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Siege of Orgrimmar Discipline Priest Style

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Iron Juggernaught 10m Heroic.  This guide is written from the "cheese" strategy where you spend phase 2 far away from the boss.


If you're like me and run low spirit in general, you may want to reforge for more spirit while progressing this guy.  His damage output is pretty high, and smart-heals alone aren't gonna cut it. 


Phase 1

PoM should be on (or close to on) cooldown.  Do use penance and Holy Fire / Solace on CD, but consider using PoH (even without spirit shell) every now and then.  Phase 1 lasts 2 minutes, so feel free to use spirit shell about 30 seconds in just to make life easier, but after that save it for p2.  L.meta procs should be spent on shields and maybe a cascade. 


Phase 2

To start with, PoM ON COOLDOWN.  Right before he does his first (of three) knockbacks, PW:Barrier and have everyone stack.  This will put everyone in roughly the same place, and this is really the only time everyone will reliably be stacked up (due to oil and laser beams later on in the phase.)  After each knockback, there should be a raid healing cooldown used, and before each knockback there should be a raid defensive, so co-ordinate this with your raid.  Spirit Shell after one of the knockbacks (first or second is good because everyone will be running back to the boss after the third and might range you.) 


This is one of the very few fights that I feel Twist of Fate is not ideal for.  Power Infusion is really good with spirit shells in p2 (don't waste it in phase 1 if you spirit shell.) 

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Heroic Korkron Shamen 10m Heroic


I'm not sure how useful this guide will be to anyone reading it...  My group did the 3-tank strategy where you separate the bosses.  We had two tanks and 2 healers with Haromm on the hill, and 1 tank, 1 healer(me), and 4 dps with Kardris in the main area.  We spent about an hour and a half fighting this guy before we got our kill, so I'm hoping we did it right.  But that being said my post will be extremely specific to this strategy. 


My goal was the maintenance of 6 members by myself.  If you do this, insist that all members of the hill group are in the same group, so that your PoH can be used to greatest effect.  Obviously you will need to keep people alive through the Iron Prisons.  You MUST have some way to track them; if your addon doesn't (Grid doesn't, unfortunately,) use Bliz default UI, which will show it adequitely.  At about 7 seconds left, shield each member that has the debuff.  That being said, have your raidmates call out when they can use a personal to save themselves instead, so you're not wasting mana on shields (shield them anyway if you get an L.meta proc and tell them not to use the personal.) 


100% ==> 50% the fight isn't too bad.  You can skate by on almost nothing but attonement and L.meta shielding.  I ocassionally found myself using L.meta procs thusly: PW:Shield tank for mana, then SW:Pain the boss, just because I had no healing to do otherwise.  After poison storms start spawning, our tank had a policy to move the boss, and move her a LOT.  Which is a good, it keeps people out of the bad.  But it meant that I needed to be able to move and cast a lot.  Glyphing Penance for cast-while-move is critical here.  Cast it and Holy Fire/Solace on cooldown (when appropriate: if Ash is about to hit, there's probably something better to use.)  Keep PoM going, and throw another one at the tank when you have to move if Penn. and Solace are down.  Mana shouldn't be a big concern, so don't be afraid to Shield yourself for movement speed, or just shield the tank because you need to do something while moving.  I noticed myself Pain Sup-ing people a lot.  Be very liberal with it, especially after 50%.  Always binding heal when possible.


Each new totem serves one purpose: to make it a bigger pain in the ass than it was before to keep people alive through Iron Prison.  Even though you have to keep a hawk eye on the I.Prison timers, you absolutely must not get hit by poison storm, it hits like a truck and can kill you quickly, and will knock you into the air. 


Poison slimes aren't as big a problem as they might seem to be...  throw a Solace on one of them as your DPS aoe them down for a Twist of Fate proc.  The only reason you need to care about them is that they periodically AoE damage around themselves, but it doesn't hit too hard.  If you have to run through them, just PW:Shield and speed boost your way through.  If you happen to see someone's health start dropping REALLY fast, Shield and lifegrip them.  They're probably in the middle of a slime pack without realizing. 


