Lord Jaraxxus, I would love to see Potion of Polymorph interaction added. Your hero would be a 1/1 sheep with an altered hero power as well, maybe. It'll probably have nothing to do with the expansion, but I still want to see it added.

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