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Legendary question

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hi all i have Parsel's Tongue  The Mantle of Command  Roar of the Seven Lions

Call of the Wild  all ilvl 970 one day bis lish says mantle and waist  top now its chest shoulders i have been told waist in bis


do i keep old 4 set in till i get new 4 set and do i use 2 set on each


i also look on here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lHAD0GvEbHtX0EPBbPQXuZpVr71TcS-H4Q1-waOK8Jc/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#



Edited by casperhoward19

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My own tests say that you don't want to drop the tier19 4-piece until you get the tier20 4-piece. However, I'm using the legendary ring, which you don't have, and I'm wearing 3 set bonuses at once, which can't be done with Parsel or Mantle, so it may not be a good comparison. I think you have to sim it yourself, but the difference is likely to be pretty small. Just go to raidbots.com

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