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[Burning Legion][H] <High Society> (4/10M) English speaking guild recruiting!

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English speaking horde guild High Society is recruiting new active members on Burning Legion EU. Looking for raiders for mythic (mostly dps) and also just socials who want to join an active English speaking guild.

Raid times

Wednesday/Thursday 19:30-23:30 - Saturday/Sunday optional


Nighthold: 10/10 HC, 4/10 M
Trials of Valor: 3/3 HC, 1/3 M
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 HC, 7/7 M


We are recruiting mostly dps for Mythic Progression to get a good team ready for tomb.
Although we are a mythic raiding guild, we are also looking for any active players on the server regardless of gear who just want to find an oasis of english speaking people on the polish wasteland that is Burning Legion EU.
As much as we want good players, we also want good people. We are community of players that not only raid together, but
also game together and chat together.
We expect that you are active and are making the effort to better yourself as a player. This means being active between
raids. You are calm and patient when raiding for progression, and you excel at following
instructions, executing mechanics, and putting up big numbers. In that order of importance.
The raiding experience is calm and fun even when we are doing progression.

About us

High society was formed at the start of Legion and trying to rebuild our main core for mythic NH progression.
We are using discord and a lot of players chat or do m+ almost every night.If you want to join the guild and meet the
requirements for mythic NH ,you have a main spot secured for mythic core team.


/w (or ingame mail if not online): Walkingbed, Zeroclue, Scythis
or message Teer#2526 or Timpa#2130

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Edited by positiv2

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