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Tips for my PlantRogue

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2 minutes ago, Keizoku said:

All right, let me elaborate:

To play it as a 6/6, it means you had to dump 5 other cards beforehand. Even with the mass of Rogue's cheap spells, you'll dot that around turn 5-6, and investing all that nets you... a vanilla 6/6 minion. An aggro deck has already won (or lost) by then, control will just laugh and midrange/tempo will be getting into their own heavy stuff/boardclears and won't be bothered too much by a 6/6 that doesn't do anything else.

On top of that there's your own hand and deck to consider. If you empty your hand without a way to refill it, it's an all-or-nothing play that will end in nothing more than in all. If you favor Burgle/Add duplicate effects you'll get a hand filled by random/low power cards that will lose steam quickly. And if you use Gadgetzan Auctioneer to keep your hand filled, you will keep up on resources but rush through your deck at breakneck speed. It is doable (hell, it's the whole concept of Miracle Rogue), but you'll remark that traditional Miracle Minions either have charge (Southsea DeckhandLeeroy Jenkins) or an use/ability to become a threat without an auctioneer turn backing them up (Edwin VanCleef because he grows really fast and can be played big really early, Questing Adventurer because he grows all on his own, Arcane Giant because they can be played for 0 eventually and Malygos because it's Malygod.)

Biteweed simply asks for too much cards to be played in conjunction with it to be useful in the early game, nor does it grows big enough to be a cheap threat in the mid-/late game, nor does it bring an useful ability to the table once played. Not even the reasoning of "I'll be revining Sherazin, Corpse Flower and dumping cards anyway!" makes it good enough to include.

just look up and repeat biteweed sucks. you still waitin turn 6 for auctioneer.

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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I did, and I repeat Bitweed sucks. Do that every game without cherry-picking when you have a perfect draw, and then I might say it doesn't.

But then, if that happened, everyone would be playing Biteweed Rogue instead. 

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2 minutes ago, Keizoku said:

I did, and I repeat Bitweed sucks. Do that every game without cherry-picking when you have a perfect draw, and then I might say it doesn't.

But then, if that happened, everyone would be playing Biteweed Rogue instead. 

here is the wrong point , you thinking like "biteweed" is the Final great combo.

It's not. it's just a great bonus inside a determined deck.

i Just dropped it 5/5 at turn 2 and i have 4 cards in my hand. you have no games behind or proof of your Theory.

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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14 minutes ago, OroNerVoSo said:

here is the wrong point , you thinking like "biteweed" is the Final great combo.

It's not. it's just a great bonus inside a determined deck.

No I don't. If you had actually read what I wrote, you'd have seen that I wrote that traditional Miracle minions are chosen specifically because they have another use beside the final great combo one.

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11 minutes ago, Keizoku said:

No I don't. If you had actually read what I wrote, you'd have seen that I wrote that traditional Miracle minions are chosen specifically because they have another use beside the final great combo one.

I've Red all... and still... i can drop Arcane Giant at 0 mana at turn 5 without auctioneer in the deck...... 

I really invite you to try "my" plant deck. then we can talk about it. i'm trying also to explain that i'm playing the deck , and what you say isn't true.... because i'm ranking up with it. i'm 17 now and i built it yesterday...

the cherry picking happens every game.

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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So, to join your discussion - Biteweed is indeed a subpar card. HSreplay's stats show winrate of less than 42%, which seems about right, as you simply have to build the deck around it, and even then you are not guaranteed success.

Swashburglar is indeed a solid card, as it gives you a card without losing tempo, and while also possibly gaining sweet Charrrrrge! value, not to mention it is a great combo and Sherazin activator. (also, what I found to be quicker is to edit the name in the Hearthstone Lik tool - write the card's name, click the name on the rolldown and simply rewrite it after you got the ID).

10 hours ago, Keizoku said:

Razorpetal Volley on the other hand is a good way to refill your hand if you want to activate Sherazin, Corpse Flower once more.

