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    • By Treylawny
      <Trust> may be what you're looking for if you enjoy killing internet dragons with a group of like minded players! Currently we are 8/9 Heroic, soon to be stepping into Mythic ToS. We are recruiting to finish rounding out our raid team. <Trust> is located on the [US] Doomhammer/Baelgun pve servers, alliance side! Check us out!
      About Us:
      <Trust> is a recently formed guild, founded by a group of long time players that have been raiding together for a couple of years now. Founded out of a desire to continue raiding in a casual-progression manner, we work towards defeating mythic bosses. <Trust> is a raiding guild, first and foremost.
      Our Raids:
      <Trust> maintains a progression-oriented 2-day semi-casual raiding team. That's 'semi' as in we expect our team members to always prioritize life first; but not 'casual' as in we take downing bosses less seriously. We strive to maintain a balance of taking our progression raids seriously while having plenty of laughs along the way.
      Raid Schedule:
      Tuesday & Thursday: 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
      Friday(optional): 5p – 8p server (8p – 11p eastern)
      <Trust> is looking for full time Resto Druid, Mages, Hunters, and Warlocks for our raid team. We are also open for good people to join as casual players, pvpers, with the option to join farm content or alt raids.
      More Info:
      Feel free to reach out to us:
      Recruitment Officer:
      In game - Treylawny
      Battletag - Treylawny#1813
      Guild Lead:
      In game – Oleic
      Battletag - Jarg#1591
      Website and Application: <Trust> (US)Doomhammer/Baelgun
      (The app is quick and painless as its used primarily to get your name to us quickly!)
      Discord is our way of communicating during raid; also used for casual chatting!
    • By hjp
      Who are we?
      Volatile are a group of mostly ex-mythic raiders, looking to get back into mythic raiding and for us to be able to do that we need some more people to fill the gaps. Besides raiding our friendly bunch of members enjoy running mythic+ on daily basis, helping out with world quests among other things. Our discord is usually filled with members for daily banter and weekly fun. If you enjoy all that, you most certainly will enjoy your stay in Volatile.
      Who are we looking for?
      We're primarily looking for ranged DPS to fill out the roster. But we are also interested in any dps class with a good healing offspec. Even though your class isn't listed below, don't be afraid of getting in contact with us.
      Tanks - Closed
      Healers - Closed
      Ranged DPS - Open
      Melee DPS - Closed
      Overall we're looking for people with a good knowledge of their class/spec who know how to improve their gameplay. Being fairly thick skinned and being able to accept constructive criticism, as well as the occasional jab from some of our more 'outspoken' members, is a big plus too.
      When do we raid?
      We raid two times a week as standard, we often have an additional raid day if necessary. See raid times below. 
      Thursday: 8pm - 11pm (Server time)
      Monday: 8pm - 11pm (Server time)
      Tuesday: 8pm - 11pm (Additional day)
      Application process:
      We believe the best way to get to know if someone is right for the guild is just to have a chat, rather than go through a long application process. So we'll have a chat, look at logs and possibly run some M+ to get to know each other. If you're interested in joining our mythic raid team, contact any of the following:
      Contact us:
      Xadel#2609, Xadel (ingame)
      Passive#2900, Malenky (ingame)
      Òops#2597, Drainphase (ingame)
      Ohajay#2606, Draconem (ingame)
      Hjp#21650, Phynn (ingame)
    • By Pharoanx
      Hello all, I've been in-between two gear sets the last couple days and it's become a headache of sorts to figure out the best combo to use for single-target.
      Here is my armory:
      Issue 1) Breaking 4 piece T19 for two pieces of gear that are drastically better; the T19 chest - normal, and legs - 880 w/ mastery socket. I have T20 gloves, helm, and legs if that helps. I have full T19.
      Issue 2) Using Convergence > Tome of Unraveling Sanity; Tome sims better but 4 piece T19 boosts Convergence's usefulness.
      Issue 3) KJ's Burning Wish - Are the stats good enough for single-target? I have no other DPS legendary besides the boots and KJ's that doesn't break a tier bonus, T19 or T20. I have the helm, the cape, the neck, wrists, the two crappy rings, etc. I have heroic Convergence, KJ, 910 Tome, and a mythic Bloodthirsty Instinct
      Issue 4) **Simulations do not match in-game dummy testing**
      The gearset on armory is what out-performs 4 piece T19 in single-target dummy tests.
      TLDR; I need help. Any info/advice would be much appreciated.
    • By Fatzgrind
      Hey there folks
      First of all, I am relatively new to the whole SIMcraft stuff, but I follow the guide done by Azor on youtube.
      So my "problem" is that I read here that Mastery is always better than everything else and while this was the case for me for quite some time, I now have reached a state where my SIM suggests that Haste > Mastery, which I am really unsure, if I should follow it.
      So what's your experience? Did you guys came to that point lately or did I somehow miss a point and did my SIM wrong?
      If anybody could quickly run a SIM for me, that would be very much appreciated. The char name is "Fatzgrind" on Mal'Ganis EU.
      Edit--> Armory link to my char: http://eu.battle.net/wow/de/character/malganis/Fatzgrind/simple
      Cheers and thanks for the support!
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