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    • By branflakess
      Gone Fishing [18+] 

      is an adult only guild looking for members to run raids and mythic+ content with. We are a relatively new guild with experienced players. 

      Raid schedule:  Fridays/Saturdays

      Reach out to us here!: 

      Battlenet ID:

      Discord IDs:

    • By Fwankk
      <Raw> - Area 52 (H) - 2day/week Mythic Progression Raid team. 
      https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Raw (you'll find all of our recruitment needs here.)
      Emerald Nightmare -- 7/7H 5/7M
      Trial of Valor -- 3/3H (no mythic progression here, we were focused on EN at the time)
      Nighthold -- 10/10H 8/10M
      Small guild break (transferred from Thrall (H) to Stormage (A) )
      Tomb of Sargeras -- 9/9H 4/9M
      Antorus, the Burning Throne - 11/11H 10/11M
      BFA Pre-patch (transferred from Stormrage (A) to Area52 (H) )
      Uldir -- 8/8H 2/8M
      Tuesdays: 8-11 Server (EST) Progression
      Thursday: 8-11 Server (EST) Progression
      Saturday: 7-9 Server (EST) Optional Farm (Normal/Heroic)
      We are currently looking for people that can commit to all raid days. We are interested in players that will show up prepared, focused, and ready to kill bosses. 
      We understand that real life happens, but we do ask that our raiders maintain at least 90% attendance and be able to raid without frequent interruption. 
      We don't have a strict attendance policy, however it is important for us to keep our progression as strong as possible, which relies heavily on raid wide attendance. We only raid two days a week for 6 hours total, so it's imperative that we are all prompt and focused for raid. 
      At the current moment we are seeking any spec Warlock, Mage, Hunter, and a WW Monk. As always, we will are interested in ANY competitive/mythic oriented raiders despite spec/role. We're happy to talk to anyone interested.  
      Ranged -- MM/BM Hunter / Mage / Warlock!
      Melee -- Arms War / Surv Hunter / WW Monk
      For our 20m roster we have four 5m mythic+ teams that do one max level key a week. These teams are made up randomly and will be mixed up every two weeks. This system allows for us to make sure that our raiders are staying up to date with gear/Azerite,  and it also helps build chemistry within the core. These are 100% MANDATORY and will be conducted after raid on raid days. Same attendance requirements as raid days. 
      We expect all raiders to come to raids prepared. This means: 
      - Having the correct gems and enchants. 
      - Class knowledge.
      - Raid preparation. 

      We only raid 6 hours a week, so it is important to us that we don't waste time. All underpreforming players, regardless of rank or class, will be benched until performance can be brought up to par for the current content.  We are not interested in carrying anyone, and if you cannot perform raid mechanics, then we are not the guild for you. Flask and food is something that the guild will eventually be supplying. With prices and demand here on A52, it's been tough getting those donations.  We do try our best to take care of our guild members when it comes to raid mats, this is primarily done through donations. One team one dream.. we all have to donate a little to help the team as a whole. Our guild is a small community and we all pitch in to get things done.
      Not a lot to this really. Personal loot is Personal loot. At this current time we have no structured system for non-upgrades. You're welcome to pass loot, but we will not concern ourselves with it. Our focus is killing bosses.. everyone will end up getting everything they want... eventually ?
      Raid Leader - Fwansis (CrispyD#1823)
      Officer - Fruitcake (Fruit#11335)
      GM - Beanboss (funny story ? )
      Recruitment Officer - Mönty (moooooonty#1899)
      Anyone listed can answer any further questions you may have pertaining to the guild as well as conduct your interview in our guild discord.