But at the same time, it is 4 mana 2 damage, which is not good enough, even in a deck with Sherazin, Corpse Flower. Besides, refilling your hand with overcosted Moonfires is not exactly great, which is why run the card in one deck only, and the deck running it happens to be the slowest rogue deck we have - the Malygos miracoli ravioli formuoli rogue deck, where you can afford to spend 4 mana to get 2 1-mana Moonfires.

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1 minute ago, positiv2 said:

So, to join your discussion - Biteweed is indeed a subpar card. HSreplay's stats show winrate of less than 42%, which seems about right, as you simply have to build the deck around it, and even then you are not guaranteed success.

Swashburglar is indeed a solid card, as it gives you a card without losing tempo, and while also possibly gaining sweet Charrrrrge! value, not to mention it is a great combo and Sherazin activator. (also, what I found to be quicker is to edit the name in the Hearthstone Lik tool - write the card's name, click the name on the rolldown and simply rewrite it after you got the ID).

But at the same time, it is 4 mana 2 damage, which is not good enough, even in a deck with Sherazin, Corpse Flower. Besides, refilling your hand with overcosted Moonfires is not exactly great, which is why run the card in one deck only, and the deck running it happens to be the slowest rogue deck we have - the Malygos miracoli ravioli formuoli rogue deck, where you can afford to spend 4 mana to get 2 1-mana Moonfires.

I Agree with everything , but i will still consider it inside another deck!

here it is moonfire and biteweed on the closure :P


p.s. don't misunderstand me , it's that I enjoy to talk about this game 


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On 5/8/2017 at 10:58 PM, LilArsynic said:

So I decided to make a Plant Rogue and wonder what I should add/remove from it. I want to add Shaku and Xaril but not sure what to remove from the deck. Also I need to dust a lot of things to get them so want to know if they will be worth it before I start dusting. So what do yall think?

Rogue Cards
Backstab x2
Counterfeit Coin x1
Prepartion x2
Cold Blood x1
Hallucination x2 
Swashburglar x2
Eviscerate x2
Razorpetal Lasher x2
Sap x1
Edwin VanCleef x1
Fan of Knives x2
Mimic Pod x1
Si:7 Agent x1
Sherazin, Corpse Flower x1
Xaril, Poisoned Mind x1
Vilespine Slayer x2

Classless Cards
Patches the Pirate x1
Bloodmage Thalnos x1
Gadgetzan Auctioneer x2
Arcane Giant x2

It sort of depends, Both shaku and Xaril are very strong cards, but they tend to only be strong in control match ups.  Agaisnt aggro decks, SI:7 agents tend to be better (which is the standard choice you make).  I play tons of miracle rogue, I generally hit rank 5ish with it without too much trouble (Highest I ever made with miracle was rank 3 and 1 star away from 2 although I have never *pushed* for legend with it I don't really have the time).  The deck I run is currently


Backstab x2

Coin x2

Prep x2


swashburgler x2


Evis x2

razor petal Lasher x2



FoK x2





Vilespine x2

Auctioneer x2

Arcane Giant x2


The 2 coins are almost a must if you are running giants, plus they let you high roll van cleef against decks like zoo (haha warlock) and hunter, who normally can't deal with them well early (or pirate warrior or any aggro deck really).  Cold blood and mimic pod are both good, but I find pod to be super clunky and cold blood is less useful without charge minions or conceal.  I interchange Shaku and a second SI7 depending on what I am seeing that day.  You can replace Xaril with a few things, questing adventurer's are still good, but only against aggro matches, they are almost dead cards in the control match, so think carefully before you include them.  I personally like Xaril, he gives so many incredibly strong spells in the control match ups that I would only cut him if you are playing almost exclusively aggro, he can seriously win you the game straight up with a stealth potion, being able to draw your entire deck on turn 7 is pretty. . . disgusting.  Shaku is equally as powerful in the control match up in the sense that he pretty consistently generates more resources for a big edwin or another revival of Sherazin, he just high rolls much less then Xaril does (but Xaril tends to have a somewhat weaker outcome on average, the shadow step potion can be completely dead, and 2 damage isn't super impactful in a lot of control match ups).


