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[Stormrage][A] <Sweet Agave Nectar> (10/10 H) LF Healers and DPS

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Sweet Agave Nectar is a semi-hardcore guild in the sense that we want to be efficient in our raiding, but more casual that we aren't interested in doing mythic content (yet). Our goal is to establish a solid group of people to down bosses blindly with minimal wipes. We enjoy engaging bosses with no knowledge as to how they work and figuring them out by simply learning from our mistakes and correcting errors with each pull. We also want to pair that experience with a fun, laid back environment where people can have some bants while still making as little mistakes as possible. Thus, we are looking for raiders with three basic characteristics: knowledge on how their classes work, the ability to learn from and correct their mistakes, and a sense of humor.

As it stands, we want a tight-knit group of 10-15 good players who enjoy playing with each other for heroic content only. In the future when we have a solid core of dedicated and confident members we might consider progressing into mythic, but it is not our main concern.

Raid Times: Tuesday/Thursday 9pm-12am Server Time (EST)

Progress: 10/10 Heroic Nighthold

What We Need: Healers and DPS (or any exceptional player)


  • Some past raiding experience
  • ilvl 870+
  • The aforementioned characteristics we look for

To join, contact Tundra #1290 on battle net.


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