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[Darkspear] [A] <The Speakeasy Tavern> (5/9H) is recruiting - 3 day

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Hey, my name is Ethankey, I am the GM of The Speakeasy Tavern. We are an Alliance semi-hardcore raiding guild on Darkspear. We are looking for a few key roles to round out our roster in ToS. We are mainly an adult guild but are not biased as long as the maturity level is kept. We are not only active on raid nights but throughout the week, running M+ and various other content. We have people on at all hours of the day. We instantly remove any trolls as drama doesn't make for fun or productive game play.

Current Raid Schedule:
Progression raiding thurs.-Sat. 9pm EST. – 12am (7pm st-10pm st) and optional Sunday run at same time if needed. We also do alt/ap runs on most Tues. at 10 pm Est. (8pm st) along with M+ all week.

• Attendance, all raiders are expected to show up for raid nights and be there 15 minutes prior for invite.
• 900+ ilvl for normal ToS.
.• push 915+ ilvl for heroic ToS.
• General knowledge of the current fight.
• Working headset and mic.
• All required ad ons installed. DBM, RcLoot council, Gtfo, Healers have to die.

Recruiting: as of 7/16/17
High need: Strong healer, Off tank that might become main tank, and warlock.
Any strong Dps should also apply.

What to expect:
We provide a fun raiding environment with minimal stress. We down bosses at a consistent rate. We will do whats best for the raid with no favoritism.

What we expect:
• We expect our raider’s to periodically contribute to the guild bank, since we make cauldrons and feasts for most raids. You come out way cheaper than providing for yourself.
• If you can’t make raid times, you are to give an officer an advanced notice. In game mail is acceptable. This allows us to provide a more consistent raid.

Contact us to set up an interview:
Ethankey#1498, Maxpayne#1368, Judas#1489

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