As for the Biteweed controversy, don't ever play this card, it is absolutely terrible, Questing Adventurer is a stronger card, and you would never want to include biteweed, cleef, sherazin and questing in a deck, you just don't have enough resources to go all in THAT many times.  Like you can get good results with it, but you just get better more consistent results with other cards, making it undesirable.  One of the worst things in hearthstone is to be results oriented, just because strategy X worked for you 3 games in a row doesn't mean it is good, and vice versa, you have to examine the bigger picture, and decide if there are better options that do similar things, if the outcome of the match ups were based on good/poor draws or match ups, and just in general take more then a few games into consideration.  A good example is playing miracle rogue and losing 3 games in a row, does that mean miracle is in a weak spot in the meta?  Maybe, or it could be you got unlucky and queued into 2 hunters (one of miracles worst match ups) and an aggro druid who had a close to unbeatable start.  Now if you play 10-15 matches and lose most of them because you are queuing into bad match ups, then you might want to put the deck away for a while and play something more suited to the meta at the time.  It happens.

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59 minutes ago, VaraTreledees said:

It sort of depends, Both shaku and Xaril are very strong cards, but they tend to only be strong in control match ups.  Agaisnt aggro decks, SI:7 agents tend to be better (which is the standard choice you make).  I play tons of miracle rogue, I generally hit rank 5ish with it without too much trouble (Highest I ever made with miracle was rank 3 and 1 star away from 2 although I have never *pushed* for legend with it I don't really have the time).  The deck I run is currently


Backstab x2

Coin x2

Prep x2


swashburgler x2


Evis x2

razor petal Lasher x2



FoK x2





Vilespine x2

Auctioneer x2

Arcane Giant x2


The 2 coins are almost a must if you are running giants, plus they let you high roll van cleef against decks like zoo (haha warlock) and hunter, who normally can't deal with them well early (or pirate warrior or any aggro deck really).  Cold blood and mimic pod are both good, but I find pod to be super clunky and cold blood is less useful without charge minions or conceal.  I interchange Shaku and a second SI7 depending on what I am seeing that day.  You can replace Xaril with a few things, questing adventurer's are still good, but only against aggro matches, they are almost dead cards in the control match, so think carefully before you include them.  I personally like Xaril, he gives so many incredibly strong spells in the control match ups that I would only cut him if you are playing almost exclusively aggro, he can seriously win you the game straight up with a stealth potion, being able to draw your entire deck on turn 7 is pretty. . . disgusting.  Shaku is equally as powerful in the control match up in the sense that he pretty consistently generates more resources for a big edwin or another revival of Sherazin, he just high rolls much less then Xaril does (but Xaril tends to have a somewhat weaker outcome on average, the shadow step potion can be completely dead, and 2 damage isn't super impactful in a lot of control match ups).


As for the Biteweed controversy, don't ever play this card, it is absolutely terrible, Questing Adventurer is a stronger card, and you would never want to include biteweed, cleef, sherazin and questing in a deck, you just don't have enough resources to go all in THAT many times.  Like you can get good results with it, but you just get better more consistent results with other cards, making it undesirable.  One of the worst things in hearthstone is to be results oriented, just because strategy X worked for you 3 games in a row doesn't mean it is good, and vice versa, you have to examine the bigger picture, and decide if there are better options that do similar things, if the outcome of the match ups were based on good/poor draws or match ups, and just in general take more then a few games into consideration.  A good example is playing miracle rogue and losing 3 games in a row, does that mean miracle is in a weak spot in the meta?  Maybe, or it could be you got unlucky and queued into 2 hunters (one of miracles worst match ups) and an aggro druid who had a close to unbeatable start.  Now if you play 10-15 matches and lose most of them because you are queuing into bad match ups, then you might want to put the deck away for a while and play something more suited to the meta at the time.  It happens.

Biteweed is an instant card , Questing Adventure not. they are played in differents situations and different smoments along your turn.

i play biteweed in my deck because i can play giants at 0 , TURN 6 , and then close with a 7/7 bitweed , or sometimes 9/9.

i even did it 13/13.

Biteweed is a card that , when you draw it , you can STILL get bonuses from the previous drawing combo. Questing Adventurer need :

more mana , more time , and a lucky BAD enemy hand. are different playstyles.

and also , you have to play it first. SO , as a rogue we want MORE mana AFTER we have draw some cards. Questing adventure FORCE you to play 3 mana NOW , and then ? then if you draw the right card ? you wasted the 3 mana on questing adventurer.