    • By Fastidious
      <These ARE My Glasses> is a semi-casual weekend raiding guild that focuses on Mythic+ & Heroic-only raiding. We take pride in downing bosses in a relaxed, chill atmosphere while having a great time with friends and laughing at adult humor while doing so. While focus and professionalism is important, we take great pride in the fact that individuals who comprise our team are the kind of folks who understand how to do both simultaneously to great effect. 
      Our leadership is versed in end-game PvE and PvP content ranging from DAOC, EQ, NwN, SWTOR, SW:G, and Destiny. We are not a console-based guild, and believe in the PCMR. We don't take ourselves too seriously, nor do we expect you to. We are a tight knit group of people and intend to stay that way. We are looking for long-term guild mates, and folks who enjoy playing video games at a high level. High level meaning you know your class, and intend to do what you need to do personally to perform as well as possible. We aren't here to hold your hand and tell you what to do, we just expect you to show up and know what you're doing ?
      Our objectives are as follows:
      - Having a good time, and not sacrificing performance in doing so. We love to have a good time during raids, but of course collective understanding and mechanical execution is as important. This means listening when you need to, and not cluttering Discord when the situation isn't conducive to clowning around. We provide guides in Discord channels and are always instructive during raids.
      - Being competitive in Mythic+. We want to continue to improve. This environment can be stressful, but it is completely OPTIONAL. Being a part of the weekend raiding team does not mean you have to participate in Mythic+, but it is encouraged as it can only make you a better player!
      Guild events are as follows:
      -Mythic+ Dungeons daily during the evenings (Currently 15+). If you aren't there yet, we can get you there!
      -Raids are Friday and Saturday nights from 9pm-12pm EST - we may go a bit later in order to finish a raid clear or if we are close to completion on a progression fight. On the other hand, if there's a particularly difficult boss or we aren't progressing, we may call the raid early to do other events such as M+, Island Expeditions, etc.
      Now let's talk about what we're looking for and what we offer YOU. We are looking for community members who are here for more than just enjoying the World of Warcraft, but appreciate theory crafting, game discussion, upcoming developments, lore, and game mechanics. We are a community of gamers interested in a variety of games - Joining <These ARE My Glasses> is more than just joining a WoW guild, you're joining a family and established community.
      What we offer you:
      -All raid consumables (Flasks, pots, feasts), and raid leaders who develop strategies on a by-player basis to assist with execution during progression.
      -A dedicated discord server that is constantly populated with members of the community, guild leadership, and everything in between. Participation in Discord is paramount to community development
      -Like-minded community that understand the importance of progression, and understands constraints/limitations. A prime reason for us establishing Mythic dungeon-only groups. We've identified while a lot of people will want to raid, just not everyone has the time to dedicate to it
      What we're looking for:
      -Active players interested in PvE content (Heroic raiding/M+) - but not bleeding edge. We are always pushing the football down the field, but if you're looking for a guild that is raiding three to five nights a week to defeat cutting-edge content, we aren't it. At least for now anyway. We aren't a loot farming guild you can join to join your Mythic raiding group; we sniff out scumbags and remove them if they somehow happen to slip by my bull!@#$ sniffing machine
      -Players interested in the understanding and discussion of player/game mechanics. This one is huge. Know your class, and if you aren't quite there yet, don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance!
      -Positive, mature, and goal-oriented players. Progression can get annoying, and wiping forty or fifty times for one reason or another can really get to someone. It's a part of progression. Maturity is a must-have, we are an 18+ guild. No, that doesn't mean we can't sniff out a 30 year-old child either. Criticism can feel harsh, but we only do it to improve our guild performance as a whole. This is a two-way street. Drama, undermining relationships, or the inability to be an adult and solve problems as such are not welcome in this guild
      Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and we look forward to seeing you in Azeroth!
      Please feel free to contact me in-game using my BTag @ 

      You can also join our Discord @ https://discord.gg/GRNXYs
      Thanks for taking the time to read this and we look forward to chatting!
      -Steven "Fastidious"
    • By terence
      <Disconnect> [US, Area 52, Horde] (11/11M 9/9M) is a 2-day, late night, weekend Mythic raid. We are looking for progression minded players interested in a friendly yet competitive raiding environment.
      We just realm transferred to Area 52 from Stormrage in May 2018. Guild used to be called <Shattering>. Pardon the messed up Wowprogress/Raider.io data.
      Recruiting any exceptional Tank, Healer (especially Holy Pally), Ret Pally.
      Raid times:
      Friday & Saturday
      9:45pm-1:45am PST
      10:45pm-2:45am MST
      11:45pm-3:45am CST
      12:45am-4:45am EST (server time)
      Apply at:
      What you can expect from <Disconnect>:
      Strong Guild leadership focused on progression A very easy going and friendly atmosphere not commonly found in most progression guilds Dedicated and skilled core team A group that understands that WoW is a game, and is meant to be fun
        What we expect from you:
      Consistency Raid awareness Accountable and responsible Experience and knowledge to play and excel at your respective class/spec Desire to progress and push yourself every raid
        Apply at:
      Discord contact: @char *#7024
      Battle.net contact: Lamat#1220
    • By Recruiter2018
      We are looking for reliable, responsible and dedicated players to be officers in the reroll project we will be starting. This will be an alliance guild focused on raiding on a two night a week schedule. All officers are expected to be very active in the guild. They will be responsible for everything from helping create guild events, running guild mythic groups, keeping an eye on the guild community, etc. Discord will be mandatory and the officers should be comfortable talking to new people in order to help foster relationships. We will be looking for 5 officers whose roles are listed below.

      Melee Officer (1) : will be responsible for helping tanks and melee dps with rotation and character builds. Preferably a tank themselves. Should have a decent knowledge of all classes that fall into this spectrum.

      Ranged Officer (1) : will be responsible for helping healers and ranged dps with rotation and character builds. Preferably a healer themselves. Should have a decent knowledge of all classes that fall into this spectrum.

      Raid Leader (1) : responsible for researching fights for guild raids. Will handle all call outs during raid. Should know the spells/uses of most classes/specs in order to know their usability/viability in a raid.

      General Officers (2) : help GM maintain website and discord. Help keep bank organized. Assist with everyday guild interactions and help foster a social community.

      If you are interested in any of the above positions please apply at rerollofficer.guildlaunch.com.
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