The biggest complication comes at 50%: Falling Ash.  DO NOT be afraid to run through this shortly after it starts.  It takes a long long time (15s) for it to fall, so you can get through it if you need to run after your tank.  I recommend Spirit Shelling every other Falling Ash.  If it's not up, ask for a raid cooldown (Devo etc before, or tranq / healing tide immediately following) so that everyone will be topped off in time for the I.Prison to terminate, and will survive with just a PW:Shield. 


Lust comes at 25%, hopefully your guild is lusting at the same time so this phase goes by quickly, things just get a little harder.


Lv. 90 talent recommendation: cascade.  The arena is too huge for halo and when it starts to matter, everyone will be scattered all over the place, making DS worthless.


SPECULATION: for 25m.  Instead of having people call out of they can save themselves, have them call out of they can't. 


SPECULATION: If you get put on the hill, I'm not too sure either, I haven't been up there in heroic.  Damage is extremely spikey from what I saw on my raid frames.  Consider Shelling before Foul Stream as much as you can, or precast a PoH into it if SS is down.  I know that PoM can be used on cooldown.  And I know that raid defensive cooldowns MUST be saved for bloodlust phase.  Toxic stream already hits like Megatron swinging a fracking cruise ship, now add 25% more damage to that.  You shouldn't need to survive long... he just does too much damage, nothing would be sustainable longer than a minute or 90 seconds.  But manage your group CD's to survive as long as possible so the other group can finish them both off, because if either group dies, it IS possible for the bosses to simply disappear.  


I strongly recommend Glyph of Penance and Glyph of Inner Sanctum for this fight.

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Nazgrim Heroic 10m


The biggest worry in this fight (aside from ravagers) is the warsong.  It deals 65% health-as-damage.  This bypasses armor but goes through everything else, so cooldowns and shields still work obviously.  The obvious answer is "spirit shell it" but predicting if he'll use banner or warsong is not always easy, as his rage can jump suddenly for no apparent reason.  I've had him start at 50 rage, then jump to 70 just before cool off ends and warsong, hitting the raid with no spirit shell, and no time to put any up.  My advise is that if cool off is halfway done and he's at 50+ rage, start spirit shelling anyway:  Worst comes to worst you absorb some incedental damage.  As the tanks start to understand the fight better, you shouldn't see any warsongs except in the final push.


Help kill the banners.  Penance + Solace/Holy Fire is good snap damage.  Continue smiting after those 2 if you want, but your raid should have killed the banner by then if they're any good.


Be extremely aware of his heroic leap as the fight wears on.  The rage it generates isn't a huge factor as much as the fact that it can easily kill you.


Because of his dot, PoM on cooldown (at the tank is a good target, or on yourself if the DoT is on you.) 


There's really not a good time to use Barrier, so use it without worry if the tank needs an external cooldown.  Save pain sup for an emergency. 


Even if you're helping attack the adds (you should be) use DBM to track Nazgrim's rage (or focus him if you don't use DBM.) 


Be aware of the hunter.  Watch your debuff bar for Hunters Mark when adds come out. 


As a healer, you will never be targeted by the rogue.


Cascade and Twist of Fate are probably the best talents to use here, due to adds and banners frequently dieing, and the raid spread out.  Halo might useful here as well.


One final note: Be EXTREMELY careful with Void Shift if you are DoT-ed.  I'll go so far to say, wait to void shift until you've shielded yourself, the other person be damned.  Chances are they don't have the DoT, so they can wait a minute for you to not kill yourself. 

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Heroic Korkron Shamen 10m Heroic



SPECULATION: If you get put on the hill, I'm not too sure either, I haven't been up there in heroic.  Damage is extremely spikey from what I saw on my raid frames.  Consider Shelling before Foul Stream as much as you can, or precast a PoH into it if SS is down.  I know that PoM can be used on cooldown.  And I know that raid defensive cooldowns MUST be saved for bloodlust phase.  Toxic stream already hits like Megatron swinging a fracking cruise ship, now add 25% more damage to that.  You shouldn't need to survive long... he just does too much damage, nothing would be sustainable longer than a minute or 90 seconds.  But manage your group CD's to survive as long as possible so the other group can finish them both off, because if either group dies, it IS possible for the bosses to simply disappear.  