So , IMHO , Biteweed suits more ceratin Rogue class cards and mechanics.

Example of a good combo :

turn 7 PLAY ORDER (we have bitweed in the hand) :

1. Preparation

2. Thistle Tea

3. You get a TRIPLE Counterfeit Coin (or Giant , or bitweed... 3/3 4/4 5/5 down. 2+2+2 = 6 mana and we have 1 left) 

or we can then :

4. Shiv 

5. ops , Edwin VanCleef , or giant 


ok now we just played 4 cards. how much mana we have and how big will be Biteweed? how big will be van cleef?


Anyway this can happen at turn 3 , and still other rogues waiting auctioneer and turn 7 to do this.

anyway my point it's still this : no global vision about variety , and thinking to play bitweed inside a deck , make you say it's an horrible card.

I'm actually enjoying the Thistle Tea card , instead Gadgetzan Auctioneer because i can start the madness draw NOW , and do everything NOW. Rogue need to do it NOW not the next turn.

I'm also talking about a deck that in many many games had 40 dmg on board at turn 6. double or triple sherazin and many "reviving" turns. and i have no more problems against Hunters.

in addiction to all this , Biteweed let you start the turn with Preparation and Mimic Pod//Fan of Knives , and you are still able to play another card , you have more choices and possibilities.


Edited by OroNerVoSo

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1 hour ago, OroNerVoSo said:

Biteweed is an instant card , Questing Adventure not. they are played in differents situations and different smoments along your turn.

i play biteweed in my deck because i can play giants at 0 , TURN 6 , and then close with a 7/7 bitweed , or sometimes 9/9.

i even did it 13/13.

Biteweed is a card that , when you draw it , you can STILL get bonuses from the previous drawing combo. Questing Adventurer need :

more mana , more time , and a lucky BAD enemy hand. are different playstyles.

and also , you have to play it first. SO , as a rogue we want MORE mana AFTER we have draw some cards. Questing adventure FORCE you to play 3 mana NOW , and then ? then if you draw the right card ? you wasted the 3 mana on questing adventurer.


So , IMHO , Biteweed suits more ceratin Rogue class cards and mechanics.

Example of a good combo :

turn 7 PLAY ORDER (we have bitweed in the hand) :

1. Preparation

2. Thistle Tea

3. You get a TRIPLE Counterfeit Coin (or Giant , or bitweed... 3/3 4/4 5/5 down. 2+2+2 = 6 mana and we have 1 left) 

or we can then :

4. Shiv 

5. ops , Edwin VanCleef , or giant 


ok now we just played 4 cards. how much mana we have and how big will be Biteweed? how big will be van cleef?


Anyway this can happen at turn 3 , and still other rogues waiting auctioneer and turn 7 to do this.

anyway my point it's still this : no global vision about variety , and thinking to play bitweed inside a deck , make you say it's an horrible card.

I'm actually enjoying the Thistle Tea card , instead Gadgetzan Auctioneer because i can start the madness draw NOW , and do everything NOW. Rogue need to do it NOW not the next turn.

I'm also talking about a deck that in many many games had 40 dmg on board at turn 6. double or triple sherazin and many "reviving" turns. and i have no more problems against Hunters.

in addiction to all this , Biteweed let you start the turn with Preparation and Mimic Pod//Fan of Knives , and you are still able to play another card , you have more choices and possibilities.


You wrote down a combo, but chances are?

Both Biteweed and Questing Adventurer sucks against control anyways, and against aggro, you need a good hand with both, in wild, both cards are easier to play because of conceal. In standard though, they are not as bright and shiny, unfortunately, Xaril may help with that, but its a 20% chance to get the stealth.

