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An actually very new player

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So when I say I'm new, I don't mean I'm on my 3rd level 70 or that I mastered the game 6 months ago and now I've come back to new things. (Can you tell I've been reading the forums? :P ) When I say I'm new I mean I'm roughly level 30 and just finished Act I. I've been reading but everything sort of seems to pertain to much later in the game. Is there anything I should be aware of early on? I did see that I can repeat different chapters within the acts, any that are worth repeating/farming? Can people join me if I'm doing campaign? Anything would be helpful. Thanks! 

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if you have btag friends that have the game they can join you while you do the campaign. In general yes you can re do acts but there isn't much reason to do so for where you are at in the game. Right now your goal should be to beat story mode to unlock adventure mode and hit lvl 70. Until max level there isn't too much you should be worrying about, just pick abilities where you can kill stuff and have fun and just keep trucking. Once you hit 70 and get adventure mode that's when the abyss of the grind will grab you :)

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