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Caster heirlooms or buy mail?

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I have some caster heirlooms. I had some chain stuff but it seems to have disappeared from my account. I bought it a while back for a hunter I leveled. I haven't played in two years and it seems like some of my stuff has gone MIA. I have logged into every toon I have and nothing. Anyways...what I have is what you can see on the priest I'm also leveling. Is there any benefit to getting mail stuff over the cloth I already have? I'm probably leveling as resto even if it's not the best/quickest way to go about it. I don't want to level dps and then have to relearn healing when the time comes. I'd rather just learn and play as I go. 


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I leveled every healing class from Priest on up to Paladin healing dungeons with cloth heirlooms. Somebody somewhere might say something, but the 5% Int drop from not having Mail Specialization is not really noticeable prior to cap, and there is literally no other effect on anything relevant to your success when leveling up. You take more melee damage, but healers are squishy no matter if they have the right gear or not.

It's also worth noting that there is hardly any difference between gear from the different old expansions now. You might get an item level 308 blue in a Cataclysm dungeon and see that it has an almost identical stat budget to gear you got from Hellfire Ramparts.

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