For the Gadgetzan Auctioneer part, this is not the first time you suggested cutting an Auctioneer from the deck. Card is broken, thats a fact, it was a candidate Hall of Fame even, then they said it requires skill. Rogue needs to do things now maybe, but we are  talking about turn 6, meaning you're already dead to pirate warrior or aggro paladin, and you're choking against a mid hunter, only with seconds to live. Look at the bigger picture. For classes like rogue and druid, Auctioneer is the best card draw in the game, hands down. Thistle Tea is not a good card at all, I am  running one Mimic Pod though, it can be prepped and played for a 0 mana, and one extra copy of a card is almost always enough, even if it is a good one. Btw, I am not talking about a specific list you made, I still use the one made by Cross, it is a good one. Here, the point is your perspective of specific cards, trying extremely specific example to show some cards are good and the others are bad, but for me, I am a rogue main myself, and I believe I have nearly enough experience with the archetype, those examples only show me how situational those cards are.

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27 minutes ago, FanOfValeera said:

You wrote down a combo, but chances are?

Both Biteweed and Questing Adventurer sucks against control anyways, and against aggro, you need a good hand with both, in wild, both cards are easier to play because of conceal. In standard though, they are not as bright and shiny, unfortunately, Xaril may help with that, but its a 20% chance to get the stealth.

For the Gadgetzan Auctioneer part, this is not the first time you suggested cutting an Auctioneer from the deck. Card is broken, thats a fact, it was a candidate Hall of Fame even, then they said it requires skill. Rogue needs to do things now maybe, but we are  talking about turn 6, meaning you're already dead to pirate warrior or aggro paladin, and you're choking against a mid hunter, only with seconds to live. Look at the bigger picture. For classes like rogue and druid, Auctioneer is the best card draw in the game, hands down. Thistle Tea is not a good card at all, I am  running one Mimic Pod though, it can be prepped and played for a 0 mana, and one extra copy of a card is almost always enough, even if it is a good one. Btw, I am not talking about a specific list you made, I still use the one made by Cross, it is a good one. Here, the point is your perspective of specific cards, trying extremely specific example to show some cards are good and the others are bad, but for me, I am a rogue main myself, and I believe I have nearly enough experience with the archetype, those examples only show me how situational those cards are.

chances are higher than you think (and inside a determined deck , there are other 3 ways to pump up biteweed)

i started it as a fun deck , but now i climbed from 20 to 15 , and dunno what i can reach in next days , because the double Arcane Giant + sherazin + bitweed really happens 7 times out of 10 games . for real. everytihng on turn 6.

but i'm not even running a single auctioneer , and i'm playing double mimic and double tea.

it's just the same as running auctioneer , with the difference that my deck do the same things , and i don't run out of cards.


p.s. i'm main rogue too , since naxramass.

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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17 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

Biteweed is an instant card , Questing Adventure not. they are played in differents situations and different smoments along your turn.

i play biteweed in my deck because i can play giants at 0 , TURN 6 , and then close with a 7/7 bitweed , or sometimes 9/9.

i even did it 13/13.

Biteweed is a card that , when you draw it , you can STILL get bonuses from the previous drawing combo. Questing Adventurer need :

more mana , more time , and a lucky BAD enemy hand. are different playstyles.

and also , you have to play it first. SO , as a rogue we want MORE mana AFTER we have draw some cards. Questing adventure FORCE you to play 3 mana NOW , and then ? then if you draw the right card ? you wasted the 3 mana on questing adventurer.


So , IMHO , Biteweed suits more ceratin Rogue class cards and mechanics.

Example of a good combo :

turn 7 PLAY ORDER (we have bitweed in the hand) :

1. Preparation

2. Thistle Tea

3. You get a TRIPLE Counterfeit Coin (or Giant , or bitweed... 3/3 4/4 5/5 down. 2+2+2 = 6 mana and we have 1 left) 

or we can then :

4. Shiv 

5. ops , Edwin VanCleef , or giant 


ok now we just played 4 cards. how much mana we have and how big will be Biteweed? how big will be van cleef?


Anyway this can happen at turn 3 , and still other rogues waiting auctioneer and turn 7 to do this.

anyway my point it's still this : no global vision about variety , and thinking to play bitweed inside a deck , make you say it's an horrible card.

I'm actually enjoying the Thistle Tea card , instead Gadgetzan Auctioneer because i can start the madness draw NOW , and do everything NOW. Rogue need to do it NOW not the next turn.