I strongly recommend Glyph of Penance and Glyph of Inner Sanctum for this fight.

My guild uses a 3 tank(Pally, Druid, OffspecMonk) 2 heal(pally/disc) strategy however monk tank heals can be quite overpowered at times.

It sometimes works out nicer with 1 healer in Harromm group because the toxic mist debuff is always on the sole healer(ours is a pally) and one of the tanks so the tank can mitigate/self heal alot and this makes the damage more predictable.

This being said if you are 10 man and have a disc priest you would be a bit silly to put them on Harrom duty anyway.

Our disc priest solo heals the bottom Kadris group with relative ease and mostly atonement.

But the emphasis should be placed on (depending on your dps) the 25% soft enrage happens and the next falling ash usually happens right about the same time as foul stream and the toxic mist debuff duration is low so saving barrier/SS would be best for this one.



Notes on Nazgrim heroic 10m

A well placed void tendrils can help in final phase to keep the shamans away/ironblades rooted.



Sha of Pride 25m Heroic notes.


I'm not yet sure if it's best to dispel people on cooldown or ignore it.

Dispel, you should have it killed before the pride gets too high to become a major issue.

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Heroic Malkorok.  10m.


I have no idea how attonement works in relation to the shield.  I really don't.  It SEEMS to work, but I can't say for sure.  I've heard that it has something to do with lowest (shield + hp), while others claim it ignores the shield and just piles over and over on whoever has the least health. 


When the fight opens, START WITH DESPERATE PRAYER.  Otherwise, if you get targeted by the 'launch in the air' thing you're gonna take a lot of damage to your health, and you don't want that.  If you ever find yourself in the air, consider penancing yourself for some extra shield, so you don't take any fall damage.  Immedaitely following that, use Cascade (from wherever) or Halo (from on top of Malk.)  Repeat this after the end of the first berserk phase.  Don't bother after the second, Malk will kill you about 30 seconds after it ends so there won't be time for anyone to die of stupid before he wipes the raid.


EDIT: Use Halo, period.  This is the only fight it's good for, use it.


I recommend helping kill the add.


I recommend you turn off your healing #s in the UI.  The floating green numbers in front of your character makes it impossible to see if you have an orb spawning under you, and it's already hard enough to notice them before it's too late. 


Consider shielding whoever's picking up melee explosion void zone every time, and also whoever's assigned to the sector to the right and left of you when they need to pick it up.  Of course, also shield yourself if you're picking up one.  Try to not have weakened soul at this point, otherwise you may take health damage absorbing the explosion void zone.


Use PoH more often than you normally would, even without Spirit Shell.  In 10m make sure the groups are set up so you can heal the nearby ranged, yourself, and melee void zone soaker all with one PoH, and spam that group whenever sheilds are running low.


Low shields?  Use Binding Heal, Penance(self), or warlock candy. 


For phase 2, if your tank is soloing him consider barrier first half, Pain Sup second half.  Remember to NOT use pain sup any other time if you do this.  If instead you're stacking with your group, co-ordinate with other healers.  If the tank is soloing, try to knock out orbs in your sector... just don't forget to heal the tank.


Don't use PoM ever during p1.  It's just worthless, as damage to health is rare enough that it will probably just expire after 0-2 jumps.  The only time it's not garbage is if you stack during P2. 

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Heroic Spoils 10m


EDIT: Okay I'll give a serious strategy.


The only problems with this phase are the minibosses, and to a lesser extent the buff mobs.  Be sure to quickly dispel the windwalker's buff, and be sure not to stand in frotn of the brewmaster.


The mogo boss isn't too big an issue.  Try to point your healer buff (if you get it) at the adds, and use PoH (with our without SS) fairly frequently to keep everyone alive.  The boss doesn't do much damage, you should be fine with mogu.


