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windwalker Lacking Damage in Raids (especially Botanist), please help
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By Casdon
[US] Stormreaver — Skunkworks
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. (pst) || 9-1 (cst) || 10-2 (est)
10/11M Antorus
9/9M ToS
10/10M Nighthold
3/3M Trial of Valor
7/7M Emerald Nightmare
About Us
Skunkworks is a guild for players who can not or do not want to commit to the time-intensive raid schedules of traditional "hardcore" guilds.
However, we still maintain a high caliber player environment and make an efficient use of our raiding time.
We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 11:00 PST, just 8 hours a week and never more.
We are very protective of our guild environment and selective in recruitment. We are looking for solid players mechanically as well as intellectually.
We all get paid to deal with idiots, why should we pay to spend our leisure time with them as well?
Skunkworks has been around for multiple expansions and has historically always been at the top of the 2-night raiding guild scene.
Past Raiding Achievements
#US 199 Mythic KJ #US 186 Mythic Archimonde #131 US Heroic Garrosh #68 US Heroic Ra-den #77 US Heroic Lei Shen #86 US Heroic Sha of Fear #106 US Heroic Madness of Deathwing #99 US Heroic Ragnaros #147 US Sinestra #91 US Heroic The Twilight Destroyer (Halion) #71 US Heroic Fall of the Lich King #247 US Tribute to Insanity #160 US Alone in the Darkness Current Guild Needs
Amazing Range DPS ---Exceptional Candidates always considered regardless of recruiting needs.
How to Apply
Apply with Google Forms
All applications are kept private.
Please include at least the following.
Prominent links to relevant armory pages ]A guild history with reasons for departure
The reason(s) you have chosen to apply to this guild
Warcraft Logs
UI screenshots or fraps/Stream footage
Contact Information
Shadaka (GM)
Real ID:Shadak#1881
Aerivore (Recruitment Officers)
Real ID: Aerivore#1581
Real ID: Sov#1192
By Muffin9
Question regarding WW stat priority - is there ever a point where I'll want to choose something like Vers or Haste over Mastery or Crit, in a single-target situation? (I understand that Haste > Crit in multi-target)
I'm still a little new to WW in Legion, here's a link to my character if that helps at all. At the moment I'm sitting at 52% Mastery and 47% Crit, since I'm still missing 1 tier piece to complete my 4-set. Tier will definitely change up my stats, but with such high Crit I've been wondering if Legion has some sort of soft cap on stats, especially this late in the expansion, or if there are certain percentages where I'll want to start taking other stats?...
By Notoris
I would like to pose a few questions and share some thoughts regarding the trinket Draught of Souls.
It seems that you should never use SoF and DoS at the same time since the clonens don't rage while you do.
How do I use DoS in the opener? It enhances ToD's dmg through Gale Burst but at the same time you are not able to make full use of SEF since you are unable to make any actions during the 3 secs of channeling. So do you delay the DoS use until after clones have gone or do you delay clones? I believe DoS does way more dmg during the Fel-Crazed Rage than the clones would in the 3 secs. But what about the remaining 5 secs. of ToD? Do you use SEF right after DoS and then Fists of Fury or Strike of the Windlord?
What buffs/stats applies to the DoS use effect? Does Hit Combo? Because then you would like to have it stacked to 8 before using DoS. And then it might be better to delay the trinket until after clones are gone losing the trinket dmg in Gale Burst...
After the first use how do you proceed? Just use it on CD (outside SEF) or line it up with anything interesting?
Looking forward to interesting input. Seems like the monks in the forum are laying low.
By Frontright
Hi All
Thank you upfront for the support. It has helped me a lot reading other people's post too. I need some help with my WW DPS please.
I have also been on the Walking the Wind website and used that as a supplement. Rotation: FSP Kick in, TP > TOD > SEF > RSK > EE + FoF > SotWL > WDP > TP > RSK (not sure after this but probably TP > BK > TP > FoF to capitalize on the second FoF while SEF is still up from Drinking Horn).
I've started to focus on making sure that I have chi available soon as FoF or RSK or SotWL comes off CD. In the past I wasn't watching and would be starved for Chi at the last second and have to TP which is a DPS loss. But I'm still not sure why I am underperforming so much. Also please let me know what I am doing right and should keep doing.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you and have a great Christmas!
By Cmx
Hello fellow monks,
i came here for help, i feel like i underperforming on most single target situation. My big problem is, i have such a low dmg from FoF, i dont even know why. I must do something very wrong with my FoF. Can please someone look at this and try to find why iam such a lefthanded ?
I ready every guides, i still learning with Serenity, but i think its not major problem, why i have 10M dmg lowest on FoF dmg then others.
Thank you !!
i compare logs with random players with similiar ilvl, same encounter time etc,
Mythic Nythendra logs:,8&source=3,Nutellã&type=damage-done,23&source=3,Dangleesac&type=damage-done
Mythic Elerethe logs:,6&source=3,Rüsselcrowe&type=damage-done
Mythic Ursoc logs:,5&source=3,Mithrilangel&type=damage-done,6&source=3,Lavinath&type=damage-done