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    • By Leeq
      So I’ve read the Icy Veins Sin Rogue PvP Guide that suggests Cheapshot > Garrote > Mutilate > Rupture as an opener. It works very well, but I’m wondering if I should use another opening rotation with MotMA (gives 100% crit chance for 5 sec after exiting stealth mode)? I know that legendaries aren’t active in arenas, but I was thinking in wpvp/duels. 
      Cheers :)
    • By carajh
      I have a couple of questions for assass and outlaw on things i cant seem to find a proper answer for anywhere. The first is for assass. With vigor the new go to talent, what number of combo points is it worth using envenom on to not potentially waste combo points (i have heard both 2, 3 and 4). For outlaw, when using the wrists, how worthwhile is it to hold a blunderbuss proc, or saber slash to full combo points to cast a between the eyes (potentially wasting pistol shot procs), or should i just use the wrists with any pistol shot proc. Also, does anyone know if draught of souls is good for outlaw, as i picked one up the other day (currently using 880 urn and 870 angerboda)
    • By Kassanova
      Hey all, I apologize if this is common knowledge, but my rogue is one of my alts and I don't know as much about the class as I'd like. I used to play outlaw just fine, but I'm interested in a strong spec that isn't so RNG dependent. I'm a bit confused as to how much mastery is needed to pull off a poison build vs a bleed a build. The talent guide says to go for poisons if you have a mastery-heavy build. What constitutes a lot of mastery? My rogue is wearing ilvl 847 with 27.79% crit, 7.83% haste, 116.2% mastery, 3.6/1.8% versatility. That is based on recommendations from Ask Mr. Robot. I primarily run mythics and I would like recommendations on the best tier 1 and 6 talent suggestions. 
      Armory link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/darkspear/Cowboyslim/simple
      Thanks in advance!
    • By Dyldoe
      So right now I play Sub as my main spec. I mained outlaw for the first week or so of Legion and honestly I hated sub (not sure why) but after I tried it, it is now my preferred spec among the 3. I know that sub scales the best with gear and is the most superior spec around 870ilv too. I never see sub in pve and usually outlaw/sin mainly (for mythic+ and raids) so I was wondering if I am doing anything wrong?
      Armoury: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Dyldoe/simple
      For my talents, I use weaponmaster as it is very good for aoe pulls (I can pull about 400k dps on 3-4 targets) then followed by the traditional talents for pve sub (I go master of subtlety for raids) 
      I know my stats are not the best for sub as I need to get more mastery/vers rather than haste (crit is still pretty good if i'm correct)
      I couldn't spec into Akaari's Soul as it breaks cc in pvp with means I loose a hefty amount of dps which is very annoying and I am debating to repsec into it and put up with it in pvp for the extra dps increase.
      My weapon pathing looks like this: https://gyazo.com/61e1d2ba599db43cb2faeee306c72e81
      I seem to be doing everything correctly for dps but I do about 250-300k dps on single target and stays about 200k the whole time. Sometimes can go up to 350-400k depending on how smooth the fight goes but if it's anything to do with my weapon/talents/ilv/stats and even playstyle then please let me know, thanks!
      Edit: I have respecced my weapon to now look like this: https://gyazo.com/e972f73591090f9895e097d9782e3035 
      I should be doing better now ^^ Appreciate the help 
    • By Infin1tum
      Good evening fellow rogues!
      After I've finally changed up my gear to mastery (as you can see in this beautifully edited file attachment) and playing around with AP for quite a while, I've noticed a huge lack on energy regen in contrary to the crit focused build with exsang. I know that energy is regenerating way faster during exsang, this is not my issue I'm trying to address here.
      But I've come to believe something is not really working properly with venomous wounds when running with AP, or am I simply missing out on something? I'm having a really hard time with my energy household, I need to pool way often and way longer than I've ever needed with exsang skilled and deadly poison applied.
      Is anyone else expieriencing the same issue? I'm really confused.
      Thanks a lot!
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