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conflicting info?

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Do the rest of you find what is stated to be bis as far as trinkets and legendaries go, on the icy veins guide and the rankings on Warcraft logs seem to contradict each other? For example the lack of draught of souls and the legendary helm in the rankings for Nighthold fights  https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/11#class=DeathKnight&spec=Unholy

And where is Arcano in the ranking? Everyone seems to want a titanforged one, but it's hardly in the rankings at all. Or am I just an idiot and missing something? lol

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Well, it all depends on the figt, draught may sim higher but might be hard ti use opimaly in the figts. 

As far as i heard KBW shares the spot for 2nd best trinket with helm. 

It all boils down to abusing fight mecaniks. Its by far more inportant then the gear you have if you want to rank.

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Yeah what you find here on icy veins is never ment to be for the top loggers, Icy veins is a beginner guide and always will  be. The top trinkets for any fight of significant length are going to be Eye of Command and Convergence of Fate. The top legendaries will be ring + belt for single and wrist for aoe burst. 

The reason you don't see COF good on sims is because sim's have a 5min fight length, meaning the benefit of an extra HRW is diminished significantly, the fights in NH  is however of varying length with multiple different mechanics. 

Another good point to this is that, while EOC is a better trinket for most fights in nighthold than foci, actually getting a 905+ eye of command is significantly more difficult than to get a 905 foci. And as far as arcanocrystal goes, it blows ass at higher ilvl as the stat scaling is really poor on it. At 860 it beats most trinkets by a lot in term of stats, at 910 it has significantly less stats than other trinkets of similar ilvl. 

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