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[Bleeding Hollow][H] <Ars Brute Squad> 1/10M NH, dps heals

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Ars Brute Squad
Bleeding Hollow (PVP) US

Raid Details
Tuesday/Sunday Nights
8:30 PM EDT - 11:30 PM EDT (invites start at 8:15 PM EDT)

Our Situation
After a strong start to NH we cleared heroic and now getting into mythic (1/10M). Our goal is to make significant progress in mythic difficulty. We are looking to supplement our roster with more healing and DPS to make that happen. 

Who Should Apply?
We are looking for players who excel at raiding and are a good match for our guild chemistry. Balance Druids, Mages, Shadow Priests, Holy Paladins, DKs, rogues, and Resto Shaman are currently our classes in demand, however we will always consider any competent player. A good sense of humor, ability to take feedback, and determination to beat difficult content goes a long way.

About ABS
Ars Brute Squad was created to provide a fun, mature, and mutually respectful environment for all guild members. We view our sense of community to be our binding principle; we aim to instill as much joy in playing with our guildmates as we derive from playing individually. While we cannot support every play style, we attempt to provide an inclusive and entertaining play experience for all. The guild has been around since 2006 with many original members still playing today; while we are looking for new raid members, we want to bring new people into the family.

Interested in joining us? Fill out an application on our website.

or contact Syrophenikan#1352 in-game.

Edited by positiv2

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