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UH in 7.2.5

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I know the patch notes are always changing but hopefully 7.2.5 drops soon. Does anyone think UH will become more competitive with frost? I would like to switch to UH in the future but still do good numbers. Thanks.

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Its PTR and we have to see final tuning sweeps final numbers etc.

That being said with the tier 20 bonuses and the new legendary ring plus buffs to many legendaries unholy is getting quite a bit of love this coming patch. In addition frost's set bonuses are basically garbage right now. So Frost is going to have to rely on old tier and old trinkets to carry them through TOS. So, unholy is looking to be in a great place and quite competitive, however, frosts legendaries and CoS are still quite strong so we won't know the final numbers for awhile. Ballpark guess its going to be fairly close, and it will be just play what you want.

Even right now unholy is a viable spec to play. You will have to work harder than frost for less dps but you can still use it no problem. It is your game play what makes you happy, but for cutting edge end elite mythic progression raiding you'll probably get more pressure to play frost right now. Come 7.2.5 the jury is still in deliberation but unholy is getting a lot of love, so its looking good that unholy will be end game realistic competitive in 725. 

Blizz has a nasty tendency of only being able to balance one spec at a time and that usually involves pooping on the other one in some way XD

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I am playing with UH atm and its fun. More interesting rotation too. Give it a whirl and see if you like it. Ap is so easy to get thst it wont slow down your other weapon.


Find the fun. The dps will follow

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7.2.5 Unholy looks pretty cool. 1% nerf to deathstrike, DnD, SS, outbreak, FS, SR, CS and apocalypse, but AP-scaling buffs to FS, SS, DC, wound and dnd. DC cost increased to 45 (indirect buff to dark arbiter?) I'm pretty hyped for the patch. And not a single buff for frost, just like unholy in 7.1.5.

Edited by Smoothyy

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