The biggest danger lies with the mantid miniboss.  Wait for him to throw the first Set to Blow, and if it's not on you immediately start spirit shelling.  Continuously cast PoH until you get Set to Blow, then movement speed talent yourself, jump-turn-penance and keep running, jump-turn-Solace/holy fire, and when you're far enough dump your bombs and run back, then start casting PoH again.  Dont underestimate the Mantid minibosses. 


On mantid side, remember one of the medium mobs can cast an aoe healing buff: be sure to dispel it from everything affected.


Other than that, try to attonement as much as you can.  Aside from the mantid bosses it's mostly just a dps race.

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Heroic Thok 10m.  I beat him but I feel that my strategy was inefficient.  I was consistantly last place in HPS, so I'm not going to say too much.  Remember that DS is extremely powerful and can be used while you are silenced, as it is a Divine spell and not Holy.  During P2 try to spend your time attonementing against the boss and use SW:Pain as well.

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Normally I would write my experiences with Heroic Thok here but he's absolutely crushing our raid.


Unfortunately I only have HM 25m xp but some things I hope are universal. 


I change my glyphs for this fight from Penance to Focus Mending.  This allows me to cut my penance short and prevent lockouts.  And I keep PoM up on the tank so it allows a small amount of controlled healing between them and myself by keeping it only bouncing between us.


The other slots are filled with Weakened Soul and Prayer of Mending.  During progression I tried Holy Nova to help the low health raiders, but it was not significant to keep them up compared to other GCD usage.  At one point I also tried Binding Heal but when it mattered most, there wasnt enough time.  Side note that the Minor Glyph Sha removes the GCD for that ability, if you do not have it already.


Inner Focus helped me a lot here when I found out you can get 2 not 1 PoH Crit and uninterrupted casts off.


Getting a Hand of Protection from a Paladin is great for higher stacks and your SS comes off CD.  That is unfortunately easier to get in a 25m raid and will depend on whether or not you have a Paladin with ya.  Same with Devo's, make the fight a lot more trivial the more you have but very limited in the 10m world.


When stacks are high and PoH is not an option: In between PoM on the Tank, Penance(cut short), and Holy Fire; I PWS spam ICC style.  Set a certain stack number to get your HoP or Devo for your SS restacking (if avail*).  Don't use your IF during Devo or HoP as it will give you another 2 PoH casts w/o the help of a Paladin.  I save Barrier for right before we look to transition the boss.  It gives ya a nice cushion to prevent deaths while healing is throttled.  Make sure you are throwing a PWS on the lowest health players first during the push... this was a problem for us, always losing one low health player while trying to transition. 


I save PS for when the bats come down and also get my IF double uninterrupted PoH just as the reach us.  SS has already gone out prior to this and will be up again when Clemency HoP is up again (again if it's avail to ya*).  If the first transition is not an issue and people can use personals and stay alive for the transition, here is where I moved Barrier after our first kill allowing me to use it earlier in P1 and off CD.


In 25m you have some control over who get targeted during the kite, no experience if it works in 10m.  Forums say that it's the farthest person from Thok at the end of tracking the current target... I've encounted people swearing there was one person farther than they were.  So it's safe to say that it picks one of two people farthest from him at then end of his Focus, NOT farthest from him once he starts his cast.  Once he stop and starts to reacquire the target has been chosen already.  To prevent handicapping ourselves we make sure that Healers run with Thok just a bit so they are never targeted during kite phase.


We open up Akolik first then Gorai.  We kill him during the kite phase after Gorai to prevent dealing w/ Montak.  We have a range dps keep an eye on the yeti to help us move out of his way if needed.  We have a predetermined spot to move to just in case we have to move we are not spread out everywhere.


Hope something in here helps, and even more so I hope you have a Paladin or two in your setup! I tried to keep the info to just priest stuff but my fail spilled over some.  GL

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On the contrary about kiting thok, We force most of the healers to bait thok since it gives our DPS more time to sit there and DPS the boss (save the 3 priests anyway during the 2nd kite phase because of mass dispel, but otherwise feathers are amazing)


Healing in that phase isnt really that difficult and if a healer is fixated they can heal/dispel themselves.

