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[Bleeding Hollow] [H] <Last Attempt> (9/9H) 3 Nights | LF Tank/H Pally

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Last Attempt - Bleeding Hollow 9/9H and 8/10M [H] is recruiting players for our mythic progression roster.

Ideal players are:

- Active and competitive
- Currently Heroic or Mythic raiding
- Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play
- Have an understanding of logs (WarcraftLogs) and how to analyze their performance
- Can show up on time for raids 3 days a week
- Not dramatic and understand mythic progression is a grind
- Working towards maxing their artifact weapon (not sitting on alts before/after raid)

905+ ilvl, 52+ artifact traits and a history of 70%+ parses in logs are a large plus.

A bit about us:
We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow with a solid history of competing for upper-echelon raid progression. We currently run 10.5 hours per week, spread over 3 days. As a semi-hardcore guild, we understand sometimes real life happens and that this game is meant to be fun - and sometimes silly. However, we have high expectations during raid times regarding both attendance and performance; when it's time to kill a boss and do our jobs, we expect our raiders to do so.

We have a stable raid roster and players willing to put in the work required to progress - any new players can expect to benefit from that environment immediately.

We have a strong core of raiders with prior Mythic experience. Our goal is to progress through Mythic quickly, while ideally competing for a Server Top 10 position while ultimately earning the Cutting Edge achievements in this tier and future tiers. As a guild, we regularly run weekly 15+ keys and provide full raid repairs, feasts and flasks for progression nights.

Our raid schedule is:

Tuesday (9-12:30 ST or EST)(8-11:30 CST)(6-9:30 PST)
Wednesday (9-12:30 ST or EST)(8-11:30 CST)(6-9:30 PST)
Thursday (9-12:30 ST or EST)(8-11:30 CST)(6-9:30 PST)

Our raid roster needs are:
High Priority:

    Guardian Druid
    Holy Paladin
    Enhancement Shaman
    Brewmaster monk
    Feral Druid


Low Priority:

    All other dps


All exceptional players will be considered for a spot. We always take our 20 BEST into Mythic progression.
Please send an officer a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Contact info:
Jinxed#1459 (Raid Lead)
Mattithayu#1435 (Heal Lead)
Salty#11240 (Recruitment Officer/Ranged Lead)


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