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Suggestion for the Main Page

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Wouldn't be easier if we could have the Notification, Inbox and Account Access from the Icy-Veins main page? We actually have to enter in a Topic or anything for it to pop up in the upper side of the screen.


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1 hour ago, Valhalen said:

Wouldn't be easier if we could have the Notification, Inbox and Account Access from the Icy-Veins main page? We actually have to enter in a Topic or anything for it to pop up in the upper side of the screen.

This will actually be a part of a big update coming to Icy Veins, which we hope to launch soonTM. Stay tuned!

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I have a small suggestion.

I have no idea if it could be implemented easily but it would be nice to have a filter for the news forum.

I am not playing every game, or not anymore, and sometimes I just want to browse quickly through the news (and I really appreciate the information your provide there) and it would be much more comfortable if I could simply exclude topics related to games I don't play and don't care about.

It's not a big deal but if it could be done ... well, just see it as a minor important suggestion ;)

Edited by Caldyrvan

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8 hours ago, Caldyrvan said:

I have a small suggestion.

I have no idea if it could be implemented easily but it would be nice to have a filter for the news forum.

I am not playing every game, or not anymore, and sometimes I just want to browse quickly through the news (and I really appreciate the information your provide there) and it would be much more comfortable if I could simply exclude topics related to games I don't play and don't care about.

It's not a big deal but if it could be done ... well, just see it as a minor important suggestion ;)

But this already exist. If you click on the name of the game at the top of the screen it will take you to said game's page with only news regarding it.

Or you can just type the name of each game after the Icy Veins URL:






Edited by Valhalen

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Thanks but I'm aware of this and they show not only game related topics, some things are global news appearing in every game section and even then it shows only the most recent topics not (or often not) the topics which are discussed and have received replies lately and even then it's only about one game.

It would be nice to click on the News forum with a filter that lets you include or exclude, both would work I guess, games. This way you would see all the new topics/replies of the games you are interested on the first page. Sometimes you have new content in the news but a lot of stuff from games you don't want to check and then somewhere on page 3 or 4 (most likely an older topic) you have a new reply on a game you like.

As I said before, it's not a big deal but all the solutions feel a bit like a workaround :) (maybe it's my own fault not playing every game :P)

Edited by Caldyrvan

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14 hours ago, Caldyrvan said:

As I said before, it's not a big deal but all the solutions feel a bit like a workaround :) (maybe it's my own fault not playing every game :P)

If I'm understanding right, you want to be able to sort it within the forum itself, so it only displays posts within the forum list from a certain game? If you click on the tag of the news post (they are all tagged with the game name), it comes up with a list of posts tagged as that game, in order of date. 

Is that what you had in mind?

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I know this and it's not what I have in mind.

This brings me to a bulky overview of topics (because they show some text) instead of the nice overview in the forum and then just the one game I clicked the tag. So I have to scroll down a bit more instead of seeing a list of topics to check if there was posted something new, then go back, click the tag of the next game etc.

And again, it's not a big issue (I'm already feeling like I would complain about something not worth it :D ) I just thought when you will do Patches, changes, updates, overhauls or whatever to the forum in the future it might be a good suggestion. :)

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We're planning a big overhaul of the site next year or the next (we're already working on it, but it's hard to tell how long it will take). With it, you'll be able to filter everything in a much easier way and the forum/website integration will be much better. 

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Sounds good. No need to hurry. I really didn't want to say the page is badly designed, just wanted to give a suggestion but looks like you already got that covered in your plans :)

Edited by Caldyrvan

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