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    • By Entiquity
      Greetings everyone!
      My name is Entiquity and I am with the Shadows Gaming Consortium<SGC>. We are a fairly new clan in Diablo 3, however the SGC has been arounnd and in other games for a number of years now.  The SGC offers a low-key environment to just enjoy the game with other players.  All of our players are mature, eager to play the game and always willing to help a fellow clan-mate.
      The SGC offers a full website, discord server and very active leadership. The SGC Board of Directors is always active and around daily. Our website can be found at http://www.shadowsgamingconsortium.org and our main discord server can be located at https://discord.gg/w4qHZS9
      We are looking for players of all levels, ages and skill levels. We just want active members that want to play the game(s) of their choosing with some friends and create some good times. And being that our Diablo 3 clan is newer, we are looking for active leaders as well, to help us grow and expand.  If any of this sounds of interest to you, please send me an in game message, or friend request or pm here. 
      My bnet tag is Entiquity#1357
      The SGC looks forward to hearing from you and hopes to see you in game!
    • By SceppY
      Ancient Serbian clan has been rebuilt and now we are recruiting able nephalem to join us in seasonal battle for prestige and glory on European leaderboards.
      We preffer ascendants of Yugoslavian heroes, sons of brave Balkans.
      Our Vojvoda SirVule od Zlatibora aka Zlatiborska mećava is vaiting for your request to join our common goal so we can dominate once again.
      Name of the clan is  SRB Serbia D3
      Here are battle tags of our Vojvoda and few distinguished Ratniks:
      Mike#28752, Kamacho#2946, FLOYD#1189
      Send request, make your ancestors proud and your wifes angry.
    • By Shine
      Heya all,
      I know @Cablenerd already made a post for this but since he's currently not very active I'm (partly) taking over some of his recruiting.
      Our clan is called the Marauders and we are working heavily on our overwatch department. We are currently starting to form teams and will be having practice nights to work on general tactics/knowledge/skill in overwatch. Once a month we will hold an in-clan tourney between different teams in 6v6 as well as 3v3 and 1v1 situations.
      Obviously we are looking for YOU to join our ranks.
      If you are interested hop over to the website of awesomeness and submit an application. Make sure to mention me (LORDmeSH1NE) as your reference if you do.
      Do you have any questions or remarks? Don't hesitate to comment here or send me a message.
      I hope to more people coming in so we as a clan can be healthy and prosperous.
      Make sure to smile at least once every day. (especially after killing symmetra)
    • By BaumDeezy
      Fever Clan is a multi-gaming clan for casual and competitive players alike. We strive to provide a fun and friendly atmosphere for all of our members.
      We are one of the biggest clans with over 1,200+ active members. Our members play a wide variety of games (World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Call of Duty, Battlefield’s, Warframe, CS:GO, Evolve, Smite, ESO, DCUO, Rift, Minecraft, Rust, Path of Exile, consoles, and the list goes on).

      Fever hosts a TeamSpeak server which can hold up to 500 people and usually has 100 - 150 people online nightly. FeverClan also has an extremely active forums (over 1,200+ active users) where members can talk with each other on just about anything.

      Fever also has community coin (reward) system where you can earn coins for attending game nights, posting on forums, recruiting new members, and many other ways. These coins can be used, through the fever store, to get your own TS room, beta keys, steam games, and much more.

      How to join: Potential members applying to Fever must be at least 15 years or older. You can become a member by registering, submitting an application, and then completing an interview on our teamspeak server. The interview is quick and nothing to worry about!

      Register here: http://feverclan.com/forums/register.php
      Submit application: http://feverclan.com/forums/misc.php?do=application
      Interviews: Conducted on our teamspeak server ( ts.feverclan.com )

      When answering “How did you hear about Fever Clan:” on your application please remember to put the following:

      Fever Member Referral
      Referrer: Baum

      Thank you for your time and I hope you choose to join the pandemic! If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them!

      -|Fever| Baum
    • By Moos
      I'll make it rather short, I am looking for a clan for all ingame stuff. I have started a new seasonal char after not playing for a looong long time, but game is easy and I am a lucky one, so I got BiS items already on my sorceress (what are wizards?) and am busy perfecting my equipment and leveling gems and stuff. I got Paragon Level 348 and finished GR64 (in 9 minutes with no trouble at all). I am sure I can go much higher, just delayed GRs right now to improve my equipment a bit more (still need weapon for Kanai's Cube).
      I played 37 hours on my Sorc "Moosis" and started playing her 5 days ago, so you can tell I am the totally dedicated addicted type of player.
      I still have some game knowledge to gain and stuff to do, that's why I want to be part of a clan of dedicated players (age 18+, don't mind 30+ either).
      Edit: Moosis Character Profile EU Bnet
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