I'm also talking about a deck that in many many games had 40 dmg on board at turn 6. double or triple sherazin and many "reviving" turns. and i have no more problems against Hunters.

in addiction to all this , Biteweed let you start the turn with Preparation and Mimic Pod//Fan of Knives , and you are still able to play another card , you have more choices and possibilities.


You can play questing with only 1 other card, you can top deck and play questing against aggro when your running low on resources.  You can play questing and nothing else.  There are so many situations where questing is just plain better.  When you bite weed you HAVE to all in, because in order to make it even remotely worth it, you have to play at least 2 other cards, but lets be honest a 2 mana 3/3 is only really good on turn 2, so you would have to waste actual resources to do that.  Plus fueling a large biteweed takes away resources from other things, like sherazin.  I mean sure you can play biteweed on a turn you plan to revive sherazin, but the game is rarely kind enough to let you hold a dead card for that long.  Even if you assume that biteweed is better against control then questing (which is a questionable assumption) because of the more "options" it provides, questing is undeniably better against aggro, and guess what rogue needs help beating?  It isn't control, I will tell you that.  Plus if we want a better control match, we can tech in Xaril and shaku.  Both are much stronger then biteweed, and if you are running biteweed + xaril + shaku, you are going to have a rough time in aggro match ups.  


17 hours ago, OroNerVoSo said:

I'm actually enjoying the Thistle Tea card , instead Gadgetzan Auctioneer because i can start the madness draw NOW , and do everything NOW. Rogue need to do it NOW not the next turn.

This honestly makes me question if you have ever actually played miracle rogue, you are fully capable of dumping half your deck on the turn you play auctioneer and on like turn 7 or 8 no less, and by fully capable, I mean it happens more times then it doesn't.

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6 hours ago, VaraTreledees said:

You can play questing with only 1 other card, you can top deck and play questing against aggro when your running low on resources.  You can play questing and nothing else.  There are so many situations where questing is just plain better.  When you bite weed you HAVE to all in, because in order to make it even remotely worth it, you have to play at least 2 other cards, but lets be honest a 2 mana 3/3 is only really good on turn 2, so you would have to waste actual resources to do that.  Plus fueling a large biteweed takes away resources from other things, like sherazin.  I mean sure you can play biteweed on a turn you plan to revive sherazin, but the game is rarely kind enough to let you hold a dead card for that long.  Even if you assume that biteweed is better against control then questing (which is a questionable assumption) because of the more "options" it provides, questing is undeniably better against aggro, and guess what rogue needs help beating?  It isn't control, I will tell you that.  Plus if we want a better control match, we can tech in Xaril and shaku.  Both are much stronger then biteweed, and if you are running biteweed + xaril + shaku, you are going to have a rough time in aggro match ups.  


This honestly makes me question if you have ever actually played miracle rogue, you are fully capable of dumping half your deck on the turn you play auctioneer and on like turn 7 or 8 no less, and by fully capable, I mean it happens more times then it doesn't.

when i play biteweed i'm not "alling in"  that's the good spot.

i'm just drawing and using removals , as well as every other turn , that's what i'm trying to explain

does really sux at turn 2 :

play order

1. Hallucination

2. coin

3. bitweed

does really suck a 4/4 turn 2 with 2 mana ?

i tested it against 5ish and 3ish friends. they had quest decks and top decks. it worked very good.

if you want to test this with me. tell me add me. i will show with facts.

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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On 5/12/2017 at 5:05 AM, OroNerVoSo said:

is this an all in?


You played six other spells, used several coins and a prep, yes.  That is an all in.  If he removes your 7/7 you have basically lost that game.  Your hand is so god awful clunky without the coins or preps that you will basically be relegated to passing for a few turns (or cycling fan which is basically the same thing).


On 5/12/2017 at 0:27 AM, OroNerVoSo said:

when i play biteweed i'm not "alling in"  that's the good spot.

i'm just drawing and using removals , as well as every other turn , that's what i'm trying to explain

does really sux at turn 2 :

play order

1. Hallucination

2. coin

3. bitweed

does really suck a 4/4 turn 2 with 2 mana ?

i tested it against 5ish and 3ish friends. they had quest decks and top decks. it worked very good.

if you want to test this with me. tell me add me. i will show with facts.

