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Token Druid dead, or am I just stupid?

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I've been playing Token Aggro Druid lately and it's gotten me to rank 14 but that's about it. I get wrecked by everything else.. including decks that shouldn't have made it this far. I'm trying to run the field with minions then buff them and either go for face or trade, but every time I do I get stuck behind some taunt or just wiped clean. I can't keep the steam up and it's getting irritating. I'm losing to most Warriors (including non-quest), Mages, and Shamans. I might as well have a 30-50% chance of winning against all them but when I have a full flooded field, it's done by turn 4 when the 1/4 taunt comes out that gains another taunt.

Link to the deck I'm using: http://metastats.net/deck/f2ded575-07dd-4395-b5e7-b5577910ef47/last7/

For the love of all that is holy (and unholy), please tell me what I am doing wrong!!

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Spiritsinger Umbra is too slow in this deck, and should be replaced. I would also remove 1 Violet Teacher, and add 2 Vicious Fledglings.

1 hour ago, EpicHyato said:

For the love of all that is holy (and unholy), please tell me what I am doing wrong!!

That's hard to say without seeing you play. Uploading a few replays (usually 3) would help a lot.

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I would but I play from my Android phone.. 


Also, I changed from that lineup as it was too complicated. I agree that legend is slow but it has clutched me a few wins.

Edited by EpicHyato

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I agree 100 with removing violet and adding flappy bird

there were a few games i almost lost in the first two or three turns because as a token druid, the best opening you can get is innervate into flappy bird, if you get windfury the first adapt its usually a win.

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