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We are now 10/14 heroics and these are some of the thought I have on talent/glyph choices for the first 10 bosses on heroic. It should be noted this is all from a 25m PoV, but most should be applicable to 10m too.


My default choices in terms of talents: Void Tendrils, Angelic Feather, Power Word: Solace, Desperate Prayer, Twist of Fate, Halo



  • Cascade is phenomenal on this fight, use it as far away from a blob as possible and let it take its way around the room slowing/healing other blobs and healing the raid members simultaneously.
  • ToF is king on this fight because of the high uptime you get from healing blops and once Immerseus hits 35% health
  • FDCL might be worth considering on this fight because of all the flash heals you'll be firing off, I haven't seen a major difference between that and my default choice of Solace
  • In terms of glyph I chose Binding heal for the added heal in p1, Inner sanctum for the lessened magic damage taken and penance


  • We stack on most of the fight, making DS superior to the other tier 6 talents, default talent choices otherwise. Halo is definitely worth considering if you're spread. Cast it as sun's Calamity is one sec from going off and it will hit everyone right after it goes off. CD aligns perfectly with it.
  • Inner sanctum glyph for more DR, Holy Fire for added range on atonement, Penance for mobility


  • Again we stack, so DS becomes godly
  • Loads of adds, so loads of ToF uptime
  • If you go into the scenario, you should be able to keep everyone up with atonement spam that also allows you to get out sooner, just remember to dispell the nasty debuff and not stand in things
  • If you're not going down(though beg your raidleader for it) focus on the adds as you don't deal reduced damage to them
  • Inner sanctum again, binding heal and penance for glyphs


  • We do things a bit different from the 'ideal' tactic here. Other than dealing with the various mechanics, we don't stack up but rather spread around the boss and have dedicated groups for the various quarters of the room regarding soaks, additionally swelling pride hits like a truck on heroic so I use Halo for this fight because of the monstrous heals you get. Simply run into the middle of the room under the boss and use halo a second before Swelling pride goes off. Use SS prior to this to shield everyone.
  • Alternatively use Cascade if you want to pad DA if Swelling pride isn't an issue.
  • Other than that this is an atonement fight, so smite your hearts out and remember to dispell
  • Because you end up dispelling a lot, glyph of purify gives you a nice little heal, other than that Inner Sanctum and Penance glyphs



  • It should be noted I stay on the ground and end up smiting for most of the fight. I pick DS because of the constant raid-wide damage in p1 from the 'war songs' the add do but also the immense need for sustained healing in P2.
  • Twist of fate for this fight because of the amazing uptime, but DI is a viable alternative if you want to focus your utility on the more intense phase 2.
  • glyphs: inner fire, holy fire and penance

Iron Juggernaut:


We do the AFK tactic of letting him knock us out of range of a lot of his abilities in P2, reducing the need for intense healing.

  • Halo or cascade for this fight for the second phase either right before(cascade) or after(Halo) a shock pulse to help with the healing.
  • In p1 you end up smiting most of the fight, but keep an eye on the tank doing bombs and heal him accordingly. In P2 heal your heart out even if you go OOM, you will regain the mana in the following P1. Use PWB before a shock pulse on as big a bunch of raiders as possible, coordinate as needed with your riadleader.
  • Shock pulse is physical damage, so inner fire glyph, additionally inner sanctum because of the magic damage on the fight and lastly penance.


Dark Shamans

  • Our time to shine! Focus on Iron prison and never let one go off without them having a shield on them. Use SS before a falling ash, try to time DS with it too.
  • Because you will be stacked at the bottom with all other ranged, DS is a magnificient choice here as well.
  • Glyphs: Holy fire for range, penance for mobility and binding heal because someone close to you will need healing too from all the aoe that is going on.

