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    • By Arkpit
      Being a big fan of the Jade Harvester build of Witch Doctors I'm still conflicted in my choice sometimes because I'm a hardcore player and the issue I seem to run into going past GR70 is surviving certain bosses.
      If there is any question here it would be: How, if even at all, do you deal with charge bosses like the Pitlord/Ravager on hardcore as Jade Harvester?
      My last Jade died around GR70 to this because I was determined that I should kill it but after waiting out some cooldowns I didn't even get to move when walking back in because the charge is instant and oneshots you because of the lack of Soul Harvest stacks and Horrify.
      I love the build but dealing with bosses with it is by far one of the most tricky things I've done in Diablo 3... All other builds I've tried up there in 70+ all have their ways of killing just about any boss but Jade sometimes feel like I have to end the GR if the wrong boss spawns making it a slightly more annoying "fishing" than seeinga  monster and nope out of it right away.
    • By Arkpit
      Seems the page for a Witch Doctor is broken since it only loads half of it basically. 
      Link: https://www.icy-veins.com/d3/witch-doctor-carnevil-poison-build-with-zunimassas-haunt-patch-2-4-2-season-7
      I've tried Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. They all stop at the "Hands" section for stat-priority list.
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