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Defile build?

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    I am trying to track down any info on what talents to choose with defile.  I have been hanging out in the Acherus/unholy discord for a few days. Everyone seems so hot and bothered for the DA build.   There wasnt much info on defile. Although, I did see some say it was doing ok with the helm.  This got me thinking that I can play defile until i get the shoulders/chest.  

I only have Death March, KBW, and Soul of the Deathlord for UH legos.  I was frost before this patch and have 90% the frost legos.  I am not quite sure of what talents to take on the 58 and 90 tier.  Is this just something i need to sim?  Or, is there an actual guide somewhere?  Any info is welcome.  Thank you for your time.

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So there is no pure only defile build but the info is out there. I reference Maxweiis unholy guide in this scenario https://docs.google.com/document/d/12B-ZLbhTUlYPV1ek_90uGLZiOP5EuZeIoejZOYzR4L0/edit

So the generalities of it are. You want the helm and the chest for the defile build. The helm is obvious the chest causes chains of ice to do huge shadowfrost damage which scales with attack power and mastery. As we are farting around with mastery that is going to be one of your more valuable stats. For talents at 59 you want clawing shadows because it scales off mastery as well. With tier 90 we stick with shadow infusion now. Necrosis doesn't fair as well now with the death coil increase. In addition timmy applying wounds helps us out. 

Now on pull you cast AOTD, dark transformation, outbreak, and then defile (blighted runic weapon before defile doesn't hurt either). The goal here is to burst wounds and do damage while defile is up to capitalize on the buff. Now for second defile DT won't be off CD so it behooves you to pre apply some wounds. In addition its preferable to use the chests power when defile is at its highest stacks to maximize the damage from it. 

So it's an alternate playstyle that is legendary and gear dependent but it can be quite fun and I prefer it myself to DA. 

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It will really shine in Mythic plus at higher levels as the trash packs become hardier and live longer. Even more so if you can get the ring which gives you ebon fever too, combo that with the helm and you might have a tasty monster on your hands.  Pity we cant do 3 legos as the dps trinket would line up pretty well with this too. 


You have the ring, try the ring and helm out on target dummies for a few minutes to see what sort of dps you can get. 

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Thank you so much for the replies.  The opener info is invaluable as I was doing it all wrong.  The guide you liinked has some real gems in there too.  Good stuff!

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  On 6/21/2017 at 5:58 PM, Mobely said:

Thank you so much for the replies.  The opener info is invaluable as I was doing it all wrong.  The guide you liinked has some real gems in there too.  Good stuff!


Maxweii is the god of unholy, I'm happy he/she stepped up in 7.1.5 they do great work and are good people #totallynotafanboy #veissisprettycooltool #unholydktheorycraftersarecoolpeople

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