General Nazgrim


  • Smite fight again. Twist of fate because of a ton of adds, great uptime. Halo for the times a war song come off to get everyone up to full health.
  • I use mindbender for this fight because although it might have marginally less mana return, there will be periods where no adds are up and the boss is in defensive stance and you won't have a chance to use PW:Solace but since pets don't add rage, you can still use Mindbender on CD
  • Smite your heart out again, use shields on people with the bonecracker debuff, delay halo for war songs or if using Cascade on cd for DA padding.
  • Glyphs: Holy fire, inner fire and penance



I usually go holy for this fight simply because of how ridiculous this fight is for holy.


As disc:

  • Since you will spend most of your time spamming PoH either way, go for mindbender
  • Keep using Penance on cooldown
  • Halo is the clear winner for this fight, it has phenomenal healing potential. Use on cooldown
  • Use PWS on people soaking, penance and flash if only few people have red barriers.
  • Glyphs: Penance, inner sanctum and a third free choice


As holy:

  • Take halo and FDCL because of its great synergy with PoH. I use Twist of Fate as it has had a 60%+ uptime for me, DI is a viable alternative.
  • Spam PoH and FDCL procs on people with low shields, halo when P1 begins or when a lot of people are low(usually right after they soak)
  • Use Glyph of Deep Wells, Lightwell and Circle of healing


Spoils of Pandaria


  • Halo since stacking is impossible on Mantid side and you need the burst healing.
  • Keep SS to use for the big crates
  • Twist of fate since this is basically glorified trash.
  • Glyphs: Holy fire(you will be facing or behind sparks so you want the extra range), penance and weakened soul

Thok the Bloodthirsty


This is a terribly fun fight.


  • Your raid will be stacked in two groups so take DS and use it just as the roar goes off for best effect, remember to stand in such a way you will hit both groups with DS.
  • Twist of Fate will have an incredible uptime on this fight, it's the obvious choice. I also take Spectral Guise as it allows you to drop the fixate if he's getting too close to you.
  • I use penance, Inner Fire and Inner Sanctum on this fight.
  • You should be able to get off SS twice in every phase 1. Use it before the first roar and it should be off cooldown again around  the 16th, if you have a pala convince you raid to wait with devo until that stack, then pop SS and when Devo is about to run out use IF so you can get of all 4 of your PoH. If you can't time devo, consider having them use HoP on you when SS comes off cooldown. If you don't have a pala, use IF at the start to get off at least two PoH(around roar 5-6)
  • In P2 you should regain mana for the next P1 and resort mostly to atonement healing either through the jailor or Thok himself.

Siegecrafter Blackfuse


  • Once again I'd use Divine Star if you like us stack up and move as one big group.
  • The Shredder add when spawned will start to cast overload -- raidwide aoe ability every ten seconds, each dealing increasing damage. The shredders spawn every minute which means that between the first overload of each shredder there is exactly one minute. This syncs perfectly with SS and you should be able to use it every time. I usually keep mine for the second or third overload as the first will do negligible damage.
  • Keep an eye on the tanks for this fight. They will get stacks of Electrostatic charge that will start to hurt once they hit 4 stacks plus. Communicate with your tanks and work out a cooldown rotation on them and use PS on a tank when he is about to be hit by one. Delay your PWS if need be so the shield will fully go towards the Electrostatic Charge and not just an autoattack.
  • Using Spectral Guise on this fight will allow you to stop the sawblades Blackfuse will cast on your from spawning if you use it as he's casting the spell. If you use it before it will spawn either way.



Clusterfuck of a fight. Some general tips

  • Cascade since will be spread all around the room and you don't want to break cc'd parasites
  • Help with the dps where possible, including delaying SS for burst. Outside key abilities there isn't much to do and you're too spread for efficient PoH use, so smite is your goto heal anyway.
  • SS for fiery lines, parasites and then on cooldown if you want. You can time Cascade, and AA, perfectly with Fiery Lines.
  • Tanks take loads of damage so make sure you proc rapture all the time from them. The targets of parasites are also good candidates for the first part of the fight
  • Spectral Guise breaks aim and mesmerise, take it!
  • Use Leap of Faith to extend mesmerize, giving the raid more time to deal with the kunchong



The biggie. From a healing PoV not much has changed from normal.