Also, that would only be a 3/3 not a 4/4, and you are wasting your coin to get a 3/3 on turn 2, when you could really just coin out an SI and be in a better spot (assuming you removed a minion).  Like, what about that play is spectacular, it is honestly a pretty subpar play.  In slower match ups you would want to save Hallucination to get value out of it for Sherazin or Cleef, because its not that great of a card otherwise (Or auctioneer but you don't run it), and in faster more tempo driven matches, where you want to hallucinate early, your better off coining out SI:7 agents.   

Edited by VaraTreledees

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23 hours ago, VaraTreledees said:

You played six other spells, used several coins and a prep, yes.  That is an all in.  If he removes your 7/7 you have basically lost that game.  Your hand is so god awful clunky without the coins or preps that you will basically be relegated to passing for a few turns (or cycling fan which is basically the same thing).


Also, that would only be a 3/3 not a 4/4, and you are wasting your coin to get a 3/3 on turn 2, when you could really just coin out an SI and be in a better spot (assuming you removed a minion).  Like, what about that play is spectacular, it is honestly a pretty subpar play.  In slower match ups you would want to save Hallucination to get value out of it for Sherazin or Cleef, because its not that great of a card otherwise (Or auctioneer but you don't run it), and in faster more tempo driven matches, where you want to hallucinate early, your better off coining out SI:7 agents.   

if he removes , i've lost the game?

tell me what can do a druid at turn 3 in this situation. there is something totally wrong with your mindset you just critique , but your critique is "alone minded" , no global vision about the situation

i run Arcane Giant. 12-5 = 7 and i have 5 spells in my hand , and a 7/7 down.

even if he removes it , i will drop another BIGGER Edwin , Sherazin , i runs 2 hallucination , x2 JOURNEY BELOW (double or triple sherazin) , Faceless Manipulator.

With my deck i'm actually able to drop a list of 4 sherazin , 90% of times i have double sherazin down.


But np , i was the guy that in the past was whining about Glacial Shard and elementals in the rogue quest , everyone argued with it , now it's a top tier deck.

Edited by OroNerVoSo

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On 5/15/2017 at 2:34 AM, OroNerVoSo said:

if he removes , i've lost the game?

tell me what can do a druid at turn 3 in this situation. there is something totally wrong with your mindset you just critique , but your critique is "alone minded" , no global vision about the situation

i run Arcane Giant. 12-5 = 7 and i have 5 spells in my hand , and a 7/7 down.

even if he removes it , i will drop another BIGGER Edwin , Sherazin , i runs 2 hallucination , x2 JOURNEY BELOW (double or triple sherazin) , Faceless Manipulator.

With my deck i'm actually able to drop a list of 4 sherazin , 90% of times i have double sherazin down.


But np , i was the guy that in the past was whining about Glacial Shard and elementals in the rogue quest , everyone argued with it , now it's a top tier deck.

I want to see some replays of Biteweed winning games. 

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2 hours ago, LilArsynic said:

I want to see some replays of Biteweed winning games. 

yeah man , so it's not bitweed that make you win but ok i will do some... :)

i call it "eater of removals" not biteweed :P


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1 hour ago, OroNerVoSo said:

yeah man , so it's not bitweed that make you win but ok i will do some... :)

i call it "eater of removals" not biteweed :P


Post the links, I want to see and don't cherry pick. 

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16 minutes ago, LilArsynic said:

Post the links, I want to see and don't cherry pick. 

i still have to do some games at home xD i will play soon , maybe in 2 or 3 hours.

and i don't understand perfectly what cherry pick means... ^^'

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here I am. now i will do a couple of games , and post them even if loss.

this is the deck i'm running and the stats over 50 games , i misplayed a lot of times.

still working on this "plant rogue" but i ranked from 20 to 15 with it



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game one. against an undefined warrior.



game two against priest ^^' lost ...maybe i had to copy the taunt...


against hutner 7/7 turn 1 loss , but i don't think other decks could had done something.




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