  • Using SS on the first Iron Star has it ready for the first intermission and then for the second whirling and the iron star in P4.
  • Help DPS since you only have 16 seconds to kill everything.
  • Use Barrier on one of the whirlings.
  • DS Is phenomenal if you stack up for desecrate and whirling corruptions.
  • If you're part of the desecrate team, plan angelic feathers ahead, they can help you avoid take any damage from desecrated weapon.
Edited by steve
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On the contrary about kiting thok, We force most of the healers to bait thok since it gives our DPS more time to sit there and DPS the boss (save the 3 priests anyway during the 2nd kite phase because of mass dispel, but otherwise feathers are amazing)


Healing in that phase isnt really that difficult and if a healer is fixated they can heal/dispel themselves.


How can I pad meters if healers kite Thok?!  Honeymoon's over Krazy!  If I make a mistake and get targeted, just Spectral Guise and it's someone elses problem now. lmao

Edited by Gwenymph
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      This thread is for comments about our Holy Priest Leveling Guide.
    • By Daevilmonkie
      Welcome Adventurers! The time has come upon us, FINALLY! The moment in Classic WoW history us diehard, loyal WoW nerds have all been waiting for. WRATH CLASSIC! Arthas Did Nothing Wrong (ADNW) has just begun recruiting (For WotLK Classic) hard-core, casual, rp, pvp, pve, raiders, anything you can think of, you are welcomed here. Although our main focus in ADNW will be progressive raiding, 10 and 25 man and pvp content, we look to have someone for just about anything. Currently we are recruiting for our CORE 10M team composed entirely of irl / internet homies. We are in need of just 1 HEALER (Highly prefer a disc priest with a shadow off spec) and another DPS. Preferably lock or Shadow priest. We are looking to fill our B 10m team entirely, so we can pool together for 25 man’s when it comes time to crush 25m. This guild was founded by a group of tight nit friends recently, who have been around since TBC. WOTLK was our turning point in WoW, and we CANNOT wait to get another crack at this and MAKE IT RIGHT. Come join the adventure of a chill environment full of helpful hands and knowledge. Feel free to reach out to me Via Discord: Daevilmonkiexp#9239 OR Bnet: Daevilmonkie#1280 just let me know you are interested in the guild and we can have a convo! ARTHAS DID NOTHING WRONG!
    • By OneShotGamingMLG
      To all who read,
      I am a WoW player and have been since vanilla, I’ve played several variances of classes through the expansions and this round settled with shadow priest which I ran through the majority of Legion and BfA. I have never written a guide or forum post before but decided I wanted to share my thoughts and opinions and see how other players in the same position feel as well.

      I would like to ask people to respect everyone’s opinion as this forum topic will be a place for unusual class builds, talent choices, and stat priorities. Everyone plays the game for fun and should be able to build a toon that is effective utilizing a multi style approach. I do believe that the simulators are awesome for checking gear and choices when it comes to specific cases perhaps PvP. That being said though, I feel as though sims are not really a good indicator of a talent choice or gear piece’s level of effectiveness. I am by no means a tremendously good player, probably average to be honest, but ask any top tier player and they will tell you very rarely does a pull go “perfect” for their class. these simulations then are only showing if something goes perfect, so I thought why not build a class around what “actually” happens versus the “perfect pull”, so that is what I did.
      I would love to hear what other players thoughts on the matter are and list what your individual stat priorities are and maybe discuss why!
      mine are as follows;
      1.) Mastery = Versatility
        (both of these boost damage output but versatility is not limited by number of DoTs so it helps if you are struggling to keep skills on targets.)
      2.) Haste (this increases the amount of ticks per cast, when paired with high Vers and mastery you deal large DoT damage which is great if you’re in a high movement fight.)
      3.) Critical
       This for many reasons is great. First, shadowy app procs, and secondly just plain damage bumps. Lastly, and arguably most important though is the shadow word death damage boost. When we execute (comparing to warrior skill) it deals increased damage naturally to targets below 20% health I believe. When you pair this with high mastery Vers and a decent crit chance you can execute for incredibly high amounts of damage to help that end fight dps chart! 
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